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1 How do I compile GoldenPod?
2 What does GoldenPod depend upon?
3 How can I play my downloaded podcasts?
4 How can I replace BashPodder with GoldenPod?
5 I get an error message from curl that the --retry-max-time option is unknown. What can I do about that?
6What operating systems does GoldenPod run on?
7GoldenPod is great, but it needs feature X
8Where can I get help?
9Does this project have a IRC channel?

Q: How do I compile goldenpod?
A: You don't. GoldenPod doesn't need any compiling. Just run the included goldenpod file, either by putting it into your $PATH (like /usr/local/bin or ~/bin) or by just running ./goldenpod

Q: What does GoldenPod depend upon?
A: GoldenPod depends upon perl version 5.X and curl.

Q: How can I play my downloaded podcasts?
A: There is no way I can tell you for sure. The feeds can include any filetype and unless you've enabled the podcast filter in the config (~/.goldenpod/goldenpod.conf) GoldenPod will download those. Usually however, podcasts are audio. So you can (probably) play them with your favourite music player, for instance amaroK or beep media player.

Q: How can I replace BashPodder with GoldenPod?
A: Just put the goldenpod file into the directory where BashPodder used to be and run it. It will detect BashPodder and automagically use the BashPodder configuration files.

Q: I get an error message from curl that the --retry-max-time option is unknown. What can I do about that?
A: That switch is only present in recent curl versions. If you get this error message just run this command in the directory you have GoldenPod installed to: perl -pi -e 's/--retry-max-time 60//g' ./goldenpod.

Q: What operating systems does GoldenPod run on?
A: GoldenPod is known to run on GNU/Linux and MacOS X. It should also run on any Unix-like operating system that has curl and perl, which includes *BSD (but it has not been tested on *BSD, please provide feedback if you use it). It will not run on Windows without modification, and may run in cygwin but it is completely untested and unsupported.

Q: GoldenPod is great but it needs feature X
A: Okay then, submit a feature request at

Q: Where can I get help?
A: You can join our IRC channel or post a support request.

Q: Does this project have a IRC channel?
A: Yes, join #goldenfiles on the IRC network

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