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[openrisc] OR1200 ASIC Success probabilities.

Hi ppl.

Im back with a few more questions. This time on the ASIC
synthesis timing analysis from the OR1200. Take a look at the following
timing path attached as a file. ( because wrapping text makes the
data much harder to read. ). Ill give you the short version right here

in du/dbg_op_i
out du/du_write

in sprs/du_write
out sprs/pc_we

in genpc/spr_pc_we
out genpc/taken

in ctrl/branch_taken
out ctrl/no_more_dslot

in genpc/no_more_dslot
out genpc/icpu_adr_o

in cpu/icpu_adr_o
out icpu_adr_cpu

in immu_top/icpu_adr_i
out immu_top/icpu_err_o

in immu_top/icpu_err_o
out immu_top/icpu_err_i

in if/icpu_err_i
out if/if_stall

in freeze/if_stall
out freeze/ex_freeze

in except/ex_freeze
out except/flushpipe

in ctrl/flushpipe
out ctrl/alu_op_reg ( endpoint, flip )


the in/out are the in and outpoints in each module.
the data touches some 8(!) modules with logic inside
them.. and then proceeds to end in a decoded alu-op flip-flop.
This path seems utterly strange to me. I can't for the
world figure out why a signal would touch that much
in the cpu before it ends somewhere.

Can anybody hint me? No wonder the cpu doesn't do
200MHz+ easily.. :)

     | dbg_op_i[2]                            |   ^   | dbg_op_i[2]                            |                 |       |    0.14 |       |          |    -1.56 |  0.09 |      1 |  0.02 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_du/dbg_op_i[2]                  |   ^   | or1200_du/dbg_op_i[2]                  | or1200_du       |       |    0.14 |       |          |    -1.56 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_du/i_49/Z                       |   v   | or1200_du/n_1886                       | HDINVD4         |  0.02 |    0.16 |       |          |    -1.54 |  0.03 |      2 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_du/i_4/Z                        |   ^   | or1200_du/du_write                     | HDNOR3D2        |  0.14 |    0.30 |       |          |    -1.40 |  0.15 |      2 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_du/du_write                     |   ^   | du_write                               | or1200_du       |       |    0.30 |       |          |    -1.40 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/du_write                    |   ^   | or1200_cpu/du_write                    | or1200_cpu      |       |    0.30 |       |          |    -1.40 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/du_write        |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/du_write        | or1200_sprs     |       |    0.30 |       |          |    -1.40 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/i_012061/Z      |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/n_138           | HDNOR2D2        |  0.06 |    0.36 |       |          |    -1.34 |  0.07 |      2 |  0.02 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/i_55/Z          |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/n_1536          | HDBUFD8         |  0.11 |    0.47 |       |          |    -1.23 |  0.04 |      3 |  0.03 |  0.02 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/i_237/Z         |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/n_185           | HDINVBD2        |  0.05 |    0.53 |       |          |    -1.17 |  0.06 |      5 |  0.02 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/i_78/Z          |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/n_149           | HDBUFD2         |  0.09 |    0.62 |       |          |    -1.08 |  0.05 |      3 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/i_225/Z         |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/n_165           | HDAOI22D1       |  0.05 |    0.66 |       |          |    -1.04 |  0.07 |      1 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/i_114/Z         |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/n_12            | HDNAN3D2        |  0.08 |    0.74 |       |          |    -0.96 |  0.09 |      1 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/i_230/Z         |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/n_16            | HDNOR2D2        |  0.04 |    0.78 |       |          |    -0.93 |  0.04 |      1 |  0.00 |  0.00 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/i_222/Z         |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/n_14            | HDNAN4D1        |  0.10 |    0.87 |       |          |    -0.83 |  0.13 |      1 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/i_22378/Z       |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/pc_we           | HDNOR2D2        |  0.05 |    0.92 |       |          |    -0.78 |  0.06 |      3 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_sprs/pc_we           |   v   | or1200_cpu/pc_we                       | or1200_sprs     |       |    0.92 |       |          |    -0.78 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/spr_pc_we      |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/spr_pc_we      | or1200_genpc    |       |    0.92 |       |          |    -0.78 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/i_64/Z         |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/taken          | HDAOI21M10D1    |  0.09 |    1.01 |       |          |    -0.69 |  0.13 |      2 |  0.01 |  0.00 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/taken          |   ^   | or1200_cpu/branch_taken                | or1200_genpc    |       |    1.01 |       |          |    -0.69 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/branch_taken    |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/branch_taken    | or1200_ctrl     |       |    1.01 |       |          |    -0.69 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/i_173/Z         |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/no_more_dslot   | HDOAI21M20D2    |  0.14 |    1.15 |       |          |    -0.55 |  0.08 |      3 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/no_more_dslot   |   ^   | or1200_cpu/no_more_dslot               | or1200_ctrl     |       |    1.15 |       |          |    -0.55 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/no_more_dslot  |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/no_more_dslot  | or1200_genpc    |       |    1.15 |       |          |    -0.55 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/i_65/Z         |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/n_1157         | HDAOI21M20D2    |  0.03 |    1.18 |       |          |    -0.52 |  0.05 |      1 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/i_177/Z        |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/n_28091        | HDBUFD8         |  0.11 |    1.29 |       |          |    -0.41 |  0.04 |      7 |  0.04 |  0.03 |  0.01 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/i_129/Z        |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/n_1163         | HDNOR3D2        |  0.13 |    1.42 |       |          |    -0.28 |  0.17 |      2 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/i_98/Z         |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/n_28150        | HDBUFBD4        |  0.09 |    1.51 |       |          |    -0.19 |  0.04 |      3 |  0.02 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/i_830/Z        |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/n_1151         | HDBUFD4         |  0.09 |    1.60 |       |          |    -0.10 |  0.05 |      6 |  0.02 |  0.02 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/i_687/Z        |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/n_1257         | HDAOI22D1       |  0.04 |    1.64 |       |          |    -0.07 |  0.06 |      1 |  0.00 |  0.00 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/i_114/Z        |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/icpu_adr_o[13] | HDNAN4D1        |  0.11 |    1.75 |       |          |     0.05 |  0.15 |      2 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_genpc/icpu_adr_o[13] |   ^   | or1200_cpu/icpu_adr_o[13]              | or1200_genpc    |       |    1.75 |       |          |     0.05 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/icpu_adr_o[13]              |   ^   | icpu_adr_cpu[13]                       | or1200_cpu      |       |    1.75 |       |          |     0.05 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_immu_top/icpu_adr_i[13]         |   ^   | or1200_immu_top/icpu_adr_i[13]         | or1200_immu_top |       |    1.75 |       |          |     0.05 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_immu_top/i_109869/Z             |   v   | or1200_immu_top/n_149                  | HDEXNOR2D1      |  0.16 |    1.91 |       |          |     0.21 |  0.06 |      1 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_immu_top/i_54/Z                 |   ^   | or1200_immu_top/n_28                   | HDNAN3D2        |  0.09 |    2.01 |       |          |     0.31 |  0.09 |      1 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_immu_top/i_68/Z                 |   v   | or1200_immu_top/n_256                  | HDNOR2D2        |  0.04 |    2.05 |       |          |     0.35 |  0.04 |      2 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_immu_top/i_43/Z                 |   ^   | or1200_immu_top/n_9                    | HDNAN3M1D2      |  0.06 |    2.11 |       |          |     0.41 |  0.09 |      1 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_immu_top/i_69543/Z              |   v   | or1200_immu_top/n_21                   | HDNOR3D2        |  0.05 |    2.16 |       |          |     0.46 |  0.07 |      1 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_immu_top/i_107/Z                |   ^   | or1200_immu_top/n_164107               | HDNAN3D2        |  0.10 |    2.26 |       |          |     0.55 |  0.10 |      2 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_immu_top/i_48/Z                 |   v   | or1200_immu_top/n_37                   | HDINVBD2        |  0.03 |    2.29 |       |          |     0.59 |  0.04 |      1 |  0.00 |  0.00 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_immu_top/i_50/Z                 |   v   | or1200_immu_top/icpu_err_o             | HDOAI21M20D2    |  0.12 |    2.40 |       |          |     0.70 |  0.05 |      4 |  0.02 |  0.01 |  0.01 | 
     | or1200_immu_top/icpu_err_o             |   v   | icpu_err_immu                          | or1200_immu_top |       |    2.40 |       |          |     0.70 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/icpu_err_i                  |   v   | or1200_cpu/icpu_err_i                  | or1200_cpu      |       |    2.40 |       |          |     0.70 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_if/icpu_err_i        |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_if/icpu_err_i        | or1200_if       |       |    2.40 |       |          |     0.70 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_if/i_2820/Z          |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_if/if_stall          | HDNOR2D2        |  0.08 |    2.49 |       |          |     0.78 |  0.09 |      3 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_if/if_stall          |   ^   | or1200_cpu/if_stall                    | or1200_if       |       |    2.49 |       |          |     0.78 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_freeze/if_stall      |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_freeze/if_stall      | or1200_freeze   |       |    2.49 |       |          |     0.78 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_freeze/i_14/Z        |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_freeze/n_8           | HDOAI21M20D2    |  0.14 |    2.62 |       |          |     0.92 |  0.08 |      1 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_freeze/i_0/Z         |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_freeze/n_24936       | HDINVD4         |  0.03 |    2.66 |       |          |     0.96 |  0.04 |      1 |  0.03 |  0.03 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_freeze/i_5/Z         |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_freeze/ex_freeze     | HDINVD8         |  0.05 |    2.70 |       |          |     1.00 |  0.05 |      6 |  0.04 |  0.03 |  0.01 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_freeze/ex_freeze     |   ^   | or1200_cpu/n_809                       | or1200_freeze   |       |    2.70 |       |          |     1.00 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_except/ex_freeze     |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_except/ex_freeze     | or1200_except   |       |    2.70 |       |          |     1.00 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_except/i_20/Z        |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_except/n_23          | HDINVBD2        |  0.04 |    2.74 |       |          |     1.04 |  0.03 |      2 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_except/i_109/Z       |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_except/n_43          | HDNAN2D2        |  0.05 |    2.79 |       |          |     1.09 |  0.06 |      1 |  0.00 |  0.00 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_except/i_107/Z       |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_except/n_314079      | HDNAN4D1        |  0.06 |    2.85 |       |          |     1.15 |  0.07 |      1 |  0.00 |  0.00 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_except/i_9518/Z      |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_except/n_517         | HDAOI211D2      |  0.25 |    3.10 |       |          |     1.40 |  0.07 |      2 |  0.02 |  0.02 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_except/i_24539/Z     |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_except/flushpipe     | HDINVD4         |  0.03 |    3.13 |       |          |     1.43 |  0.03 |      6 |  0.02 |  0.01 |  0.01 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_except/flushpipe     |   v   | or1200_cpu/flushpipe                   | or1200_except   |       |    3.13 |       |          |     1.43 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/flushpipe       |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/flushpipe       | or1200_ctrl     |       |    3.13 |       |          |     1.43 |       |        |       |       |       | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/i_017820/Z      |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/n_17            | HDNOR2D2        |  0.07 |    3.19 |       |          |     1.49 |  0.07 |      1 |  0.01 |  0.01 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/i_191/Z         |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/n_28070         | HDBUFD8         |  0.08 |    3.27 |       |          |     1.57 |  0.04 |      4 |  0.02 |  0.02 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/i_133/Z         |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/n_1913          | HDBUFD8         |  0.07 |    3.35 |       |          |     1.65 |  0.04 |      6 |  0.03 |  0.02 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/i_2231/Z        |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/n_2530          | HDBUFD4         |  0.10 |    3.45 |       |          |     1.75 |  0.07 |      6 |  0.04 |  0.03 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/i_29930/Z       |   ^   | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/n_28074         | HDBUFD8         |  0.13 |    3.57 |       |          |     1.87 |  0.09 |     22 |  0.11 |  0.06 |  0.05 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/i_87/Z          |   v   | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/n_391           | HDNAN4D1        |  0.09 |    3.66 |       |          |     1.96 |  0.08 |      1 |  0.00 |  0.00 |  0.00 | 
     | or1200_cpu/or1200_ctrl/alu_op_reg_2/D  |   v   |                                        | HDDFESPQ4       |  0.00 |    3.66 |       |          |     1.96 |  0.08 |        |       |       |       | 

in du/dbg_op_i
out du/du_write

in sprs/du_write
out sprs/pc_we

in genpc/spr_pc_we
out genpc/taken

in ctrl/branch_taken
out ctrl/no_more_dslot

in genpc/no_more_dslot
out genpc/icpu_adr_o

in cpu/icpu_adr_o
out icpu_adr_cpu

in immu_top/icpu_adr_i
out immu_top/icpu_err_o

in immu_top/icpu_err_o
out immu_top/icpu_err_i

in if/icpu_err_i
out if/if_stall

in freeze/if_stall
out freeze/ex_freeze

in except/ex_freeze
out except/flushpipe

in ctrl/flushpipe
out ctrl/alu_op_reg ( endpoint, flip )
////                                                              ////
////  OR1200's definitions                                        ////
////                                                              ////
////  This file is part of the OpenRISC 1200 project              ////
////  http://www.opencores.org/cores/or1k/                        ////
////                                                              ////
////  Description                                                 ////
////  Parameters of the OR1200 core                               ////
////                                                              ////
////  To Do:                                                      ////
////   - add parameters that are missing                          ////
////                                                              ////
////  Author(s):                                                  ////
////      - Damjan Lampret, lampret@opencores.org                 ////
////                                                              ////
////                                                              ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
////                                                              ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
////                                                              ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
//// later version.                                               ////
////                                                              ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details.                                                     ////
////                                                              ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml                     ////
////                                                              ////
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: or1200_defines.v,v $
// Revision 1.31  2002/12/08 08:57:56  lampret
// Added optional support for WB B3 specification (xwb_cti_o, xwb_bte_o). Made xwb_cab_o optional.
// Revision 1.30  2002/10/28 15:09:22  mohor
// Previous check-in was done by mistake.
// Revision 1.29  2002/10/28 15:03:50  mohor
// Signal scanb_sen renamed to scanb_en.
// Revision 1.28  2002/10/17 20:04:40  lampret
// Added BIST scan. Special VS RAMs need to be used to implement BIST.
// Revision 1.27  2002/09/16 03:13:23  lampret
// Removed obsolete comment.
// Revision 1.26  2002/09/08 05:52:16  lampret
// Added optional l.div/l.divu insns. By default they are disabled.
// Revision 1.25  2002/09/07 19:16:10  lampret
// If SR[CY] implemented with OR1200_IMPL_ADDC enabled, l.add/l.addi also set SR[CY].
// Revision 1.24  2002/09/07 05:42:02  lampret
// Added optional SR[CY]. Added define to enable additional (compare) flag modifiers. Defines are OR1200_IMPL_ADDC and OR1200_ADDITIONAL_FLAG_MODIFIERS.
// Revision 1.23  2002/09/04 00:50:34  lampret
// Now most of the configuration registers are updatded automatically based on defines in or1200_defines.v.
// Revision 1.22  2002/09/03 22:28:21  lampret
// As per Taylor Su suggestion all case blocks are full case by default and optionally (OR1200_CASE_DEFAULT) can be disabled to increase clock frequncy.
// Revision 1.21  2002/08/22 02:18:55  lampret
// Store buffer has been tested and it works. BY default it is still disabled until uClinux confirms correct operation on FPGA board.
// Revision 1.20  2002/08/18 21:59:45  lampret
// Disable SB until it is tested
// Revision 1.19  2002/08/18 19:53:08  lampret
// Added store buffer.
// Revision 1.18  2002/08/15 06:04:11  lampret
// Fixed Xilinx trace buffer address. REported by Taylor Su.
// Revision 1.17  2002/08/12 05:31:44  lampret
// Added OR1200_WB_RETRY. Moved WB registered outsputs / samples inputs into lower section.
// Revision 1.16  2002/07/14 22:17:17  lampret
// Added simple trace buffer [only for Xilinx Virtex target]. Fixed instruction fetch abort when new exception is recognized.
// Revision 1.15  2002/06/08 16:20:21  lampret
// Added defines for enabling generic FF based memory macro for register file.
// Revision 1.14  2002/03/29 16:24:06  lampret
// Changed comment about synopsys to _synopsys_ because synthesis was complaining about unknown directives
// Revision 1.13  2002/03/29 15:16:55  lampret
// Some of the warnings fixed.
// Revision 1.12  2002/03/28 19:25:42  lampret
// Added second type of Virtual Silicon two-port SRAM (for register file). Changed defines for VS STP RAMs.
// Revision 1.11  2002/03/28 19:13:17  lampret
// Updated defines.
// Revision 1.10  2002/03/14 00:30:24  lampret
// Added alternative for critical path in DU.
// Revision 1.9  2002/03/11 01:26:26  lampret
// Fixed async loop. Changed multiplier type for ASIC.
// Revision 1.8  2002/02/11 04:33:17  lampret
// Speed optimizations (removed duplicate _cyc_ and _stb_). Fixed D/IMMU cache-inhibit attr.
// Revision 1.7  2002/02/01 19:56:54  lampret
// Fixed combinational loops.
// Revision 1.6  2002/01/19 14:10:22  lampret
// Fixed OR1200_XILINX_RAM32X1D.
// Revision 1.5  2002/01/18 07:56:00  lampret
// No more low/high priority interrupts (PICPR removed). Added tick timer exception. Added exception prefix (SR[EPH]). Fixed single-step bug whenreading NPC.
// Revision 1.4  2002/01/14 09:44:12  lampret
// Default ASIC configuration does not sample WB inputs.
// Revision 1.3  2002/01/08 00:51:08  lampret
// Fixed typo. OR1200_REGISTERED_OUTPUTS was not defined. Should be.
// Revision 1.2  2002/01/03 21:23:03  lampret
// Uncommented OR1200_REGISTERED_OUTPUTS for FPGA target.
// Revision 1.1  2002/01/03 08:16:15  lampret
// New prefixes for RTL files, prefixed module names. Updated cache controllers and MMUs.
// Revision 1.20  2001/12/04 05:02:36  lampret
// Added OR1200_GENERIC_MULTP2_32X32 and OR1200_ASIC_MULTP2_32X32
// Revision 1.19  2001/11/27 19:46:57  lampret
// Now FPGA and ASIC target are separate.
// Revision 1.18  2001/11/23 21:42:31  simons
// Program counter divided to PPC and NPC.
// Revision 1.17  2001/11/23 08:38:51  lampret
// Changed DSR/DRR behavior and exception detection.
// Revision 1.16  2001/11/20 21:30:38  lampret
// Revision 1.15  2001/11/19 14:29:48  simons
// Cashes disabled.
// Revision 1.14  2001/11/13 10:02:21  lampret
// Added 'setpc'. Renamed some signals (except_flushpipe into flushpipe etc)
// Revision 1.13  2001/11/12 01:45:40  lampret
// Moved flag bit into SR. Changed RF enable from constant enable to dynamic enable for read ports.
// Revision 1.12  2001/11/10 03:43:57  lampret
// Fixed exceptions.
// Revision 1.11  2001/11/02 18:57:14  lampret
// Modified virtual silicon instantiations.
// Revision 1.10  2001/10/21 17:57:16  lampret
// Removed params from generic_XX.v. Added translate_off/on in sprs.v and id.v. Removed spr_addr from dc.v and ic.v. Fixed CR+LF.
// Revision 1.9  2001/10/19 23:28:46  lampret
// Fixed some synthesis warnings. Configured with caches and MMUs.
// Revision 1.8  2001/10/14 13:12:09  lampret
// MP3 version.
// Revision  2001/10/06 10:18:36  igorm
// no message
// Revision 1.3  2001/08/17 08:01:19  lampret
// IC enable/disable.
// Revision 1.2  2001/08/13 03:36:20  lampret
// Added cfg regs. Moved all defines into one defines.v file. More cleanup.
// Revision 1.1  2001/08/09 13:39:33  lampret
// Major clean-up.
// Revision 1.2  2001/07/22 03:31:54  lampret
// Fixed RAM's oen bug. Cache bypass under development.
// Revision 1.1  2001/07/20 00:46:03  lampret
// Development version of RTL. Libraries are missing.

// Dump VCD
//`define OR1200_VCD_DUMP

// Generate debug messages during simulation
//`define OR1200_VERBOSE

`define OR1200_ASIC
// Typical configuration for an ASIC
`ifdef OR1200_ASIC

// Target ASIC memories
`define OR1200_ARTISAN_SSP
`define OR1200_ARTISAN_SDP
`define OR1200_ARTISAN_STP

// Do not implement Data cache
//`define OR1200_NO_DC

// Do not implement Insn cache
//`define OR1200_NO_IC

// Do not implement Data MMU
//`define OR1200_NO_DMMU

// Do not implement Insn MMU
//`define OR1200_NO_IMMU

// Select between ASIC optimized and generic multiplier
`define OR1200_ASIC_MULTP2_32X32
//`define OR1200_GENERIC_MULTP2_32X32

// Size/type of insn/data cache if implemented
// `define OR1200_IC_1W_4KB
`define OR1200_IC_1W_8KB
// `define OR1200_DC_1W_4KB
`define OR1200_DC_1W_8KB


// Typical configuration for an FPGA

// Target FPGA memories
//`define OR1200_XILINX_RAMB4
//`define OR1200_XILINX_RAM32X1D
//`define OR1200_USE_RAM16X1D_FOR_RAM32X1D

// Do not implement Data cache
//`define OR1200_NO_DC

// Do not implement Insn cache
//`define OR1200_NO_IC

// Do not implement Data MMU
//`define OR1200_NO_DMMU

// Do not implement Insn MMU
//`define OR1200_NO_IMMU

// Select between ASIC and generic multiplier
// (Generic seems to trigger a bug in the Cadence Ncsim simulator)
//`define OR1200_ASIC_MULTP2_32X32
//`define OR1200_GENERIC_MULTP2_32X32

// Size/type of insn/data cache if implemented
// (consider available FPGA memory resources)
//`define OR1200_IC_1W_4KB
//`define OR1200_IC_1W_8KB
//`define OR1200_DC_1W_4KB
//`define OR1200_DC_1W_8KB


// Do not change below unless you know what you are doing

// Enable RAM BIST
// At the moment this only works for Virtual Silicon
// single port RAMs. For other RAMs it has not effect.
// Special wrapper for VS RAMs needs to be provided
// with scan flops to facilitate bist scan.
//`define OR1200_BIST

// Register OR1200 WISHBONE outputs
// (must be defined/enabled)

// Register OR1200 WISHBONE inputs
// (must be undefined/disabled)

// Disable bursts if they are not supported by the
// memory subsystem (only affect cache line fill)
//`define OR1200_NO_BURSTS

// WISHBONE retry counter range
// 2^value range for retry counter. Retry counter
// is activated whenever *wb_rty_i is asserted and
// until retry counter expires, corresponding
// WISHBONE interface is deactivated.
// To disable retry counters and *wb_rty_i all together,
// undefine this macro.
//`define OR1200_WB_RETRY 7

// WISHBONE Consecutive Address Burst
// This was used prior to WISHBONE B3 specification
// to identify bursts. It is no longer needed but
// remains enabled for compatibility with old designs.
// To remove *wb_cab_o ports undefine this macro.
//`define OR1200_WB_CAB

// WISHBONE B3 compatible interface
// This follows the WISHBONE B3 specification.
// It is not enabled by default because most
// designs still don't use WB b3.
// To enable *wb_cti_o/*wb_bte_o ports,
// define this macro.
//`define OR1200_WB_B3

// Enable additional synthesis directives if using
// _Synopsys_ synthesis tool

// Enables default statement in some case blocks
// and disables Synopsys synthesis directive full_case
// By default it is enabled. When disabled it
// can increase clock frequency.
`define OR1200_CASE_DEFAULT

// Operand width / register file address width
`define OR1200_OPERAND_WIDTH		32

// l.add/l.addi/l.and and optional l.addc/l.addic
// also set (compare) flag when result of their
// operation equals zero
// At the time of writing this, default or32
// C/C++ compiler doesn't generate code that
// would benefit from this optimization.
// By default this optimization is disabled to
// save area.

// Implement l.addc/l.addic instructions and SR[CY]
// At the time of writing this, or32
// C/C++ compiler doesn't generate l.addc/l.addic
// instructions. However or32 assembler
// can assemble code that uses l.addc/l.addic insns.
// By default implementation of l.addc/l.addic
// instructions and SR[CY] is disabled to save
// area.
// [Because this define controles implementation
//  of SR[CY] write enable, if it is not enabled,
//  l.add/l.addi also don't set SR[CY].]
//`define OR1200_IMPL_ADDC

// Implement optional l.div/l.divu instructions
// By default divide instructions are not implemented
// to save area and increase clock frequency. or32 C/C++
// compiler can use soft library for division.
//`define OR1200_IMPL_DIV

// Implement rotate in the ALU
// At the time of writing this, or32
// C/C++ compiler doesn't generate rotate
// instructions. However or32 assembler
// can assemble code that uses rotate insn.
// This means that rotate instructions
// must be used manually inserted.
// By default implementation of rotate
// is disabled to save area and increase
// clock frequency.
//`define OR1200_IMPL_ALU_ROTATE

// Type of ALU compare to implement
// Try either one to find what yields
// higher clock frequencyin your case.
//`define OR1200_IMPL_ALU_COMP1
`define OR1200_IMPL_ALU_COMP2

// Select between low-power (larger) multiplier or faster multiplier
//`define OR1200_LOWPWR_MULT

// Clock synchronization for RISC clk and WB divided clocks
// If you plan to run WB:RISC clock 1:1, you can comment these two
//`define OR1200_CLKDIV_2_SUPPORTED

// Type of register file RAM
// Memory macro w/ two ports (see or1200_hdtp_32x32.v)
// `define OR1200_RFRAM_TWOPORT
// Memory macro dual port (see or1200_hddp_32x32.v)
// `define OR1200_RFRAM_DUALPORT
// ... otherwise generic (flip-flop based) register file

// Type of mem2reg aligner to implement.
// Once OR1200_IMPL_MEM2REG2 yielded faster
// circuit, however with today tools it will
// most probably give you slower circuit.
`define OR1200_IMPL_MEM2REG1
//`define OR1200_IMPL_MEM2REG2

`define OR1200_ALUOP_WIDTH	4
`define OR1200_ALUOP_NOP	4'd4
/* Order defined by arith insns that have two source operands both in regs
   (see binutils/include/opcode/or32.h) */
`define OR1200_ALUOP_ADD	4'd0
`define OR1200_ALUOP_ADDC	4'd1
`define OR1200_ALUOP_SUB	4'd2
`define OR1200_ALUOP_AND	4'd3
`define OR1200_ALUOP_OR		4'd4
`define OR1200_ALUOP_XOR	4'd5
`define OR1200_ALUOP_MUL	4'd6
`define OR1200_ALUOP_SHROT	4'd8
`define OR1200_ALUOP_DIV	4'd9
`define OR1200_ALUOP_DIVU	4'd10
/* Order not specifically defined. */
`define OR1200_ALUOP_IMM	4'd11
`define OR1200_ALUOP_MOVHI	4'd12
`define OR1200_ALUOP_COMP	4'd13
`define OR1200_ALUOP_MTSR	4'd14
`define OR1200_ALUOP_MFSR	4'd15

`define OR1200_MACOP_WIDTH	2
`define OR1200_MACOP_NOP	2'b00
`define OR1200_MACOP_MAC	2'b01
`define OR1200_MACOP_MSB	2'b10

// Shift/rotate ops
`define OR1200_SHROTOP_WIDTH	2
`define OR1200_SHROTOP_NOP	2'd0
`define OR1200_SHROTOP_SLL	2'd0
`define OR1200_SHROTOP_SRL	2'd1
`define OR1200_SHROTOP_SRA	2'd2
`define OR1200_SHROTOP_ROR	2'd3

// Execution cycles per instruction
`define OR1200_ONE_CYCLE		2'd0
`define OR1200_TWO_CYCLES		2'd1

// Operand MUX selects
`define OR1200_SEL_WIDTH		2
`define OR1200_SEL_RF			2'd0
`define OR1200_SEL_IMM			2'd1
`define OR1200_SEL_EX_FORW		2'd2
`define OR1200_SEL_WB_FORW		2'd3

`define OR1200_BRANCHOP_WIDTH		3
`define OR1200_BRANCHOP_NOP		3'd0
`define OR1200_BRANCHOP_J		3'd1
`define OR1200_BRANCHOP_JR		3'd2
`define OR1200_BRANCHOP_BAL		3'd3
`define OR1200_BRANCHOP_BF		3'd4
`define OR1200_BRANCHOP_BNF		3'd5
`define OR1200_BRANCHOP_RFE		3'd6

// Bit 0: sign extend
// Bits 1-2: 00 doubleword, 01 byte, 10 halfword, 11 singleword
// Bit 3: 0 load, 1 store
`define OR1200_LSUOP_WIDTH		4
`define OR1200_LSUOP_NOP		4'b0000
`define OR1200_LSUOP_LBZ		4'b0010
`define OR1200_LSUOP_LBS		4'b0011
`define OR1200_LSUOP_LHZ		4'b0100
`define OR1200_LSUOP_LHS		4'b0101
`define OR1200_LSUOP_LWZ		4'b0110
`define OR1200_LSUOP_LWS		4'b0111
`define OR1200_LSUOP_LD		4'b0001
`define OR1200_LSUOP_SD		4'b1000
`define OR1200_LSUOP_SB		4'b1010
`define OR1200_LSUOP_SH		4'b1100
`define OR1200_LSUOP_SW		4'b1110

`define OR1200_FETCHOP_WIDTH		1
`define OR1200_FETCHOP_NOP		1'b0
`define OR1200_FETCHOP_LW		1'b1

// Register File Write-Back OPs
// Bit 0: register file write enable
// Bits 2-1: write-back mux selects
`define OR1200_RFWBOP_WIDTH		3
`define OR1200_RFWBOP_NOP		3'b000
`define OR1200_RFWBOP_ALU		3'b001
`define OR1200_RFWBOP_LSU		3'b011
`define OR1200_RFWBOP_SPRS		3'b101
`define OR1200_RFWBOP_LR		3'b111

// Compare instructions
`define OR1200_COP_SFEQ       3'b000
`define OR1200_COP_SFNE       3'b001
`define OR1200_COP_SFGT       3'b010
`define OR1200_COP_SFGE       3'b011
`define OR1200_COP_SFLT       3'b100
`define OR1200_COP_SFLE       3'b101
`define OR1200_COP_X          3'b111
`define OR1200_SIGNED_COMPARE 'd3
`define OR1200_COMPOP_WIDTH	4

// TAGs for instruction bus
`define OR1200_ITAG_IDLE	4'h0	// idle bus
`define	OR1200_ITAG_NI		4'h1	// normal insn
`define OR1200_ITAG_BE		4'hb	// Bus error exception
`define OR1200_ITAG_PE		4'hc	// Page fault exception
`define OR1200_ITAG_TE		4'hd	// TLB miss exception

// TAGs for data bus
`define OR1200_DTAG_IDLE	4'h0	// idle bus
`define	OR1200_DTAG_ND		4'h1	// normal data
`define OR1200_DTAG_AE		4'ha	// Alignment exception
`define OR1200_DTAG_BE		4'hb	// Bus error exception
`define OR1200_DTAG_PE		4'hc	// Page fault exception
`define OR1200_DTAG_TE		4'hd	// TLB miss exception

// ORBIS32 ISA specifics

// SHROT_OP position in machine word
`define OR1200_SHROTOP_POS		7:6

// ALU instructions multicycle field in machine word
`define OR1200_ALUMCYC_POS		9:8

// Instruction opcode groups (basic)
`define OR1200_OR32_J                 6'b000000
`define OR1200_OR32_JAL               6'b000001
`define OR1200_OR32_BNF               6'b000011
`define OR1200_OR32_BF                6'b000100
`define OR1200_OR32_NOP               6'b000101
`define OR1200_OR32_MOVHI             6'b000110
`define OR1200_OR32_XSYNC             6'b001000
`define OR1200_OR32_RFE               6'b001001
/* */
`define OR1200_OR32_JR                6'b010001
`define OR1200_OR32_JALR              6'b010010
`define OR1200_OR32_MACI              6'b010011
/* */
`define OR1200_OR32_LWZ               6'b100001
`define OR1200_OR32_LBZ               6'b100011
`define OR1200_OR32_LBS               6'b100100
`define OR1200_OR32_LHZ               6'b100101
`define OR1200_OR32_LHS               6'b100110
`define OR1200_OR32_ADDI              6'b100111
`define OR1200_OR32_ADDIC             6'b101000
`define OR1200_OR32_ANDI              6'b101001
`define OR1200_OR32_ORI               6'b101010
`define OR1200_OR32_XORI              6'b101011
`define OR1200_OR32_MULI              6'b101100
`define OR1200_OR32_MFSPR             6'b101101
`define OR1200_OR32_SH_ROTI 	      6'b101110
`define OR1200_OR32_SFXXI             6'b101111
/* */
`define OR1200_OR32_MTSPR             6'b110000
`define OR1200_OR32_MACMSB            6'b110001
/* */
`define OR1200_OR32_SW                6'b110101
`define OR1200_OR32_SB                6'b110110
`define OR1200_OR32_SH                6'b110111
`define OR1200_OR32_ALU               6'b111000
`define OR1200_OR32_SFXX              6'b111001

// Exceptions
`define OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH 4
`define OR1200_EXCEPT_TRAP		`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH'he
`define OR1200_EXCEPT_BREAK		`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH'hd
`define OR1200_EXCEPT_RANGE		`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH'hb
`define OR1200_EXCEPT_INT		`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH'h8
`define OR1200_EXCEPT_ALIGN		`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH'h6
`define OR1200_EXCEPT_TICK		`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH'h5
`define OR1200_EXCEPT_IPF		`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH'h4
`define OR1200_EXCEPT_DPF		`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH'h3
`define OR1200_EXCEPT_RESET		`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH'h1
`define OR1200_EXCEPT_NONE		`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH'h0

// SPR groups

// Bits that define the group
`define OR1200_SPR_GROUP_BITS	15:11

// Width of the group bits
`define OR1200_SPR_GROUP_WIDTH 	5

// Bits that define offset inside the group
`define OR1200_SPR_OFS_BITS 10:0

// List of groups
`define OR1200_SPR_GROUP_SYS	5'd00
`define OR1200_SPR_GROUP_DMMU	5'd01
`define OR1200_SPR_GROUP_IMMU	5'd02
`define OR1200_SPR_GROUP_DC	5'd03
`define OR1200_SPR_GROUP_IC	5'd04
`define OR1200_SPR_GROUP_MAC	5'd05
`define OR1200_SPR_GROUP_DU	5'd06
`define OR1200_SPR_GROUP_PM	5'd08
`define OR1200_SPR_GROUP_PIC	5'd09
`define OR1200_SPR_GROUP_TT	5'd10

// System group

// System registers
`define OR1200_SPR_CFGR		7'd0
`define OR1200_SPR_RF		6'd32	// 1024 >> 5
`define OR1200_SPR_NPC		11'd16
`define OR1200_SPR_SR		11'd17
`define OR1200_SPR_PPC		11'd18
`define OR1200_SPR_EPCR		11'd32
`define OR1200_SPR_EEAR		11'd48
`define OR1200_SPR_ESR		11'd64

// SR bits
`define OR1200_SR_WIDTH 16
`define OR1200_SR_SM   0
`define OR1200_SR_TEE  1
`define OR1200_SR_IEE  2
`define OR1200_SR_DCE  3
`define OR1200_SR_ICE  4
`define OR1200_SR_DME  5
`define OR1200_SR_IME  6
`define OR1200_SR_LEE  7
`define OR1200_SR_CE   8
`define OR1200_SR_F    9
`define OR1200_SR_CY   10	// Unused
`define OR1200_SR_OV   11	// Unused
`define OR1200_SR_OVE  12	// Unused
`define OR1200_SR_DSX  13	// Unused
`define OR1200_SR_EPH  14
`define OR1200_SR_FO   15
`define OR1200_SR_CID  31:28	// Unimplemented

// Bits that define offset inside the group
`define OR1200_SPROFS_BITS 10:0

// Power Management (PM)

// Define it if you want PM implemented
//`define OR1200_PM_IMPLEMENTED

// Bit positions inside PMR (don't change)
`define OR1200_PM_PMR_SDF 3:0
`define OR1200_PM_PMR_DME 4
`define OR1200_PM_PMR_SME 5
`define OR1200_PM_PMR_DCGE 6
`define OR1200_PM_PMR_UNUSED 31:7

// PMR offset inside PM group of registers
`define OR1200_PM_OFS_PMR 11'b0

// PM group
`define OR1200_SPRGRP_PM 5'd8

// Define if PMR can be read/written at any address inside PM group

// Define if reading PMR is allowed
`define OR1200_PM_READREGS

// Define if unused PMR bits should be zero
`define OR1200_PM_UNUSED_ZERO

// Debug Unit (DU)

// Define it if you want DU implemented
//`define OR1200_DU_IMPLEMENTED

// Define if you want trace buffer
// (for now only available for Xilinx Virtex FPGAs)
`ifdef OR1200_ASIC

// Address offsets of DU registers inside DU group
`define OR1200_DU_OFS_DMR1 11'd16
`define OR1200_DU_OFS_DMR2 11'd17
`define OR1200_DU_OFS_DSR 11'd20
`define OR1200_DU_OFS_DRR 11'd21
`define OR1200_DU_OFS_TBADR 11'h0ff
`define OR1200_DU_OFS_TBIA 11'h1xx
`define OR1200_DU_OFS_TBIM 11'h2xx
`define OR1200_DU_OFS_TBAR 11'h3xx
`define OR1200_DU_OFS_TBTS 11'h4xx

// Position of offset bits inside SPR address
`define OR1200_DUOFS_BITS 10:0

// Define if you want these DU registers to be implemented
`define OR1200_DU_DMR1
`define OR1200_DU_DMR2
`define OR1200_DU_DSR
`define OR1200_DU_DRR

// DMR1 bits
`define OR1200_DU_DMR1_ST 22

// DSR bits
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_WIDTH	14
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_RSTE	0
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_BUSEE	1
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_DPFE	2
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_IPFE	3
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_TTE	4
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_AE	5
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_IIE	6
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_IE	7
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_DME	8
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_IME	9
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_RE	10
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_SCE	11
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_BE	12
`define OR1200_DU_DSR_TE	13

// DRR bits
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_RSTE	0
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_BUSEE	1
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_DPFE	2
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_IPFE	3
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_TTE	4
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_AE	5
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_IIE	6
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_IE	7
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_DME	8
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_IME	9
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_RE	10
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_SCE	11
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_BE	12
`define OR1200_DU_DRR_TE	13

// Define if reading DU regs is allowed
`define OR1200_DU_READREGS

// Define if unused DU registers bits should be zero
`define OR1200_DU_UNUSED_ZERO

// DU operation commands
`define OR1200_DU_OP_READSPR 	3'd4
`define OR1200_DU_OP_WRITESPR	3'd5

// Define if IF/LSU status is not needed by devel i/f

// Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC)

// Define it if you want PIC implemented
//`define OR1200_PIC_IMPLEMENTED

// Define number of interrupt inputs (2-31)
`define OR1200_PIC_INTS 20

// Address offsets of PIC registers inside PIC group
`define OR1200_PIC_OFS_PICMR 2'd0
`define OR1200_PIC_OFS_PICSR 2'd2

// Position of offset bits inside SPR address
`define OR1200_PICOFS_BITS 1:0

// Define if you want these PIC registers to be implemented
`define OR1200_PIC_PICMR
`define OR1200_PIC_PICSR

// Define if reading PIC registers is allowed
`define OR1200_PIC_READREGS

// Define if unused PIC register bits should be zero
`define OR1200_PIC_UNUSED_ZERO

// Tick Timer (TT)

// Define it if you want TT implemented
//`define OR1200_TT_IMPLEMENTED

// Address offsets of TT registers inside TT group
`define OR1200_TT_OFS_TTMR 1'd0
`define OR1200_TT_OFS_TTCR 1'd1

// Position of offset bits inside SPR group
`define OR1200_TTOFS_BITS 0

// Define if you want these TT registers to be implemented
`define OR1200_TT_TTMR
`define OR1200_TT_TTCR

// TTMR bits
`define OR1200_TT_TTMR_TP 27:0
`define OR1200_TT_TTMR_IP 28
`define OR1200_TT_TTMR_IE 29
`define OR1200_TT_TTMR_M 31:30

// Define if reading TT registers is allowed
`define OR1200_TT_READREGS

// MAC
`define OR1200_MAC_ADDR		0	// MACLO 0xxxxxxxx1, MACHI 0xxxxxxxx0
`define OR1200_MAC_SPR_WE		// Define if MACLO/MACHI are SPR writable

// Data MMU (DMMU)

// Address that selects between TLB TR and MR
`define OR1200_DTLB_TM_ADDR	7

// DTLBMR fields
`define	OR1200_DTLBMR_V_BITS	0
`define	OR1200_DTLBMR_CID_BITS	4:1
`define	OR1200_DTLBMR_RES_BITS	11:5
`define OR1200_DTLBMR_VPN_BITS	31:13

// DTLBTR fields
`define	OR1200_DTLBTR_CC_BITS	0
`define	OR1200_DTLBTR_CI_BITS	1
`define	OR1200_DTLBTR_WBC_BITS	2
`define	OR1200_DTLBTR_WOM_BITS	3
`define	OR1200_DTLBTR_A_BITS	4
`define	OR1200_DTLBTR_D_BITS	5
`define	OR1200_DTLBTR_URE_BITS	6
`define	OR1200_DTLBTR_UWE_BITS	7
`define	OR1200_DTLBTR_SRE_BITS	8
`define	OR1200_DTLBTR_SWE_BITS	9
`define	OR1200_DTLBTR_RES_BITS	11:10
`define OR1200_DTLBTR_PPN_BITS	31:13

// DTLB configuration
`define	OR1200_DMMU_PS		13
`define	OR1200_DTLB_INDXW	6					// 6 for 64 entry DTLB	7 for 128 entries
`define OR1200_DTLB_INDXL	`OR1200_DMMU_PS				// 13			13
`define OR1200_DTLB_INDXH	`OR1200_DMMU_PS+`OR1200_DTLB_INDXW-1	// 18			19
`define	OR1200_DTLB_INDX	`OR1200_DTLB_INDXH:`OR1200_DTLB_INDXL	// 18:13		19:13
`define OR1200_DTLB_TAGW	32-`OR1200_DTLB_INDXW-`OR1200_DMMU_PS	// 13			12
`define OR1200_DTLB_TAGL	`OR1200_DTLB_INDXH+1			// 19			20
`define	OR1200_DTLB_TAG		31:`OR1200_DTLB_TAGL			// 31:19		31:20
`define	OR1200_DTLBMRW		`OR1200_DTLB_TAGW+1			// +1 because of V bit
`define	OR1200_DTLBTRW		32-`OR1200_DMMU_PS+5			// +5 because of protection bits and CI

// Cache inhibit while DMMU is not enabled/implemented
// cache inhibited 0GB-4GB		1'b1
// cache inhibited 0GB-2GB		!dcpu_adr_i[31]
// cache inhibited 0GB-1GB 2GB-3GB	!dcpu_adr_i[30]
// cache inhibited 1GB-2GB 3GB-4GB	dcpu_adr_i[30]
// cache inhibited 2GB-4GB (default)	dcpu_adr_i[31]
// cached 0GB-4GB			1'b0
`define OR1200_DMMU_CI			dcpu_adr_i[31]

// Insn MMU (IMMU)

// Address that selects between TLB TR and MR
`define OR1200_ITLB_TM_ADDR	7

// ITLBMR fields
`define	OR1200_ITLBMR_V_BITS	0
`define	OR1200_ITLBMR_CID_BITS	4:1
`define	OR1200_ITLBMR_RES_BITS	11:5
`define OR1200_ITLBMR_VPN_BITS	31:13

// ITLBTR fields
`define	OR1200_ITLBTR_CC_BITS	0
`define	OR1200_ITLBTR_CI_BITS	1
`define	OR1200_ITLBTR_WBC_BITS	2
`define	OR1200_ITLBTR_WOM_BITS	3
`define	OR1200_ITLBTR_A_BITS	4
`define	OR1200_ITLBTR_D_BITS	5
`define	OR1200_ITLBTR_SXE_BITS	6
`define	OR1200_ITLBTR_UXE_BITS	7
`define	OR1200_ITLBTR_RES_BITS	11:8
`define OR1200_ITLBTR_PPN_BITS	31:13

// ITLB configuration

`define	OR1200_IMMU_PS		13
`define	OR1200_ITLB_INDXW	6					// 6 for 64 entry ITLB	7 for 128 entries
`define OR1200_ITLB_INDXL	`OR1200_IMMU_PS				// 13			13
`define OR1200_ITLB_INDXH	`OR1200_IMMU_PS+`OR1200_ITLB_INDXW-1	// 18			19
`define	OR1200_ITLB_INDX	`OR1200_ITLB_INDXH:`OR1200_ITLB_INDXL	// 18:13		19:13
`define OR1200_ITLB_TAGW	32-`OR1200_ITLB_INDXW-`OR1200_IMMU_PS	// 13			12
`define OR1200_ITLB_TAGL	`OR1200_ITLB_INDXH+1			// 19			20
`define	OR1200_ITLB_TAG		31:`OR1200_ITLB_TAGL			// 31:19		31:20
`define	OR1200_ITLBMRW		`OR1200_ITLB_TAGW+1			// +1 because of V bit
`define	OR1200_ITLBTRW		32-`OR1200_IMMU_PS+3			// +3 because of protection bits and CI

// Cache inhibit while IMMU is not enabled/implemented
// Note: all combinations that use icpu_adr_i cause async loop
// cache inhibited 0GB-4GB		1'b1
// cache inhibited 0GB-2GB		!icpu_adr_i[31]
// cache inhibited 0GB-1GB 2GB-3GB	!icpu_adr_i[30]
// cache inhibited 1GB-2GB 3GB-4GB	icpu_adr_i[30]
// cache inhibited 2GB-4GB (default)	icpu_adr_i[31]
// cached 0GB-4GB			1'b0
`define OR1200_IMMU_CI			1'b0

// Insn cache (IC)

// 3 for 8 bytes, 4 for 16 bytes etc
`define OR1200_ICLS		4

// IC configurations
`ifdef OR1200_IC_1W_4KB
`define OR1200_ICSIZE			12			// 4096
`define OR1200_ICINDX			`OR1200_ICSIZE-2	// 10
`define OR1200_ICINDXH			`OR1200_ICSIZE-1	// 11
`define OR1200_ICTAGL			`OR1200_ICINDXH+1	// 12
`define	OR1200_ICTAG			`OR1200_ICSIZE-`OR1200_ICLS	// 8
`define	OR1200_ICTAG_W			21
`ifdef OR1200_IC_1W_8KB
`define OR1200_ICSIZE			13			// 8192
`define OR1200_ICINDX			`OR1200_ICSIZE-2	// 11
`define OR1200_ICINDXH			`OR1200_ICSIZE-1	// 12
`define OR1200_ICTAGL			`OR1200_ICINDXH+1	// 13
`define	OR1200_ICTAG			`OR1200_ICSIZE-`OR1200_ICLS	// 9
`define	OR1200_ICTAG_W			20

// Data cache (DC)

// 3 for 8 bytes, 4 for 16 bytes etc
`define OR1200_DCLS		4

// Define to perform store refill (potential performance penalty)
// `define OR1200_DC_STORE_REFILL

// DC configurations
`ifdef OR1200_DC_1W_4KB
`define OR1200_DCSIZE			12			// 4096
`define OR1200_DCINDX			`OR1200_DCSIZE-2	// 10
`define OR1200_DCINDXH			`OR1200_DCSIZE-1	// 11
`define OR1200_DCTAGL			`OR1200_DCINDXH+1	// 12
`define	OR1200_DCTAG			`OR1200_DCSIZE-`OR1200_DCLS	// 8
`define	OR1200_DCTAG_W			21
`ifdef OR1200_DC_1W_8KB
`define OR1200_DCSIZE			13			// 8192
`define OR1200_DCINDX			`OR1200_DCSIZE-2	// 11
`define OR1200_DCINDXH			`OR1200_DCSIZE-1	// 12
`define OR1200_DCTAGL			`OR1200_DCINDXH+1	// 13
`define	OR1200_DCTAG			`OR1200_DCSIZE-`OR1200_DCLS	// 9
`define	OR1200_DCTAG_W			20

// Store buffer (SB)

// Store buffer
// It will improve performance by "caching" CPU stores
// using store buffer. This is most important for function
// prologues because DC can only work in write though mode
// and all stores would have to complete external WB writes
// to memory.
// Store buffer is between DC and data BIU.
// All stores will be stored into store buffer and immediately
// completed by the CPU, even though actual external writes
// will be performed later. As a consequence store buffer masks
// all data bus errors related to stores (data bus errors
// related to loads are delivered normally).
// All pending CPU loads will wait until store buffer is empty to
// ensure strict memory model. Right now this is necessary because
// we don't make destinction between cached and cache inhibited
// address space, so we simply empty store buffer until loads
// can begin.
// It makes design a bit bigger, depending what is the number of
// entries in SB FIFO. Number of entries can be changed further
// down.
//`define OR1200_SB_IMPLEMENTED

// Number of store buffer entries
// Verified number of entries are 4 and 8 entries
// (2 and 3 for OR1200_SB_LOG). OR1200_SB_ENTRIES must
// always match 2**OR1200_SB_LOG.
// To disable store buffer, undefine
`define OR1200_SB_LOG		2	// 2 or 3
`define OR1200_SB_ENTRIES	4	// 4 or 8

// VR, UPR and Configuration Registers
// VR, UPR and configuration registers are optional. If 
// implemented, operating system can automatically figure
// out how to use the processor because it knows 
// what units are available in the processor and how they
// are configured.
// This section must be last in or1200_defines.v file so
// that all units are already configured and thus
// configuration registers are properly set.

// Define if you want configuration registers implemented

// Define if you want full address decode inside SYS group
`define OR1200_SYS_FULL_DECODE

// Offsets of VR, UPR and CFGR registers
`define OR1200_SPRGRP_SYS_VR		4'h0
`define OR1200_SPRGRP_SYS_UPR		4'h1
`define OR1200_SPRGRP_SYS_CPUCFGR	4'h2
`define OR1200_SPRGRP_SYS_DMMUCFGR	4'h3
`define OR1200_SPRGRP_SYS_IMMUCFGR	4'h4
`define OR1200_SPRGRP_SYS_DCCFGR	4'h5
`define OR1200_SPRGRP_SYS_ICCFGR	4'h6
`define OR1200_SPRGRP_SYS_DCFGR	4'h7

// VR fields
`define OR1200_VR_REV_BITS		5:0
`define OR1200_VR_RES1_BITS		15:6
`define OR1200_VR_CFG_BITS		23:16
`define OR1200_VR_VER_BITS		31:24

// VR values
`define OR1200_VR_REV			6'h00
`define OR1200_VR_RES1			10'h000
`define OR1200_VR_CFG			8'h00
`define OR1200_VR_VER			8'h12

// UPR fields
`define OR1200_UPR_UP_BITS		0
`define OR1200_UPR_DCP_BITS		1
`define OR1200_UPR_ICP_BITS		2
`define OR1200_UPR_DMP_BITS		3
`define OR1200_UPR_IMP_BITS		4
`define OR1200_UPR_MP_BITS		5
`define OR1200_UPR_DUP_BITS		6
`define OR1200_UPR_PCUP_BITS		7
`define OR1200_UPR_PMP_BITS		8
`define OR1200_UPR_PICP_BITS		9
`define OR1200_UPR_TTP_BITS		10
`define OR1200_UPR_RES1_BITS		23:11
`define OR1200_UPR_CUP_BITS		31:24

// UPR values
`define OR1200_UPR_UP			1'b1
`ifdef OR1200_NO_DC
`define OR1200_UPR_DCP			1'b0
`define OR1200_UPR_DCP			1'b1
`ifdef OR1200_NO_IC
`define OR1200_UPR_ICP			1'b0
`define OR1200_UPR_ICP			1'b1
`ifdef OR1200_NO_DMMU
`define OR1200_UPR_DMP			1'b0
`define OR1200_UPR_DMP			1'b1
`ifdef OR1200_NO_IMMU
`define OR1200_UPR_IMP			1'b0
`define OR1200_UPR_IMP			1'b1
`define OR1200_UPR_MP			1'b1	// MAC always present
`define OR1200_UPR_DUP			1'b1
`define OR1200_UPR_DUP			1'b0
`define OR1200_UPR_PCUP			1'b0	// Performance counters not present
`define OR1200_UPR_PMP			1'b1
`define OR1200_UPR_PMP			1'b0
`define OR1200_UPR_PICP			1'b1
`define OR1200_UPR_PICP			1'b0
`define OR1200_UPR_TTP			1'b1
`define OR1200_UPR_TTP			1'b0
`define OR1200_UPR_RES1			13'h0000
`define OR1200_UPR_CUP			8'h00

// CPUCFGR fields
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_NSGF_BITS	3:0
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_HGF_BITS	4
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_OB32S_BITS	5
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_OB64S_BITS	6
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_OF32S_BITS	7
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_OF64S_BITS	8
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_OV64S_BITS	9
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_RES1_BITS	31:10

// CPUCFGR values
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_NSGF		4'h0
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_HGF		1'b0
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_OB32S		1'b1
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_OB64S		1'b0
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_OF32S		1'b0
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_OF64S		1'b0
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_OV64S		1'b0
`define OR1200_CPUCFGR_RES1		22'h000000

// DMMUCFGR fields
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_NTW_BITS	1:0
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_NTS_BITS	4:2
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_NAE_BITS	7:5
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_CRI_BITS	8
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_PRI_BITS	9
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_HTR_BITS	11
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_RES1_BITS	31:12

// DMMUCFGR values
`ifdef OR1200_NO_DMMU
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_NTW		2'h0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_NTS		3'h0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_NAE		3'h0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_CRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_PRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_TEIRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_HTR		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_RES1		20'h00000
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_NTW		2'h0	// 1 TLB way
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_NTS 3'h`OR1200_DTLB_INDXW	// Num TLB sets
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_NAE		3'h0	// No ATB entries
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_CRI		1'b0	// No control register
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_PRI		1'b0	// No protection reg
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_TEIRI		1'b1	// TLB entry inv reg impl.
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_HTR		1'b0	// No HW TLB reload
`define OR1200_DMMUCFGR_RES1		20'h00000

// IMMUCFGR fields
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_NTW_BITS	1:0
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_NTS_BITS	4:2
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_NAE_BITS	7:5
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_CRI_BITS	8
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_PRI_BITS	9
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_HTR_BITS	11
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_RES1_BITS	31:12

// IMMUCFGR values
`ifdef OR1200_NO_IMMU
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_NTW		2'h0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_NTS		3'h0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_NAE		3'h0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_CRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_PRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_TEIRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_HTR		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_RES1		20'h00000
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_NTW		2'h0	// 1 TLB way
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_NTS 3'h`OR1200_ITLB_INDXW	// Num TLB sets
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_NAE		3'h0	// No ATB entry
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_CRI		1'b0	// No control reg
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_PRI		1'b0	// No protection reg
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_TEIRI		1'b1	// TLB entry inv reg impl
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_HTR		1'b0	// No HW TLB reload
`define OR1200_IMMUCFGR_RES1		20'h00000

// DCCFGR fields
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_NCW_BITS		2:0
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_NCS_BITS		6:3
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBS_BITS		7
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CWS_BITS		8
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CCRI_BITS		9
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBIRI_BITS	10
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBPRI_BITS	11
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBLRI_BITS	12
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBFRI_BITS	13
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBWBRI_BITS	14
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_RES1_BITS	31:15

// DCCFGR values
`ifdef OR1200_NO_DC
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_NCW		3'h0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_NCS		4'h0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBS		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CWS		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CCRI		1'b1	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBIRI		1'b1	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBPRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBLRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBFRI		1'b1	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBWBRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_RES1		17'h00000
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_NCW		3'h0	// 1 cache way
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_NCS (`OR1200_DCTAG)	// Num cache sets
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBS (`OR1200_DCLS-4)	// 16 byte cache block
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CWS		1'b0	// Write-through strategy
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CCRI		1'b1	// Cache control reg impl.
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBIRI		1'b1	// Cache block inv reg impl.
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBPRI		1'b0	// Cache block prefetch reg not impl.
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBLRI		1'b0	// Cache block lock reg not impl.
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBFRI		1'b1	// Cache block flush reg impl.
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_CBWBRI		1'b0	// Cache block WB reg not impl.
`define OR1200_DCCFGR_RES1		17'h00000

// ICCFGR fields
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_NCW_BITS		2:0
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_NCS_BITS		6:3
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBS_BITS		7
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CWS_BITS		8
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CCRI_BITS		9
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBIRI_BITS	10
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBPRI_BITS	11
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBLRI_BITS	12
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBFRI_BITS	13
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBWBRI_BITS	14
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_RES1_BITS	31:15

// ICCFGR values
`ifdef OR1200_NO_IC
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_NCW		3'h0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_NCS 		4'h0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBS 		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CWS		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CCRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBIRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBPRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBLRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBFRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBWBRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_RES1		17'h00000
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_NCW		3'h0	// 1 cache way
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_NCS (`OR1200_ICTAG)	// Num cache sets
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBS (`OR1200_ICLS-4)	// 16 byte cache block
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CWS		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CCRI		1'b1	// Cache control reg impl.
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBIRI		1'b1	// Cache block inv reg impl.
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBPRI		1'b0	// Cache block prefetch reg not impl.
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBLRI		1'b0	// Cache block lock reg not impl.
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBFRI		1'b1	// Cache block flush reg impl.
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_CBWBRI		1'b0	// Irrelevant
`define OR1200_ICCFGR_RES1		17'h00000

// DCFGR fields
`define OR1200_DCFGR_NDP_BITS		2:0
`define OR1200_DCFGR_WPCI_BITS		3
`define OR1200_DCFGR_RES1_BITS		31:4

// DCFGR values
`define OR1200_DCFGR_NDP		3'h0	// Zero DVR/DCR pairs
`define OR1200_DCFGR_WPCI		1'b0	// WP counters not impl.
`define OR1200_DCFGR_RES1		28'h0000000