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[openrisc] Definitive source
There seem to be a number of places in the CVS tree where the OpenRISC 1200
sources are defined:
Which is the definitive source? (I am assuming it's 'or1200')
Are there any links between them? (There don't appear to be)
Why is it repeated all over the place - couldn't the source in 'orp' and
'xess' have referenced the definitive source?
Why the '.old' directories?
Are the peripheral components in 'orp' and 'xess' similarly copies as well?
I raise these questions because the or1200 code in 'xess' directory doesn't
appear to have tracked that in 'or1200' directory, and surely the CVS
revision numbers will get out of step with copies.
Robert Cragie, Design Engineer
Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT, UK
http://www.jennic.com Tel: +44 (0) 114 281 2655
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