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Re: [openrisc] AMIGA DE & Commercial application
> I'm not familiar with AMIGA DE so I can't answer this question.
If AMIGA DE is ported to OpenRISC, it will expand the market for the CPU. Instead of creating CPU specific program for OpenRISC, the programmer / software vendor can create a program that can run on top of several types of CPU and OS. This mean the same application will run on Windows, Linux, PowerPC, SH-4, ARM and OpenRISC.
If an application vendor want to use OpenRISC CPU, the vendor can use the existing applications available on AMIGA DE platform. This portability also help in debugging and testing the application.
OCPA members are leading vendors (JVC, PANASONIC etc) that create various devices. They can choose several different CPU for their devices, including OpenRISC. This will bring a chance for OpenRISC to compete with other mainstream CPU. OCPA is also targeted at embedded applications, such as "home automation / smart appliances".
I think OpenRISC have a bright future for low cost devices and computers on developing countries market. Several countries plan to cut their dependency on CPUs from USA / UK / Japan.
I have several ideas about OpenRISC:
1. Low cost chipset for OpenRISC, if possible also design for motherboard or CPU module that use OpenRISC (Slot1 or Slot2).
2. Extensions for specific applications: High speed floating point co-processor, Java accelerator, DSP, Encryption, Partially re-configurable circuit, CPU + RAM in a single Silicon, MRAM etc.
3. OpenRISC design compatible with GaAs, bio computers, optic computers and Nano technology.
Is the above idea possible?
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