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RE: [fpu] FPU operations

> I have few comments:
> 2. When I asked about contention on the result bus, it
> was another way to ask about different execution
> speeds of the FPU units. 
> For example:
> ADDER needs 3 clks
> MULTIPLIER needs 4 clks
> and a mul instruction is issued on clock before add
> inst what will happen on the result. Both add and mul
> instructions have to write to the result. as I know
> there should be a method to stall the adder, how can
> you manage this kind of operations?

Several possible solutions:
- if you provide 'stall' input to the FPU then OR1K can assert stall
when needed
- if you don't provide 'stall' input, then OR1K will either handle them
at the output correctly (adder has different output then multiplier,
right !?) OR it will never issue insns that could lead to this

> 3. OK about the comparison status signals we have also
> to add zero status but all these comparisons have to
> execute in parallel with all instructions.
I guess so.

> 6. I think we should provide SNAN when NAN is one of
> the comparison operands but also we should produce
> false for this kind of operation. This is even if the
> standard does not requier it but it will give the
> software more control.
I don't know. Instead I have a question. Who decides what kind of NAN
is produced - QNAN or SNAN. Is this set in FP control register or is
there some kind of protocol in stanard for this? Maybe different FP

> 7. Since we are working on HDL coding why do not we
> agree on the same structure and code it and have one
> in VHDL and one in verilog. ( as I remmber OR1K was
> written in VHDL is there any plans for writing it in
> verilog?)
Well sort of. I think for a couple of months I am not touching VHDL. I
like Verilog very much and OR1320 (former OR1003 never to be published
in VHDL actually) is going to be verilog. This on also goes to silicon
(together with OR1601 which is also verilog). But I don' think it is a
problem to mix VHDL and Verilog. Just isn't too smart idea to do that.

> 8. I am going to modify the flow charts, block
> diagrams and the design document soon according to
> these discussions

BTW since Rudi is working on its own and Jamil on its own FPU. How
about more closer development where both FPU would be basically the
same except of the HDL used. This way there would be one document, one
'C' (or Java) test vector generator, easier to fix bugs etc. And more
team spirit !


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