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You can easily find out about the latest Projects, Tenders, Enquiries, Tender Results, who is winning deals and you can also find out all you need to know about any Specific Business Opportunity in Your Area of Interest. That is not all! The most important part is that you can participate in any of these deals just as if you have your own work force or office in any of the above countries.
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The information available is continuously being updated and new Projects, Tenders and Enquiries are added on a daily basis. Currently we have more than 8500 Projects and Tenders in our Database.
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Free access to our detailed real time database on all projects, enquiries and tenders in the Middle East.(Details provided are: Project Number, Project Name, Territory, Client, Client address, Description, Invitation Date, Post Date, Closing Date, Tender Cost, Budget, Contractors, Consultants, Tender Categories, Status, Remarks)
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Please visit http://www.arabiaenquiries.com and find out for yourself how it can help you expand your business and win deals in the Middle East.
Yours faithfully, sell2arabia Sales and Support Team
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