Hello All;
I am a beginner to FPGA programming scratching
around, Therefore I would like to ask you some questions for your
I am about to select a thesis project about
compression systems. I need to compress 256x256
digitized video signal and after some operations i need to decompress it by
using IDCT.. For this I have seen Sherif Taher Eid's DCT cores under http://www.opencores.org/cores/dct/dct.shtml .
How can I use these cores for my circuit? Are these Cores like java classes in
practice? Should i process these cores in the same FPGA chip that i will be
using for my programs?
On the other hand I have seen Video Systems project
under http://www.opencores.org/projects/video_systems ..Can
I also use this Core??
I am bit confused, if you could help me about my
questions then i will be very happy.
Have a good