To put a boot code sort of thing in Xilinx Block RAMs, we may use a coefficients file ( *.coe). U can get the syntax and other details abt it on the web in support.xilinx.com. I worked with ISE 3.1i version with VIRTEXE devices and could successfully put my boot code in Xilinx Block RAM (ofcourse it was Boot ROM in my design). Iam not very sure abt SPARTAN but ISE 3.1i should take it. If u r using ISE 's Core Generator tool to generate your *.edn, you have an option of giving your coeff. file before generating the netlist. The file looks some thing like this: ( Hope this is informative enough. Also, I'd hope that if the info is irrelavant, Mr. Rudolph would correct me so that I also can learn. I am a fresher in this field)
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; This .COE file specifies initialization values for a
; block memory of depth=4096, and width=32. In this case,
; values are specified in Binary format.
memory_initialization_vector= ; some random values given
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
R Ramakrishna
Associate Engineer
Portalplayer pvt ltd
Hyderabad, India.