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Re: [openrisc] Field OF64S in CPUCFGR

Heya !

Yes this is a typo. I'm fixing it in the new revision of the manual that 
will hopefully be available within a few days. Also if you have noticed 
any other errors excepts those already reported on the forum/mailing 
list, please let me know. Thanks.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: MarĂ­a Bolado <mbolado@t... > 
To: "OpenRisc Forum" <openrisc@o... > 
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 15:24:54 +0100 
Subject: [openrisc] Field OF64S in CPUCFGR 

> Hello again! 
> I have noted that OF64S field in CPUCFGR (page 329 of OR1000 
> Architecture Manual) seems to be erroneous, since the meaning of 
> its value is inverted compared with the contigous fields. Can you 
> help? 
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