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13. 1850, by Various

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Title: Notes & Queries, No. 24. Saturday, April 13. 1850
       A Medium Of Inter-Communication For Literary Men, Artists,
       Antiquaries, Genealogists, Etc.

Author: Various

Release Date: November 2, 2004 [EBook #13925]

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"When found, make a note of."--CAPTAIN CUTTLE.

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No. 24.] SATURDAY, APRIL 13. 1850. Price, Threepence. Stamped Edition,

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  NOTES:-- Page
    Skinner's Life of Monk, by W.D. Christie 377
    Cunningham's Lives of Whitgift and Cartwright 378
    Inedited Letter of Duke of Monmouth 379
    Lydgate and Coverdale, by E.F. Rimbault, LL.D. 379

    Speculum Exemplorum, &c. 380
    The Second Duke of Ormonde, by Rev. James Graves 380
    Mayors--What is their correct Prefix? 380
    Quevedo and Spanish Bull-fights, by C. Forbes 381
    Minor Queries:--Gilbert Browne--The Badger--Ecclesiastical
      Year--Sir William Coventry--The Shrew--Chip in
      Porridge--Temple Stanyan--Tandem--As lazy as Ludlum's
      Dog--Peal of Bells--Sir Robert Long--Dr. Whichcot
      and Lord Shaftesbury--Lines attributed to Lord
      Palmerston--Gray's Alcaic Ode--Abbey of St.
      Wandrille--London Dissenting Ministers--Dutch
      Language--Marylebone Gardens--Toom Shawn Cattie--Love's
      Last Shift--Cheshire-round--Why is an Earwig called a
      "Coach-bell?"--Chrysopolis--Pimlico, &c. 381

    Blunder in Malone's Shakspeare 386
    Hints to intending Editors 386
    Replies to Minor Queries:--Depinges--Laerig--Vox et praeterea
      Nihil--Havior--Mowbray Coheirs--Sir R. Walpole--Line quoted by
      De Quincey--Quem Jupiter, &c.--Bernicia--Caesar's Wife, &c. 387

    Franz von Sickingen--Body and Soul--Laissez faire--College
      Salting--Byron and Tacitus--Pardonere and Frere--Mistake in
      Gibbon 389

    Notes on Books, Sales, Catalogues, &c. 390
    Books and Odd Volumes wanted 390
    Notices to Correspondents 391
    Advertisements 392

       *       *       *       *       *


Reading for a different purpose in the domestic papers of Charles
II.'s reign in the State Paper Office, I came upon a letter from
Thomas Skinner, dated Colchester, Jan. 30. 1677, of which I will give
you what I have preserved in my notes; and that is all that is of any

It is a letter to the Secretary of State, asking for employment, and
recommending himself by what he had done for Monk's memory. He had
previously written some account of Monk, and he describes an interview
with Lord Bath (the Sir John Grenville of the Restoration); in which
his Lordship expressed his approval of the book.

    "He [Lord Bath] professed himself so well satisfied, that he
    was pleased to tell me there were two persons, viz. the King
    and the Duke of Albemarle, that would find some reason to
    reflect upon me."

Lord Bath gives Skinner a letter to the Duke of Albemarle (Monk's
son), who receives him very kindly, and gives him a handsome present.

    "I have since waited on his Grace again, and then he proposed
    to me (whether upon his own inclination or the suggestion of
    some about him) to use my poor talent in writing his father's
    life apart in the universal language; to which end, he would
    furnish me with all his papers that belonged to his late
    father and his secretaries. The like favour it pleased my Lord
    of Bath to offer me from his own papers, some whereof I had a
    sight of in his study."

Now if any of your readers who are interested in Monk's biography,
will refer to the author's and editor's prefaces of _Skinner's Life
of Monk_, edited in 1723, by the Rev. William Webster; and to Lord
Wharncliffe's introduction to his Translation of M. Guizot's _Essay
on Monk_, they will see the use of this letter of Skinner's.

1. The life is ascribed to Skinner only on circumstantial evidence,
which is certainly strong, but to which this letter of Skinner's is
a very important edition. This letter is indeed direct proof, and the
first we have, of Skinner's having been employed on a life of Monk, in
which he had access to his son's and his relative Lord Bath's papers;
and there can be no serious doubt that the life edited by Mr. Webster
was a result of his labours.

2. This letter would show that Skinner was not on intimate terms with
Monk, nor so closely connected with him as would be implied in Mr.
Webster's and Morant's, the historian of Colchester, description of
him, that he was a physician to Monk. Else he would not have required
Lord Bath's letter of introduction to the son. Lord Wharncliffe has,
I have no doubt, hit the mark, when he says that Skinner was probably
Monk's Colchester apothecary. Skinner says himself, in his preface,
that "he had the honour to know Monk only in the last years of his

3. The previous account of Monk, which gained Lord Bath's approval,
and led to Monk's son soliciting him to write a life, is probably
Skinner's addition of a third part to Bate's _Elenchus Motuum_, to
which he also probably refers in the opening of his Preface to the
_Life of Monk_:--

    "I have heretofore published something of a like nature with
    the following sheets, though in another language, wherein
    several things, through want of better information, were
    imperfectly described."

4. It appears from Skinner's letter, that his original intention was
to write a Life in Latin. Webster edited the Life which we have,
from a copy in English found in the study of Mr. Owen, late curate at
Bocking in Essex, and supposed to be in Skinner's handwriting; and
he had seen another copy, agreeing literally with the former, which
had been transcribed by Shelton, formerly rector of St. James's in
Colchester; and which, after Mr. Shelton's death, became the property
of Mr. Great, an apothecary in Colchester. (Webster published in

Now, Query, as these may have been copies of a translation, can any
Colchester reader help to settle affirmatively or negatively the
question of a Latin _Life of Monk_ by Skinner?

I add two other Queries:--

It appears from a passage in the _Life_ (p. 333.), that Skinner
appended, or intended to append, a collection of papers:--

    "As appears from His Majesty's royal grant or warrant to
    him (Sir John Grenville), which we have transcribed from the
    original, and have added in the collection at the end of this

Webster says he never could get any account of this collection of
papers. Can Colchester now produce any information about them?

Can any of your readers give any information about those papers of
the second Duke of Albemarle, and of Grenville, Earl of Bath, to which
Skinner had access? Lord Bath's papers were probably afterwards in the
hands of his nephew Lord Lansdowne, who vindicated Monk in answer to


       *       *       *       *       *


In a modern publication, entitled _Lives of Eminent Englishmen_,
edited by G.G. Cunningham, 8 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1840, we meet with
a memoir of Archbishop Whitgift, which contains the following

    "While Whitgift was footing to an archbishopric, poor
    Cartwright was consigned to poverty and exile; and at length
    died in obscurity and wretchedness. How pleasant would it
    have been to say that none of his sufferings were inflicted
    by his great antagonist, but that he was treated by him with
    a generous magnanimity! Instead of this, Whitgift followed
    him through life with inflexible animosity."--_Cunningham's
    Lives_, ii. 212.

Mr. Cunningham gives no authority for these statements; but I will
furnish him with my authorities for the contradiction of them.

    "After some years (writes Walton, in his _Life of Hooker_),
    the Doctor [Whitgift] being preferred to the see, first of
    Worcester and then of Canterbury, Mr. Cartwright, after
    his share of trouble and imprisonment (for setting up new
    presbyteries in divers places against the established order),
    having received from the Archbishop many personal favours,
    retired himself to a more private living, which was at
    Warwick, where he became master of an hospital, and lived
    quietly and grew rich;... the Archbishop surviving him but
    one year, _each ending his days in perfect charity with the

To the same effect is the statement in Strype, which I borrow from Dr.
Zouch's second edition of _Walton's Lives_, p. 217.:--

    "Thomas Cartwright, the Archbishop's old antagonist, was alive
    in 1601, and grew rich at his hospital at Warwick, preaching
    at the chapel there, saith my author, very temperately,
    according to the promise made by him to the Archbishop;
    which mildness of his some ascribed to his old age and more
    experience. But the latter end of next year he deceased. And
    now, at the end of Cartwright's life, to take our leave of
    him with a fairer character, it is remarkable what a noble
    and learned man, Sir H. Yelverton, writes of some of his last
    words--'_that he seriously lamented the unnecessary troubles
    he had caused in the Church, by the schism he had been the
    great fomenter of, and wished to begin his life again, that
    he might testify to the world the dislike he had of his former
    ways_;' and in this opinion he died."

I find it stated, moreover, on the authority of Sir G. Paul's _Life
of Whitgift_, that Cartwright acknowledged the generosity of Whitgift,
and admitted "his bond of duty to the Archbishop to be so much the
straiter, as it was without any desert of his own."--_Carwithen's
History of the Church of England_, i. 527. 2nd edit.

Lest this should not suffice to convict Mr. Cunningham of error, I
will adduce two extracts from _The Life of Master Thomas Cartwright_,
written by the Presbyterian Sa. Clarke, in 1651, and appended to his

    "About the same time [viz. 1580], the Earl of Leicester
    preferred him [Cartwright] to be master of his hospital
    at Warwick, which place was worth to him about one hundred
    pounds."--Clarke, p. 370.

    "For riches, he sought them not; yea, he rejected many
    opportunities whereby he might have enriched himself. His
    usual manner was, when he had good sums of gold sent him,
    to take only one piece, lest he should seem to slight his
    friend's kindness, and to send back the rest with a thankful
    acknowledgement of their love and his acceptance of it;
    _professing that, for that condition wherein God had set him,
    he was as well furnished as they for their high and great
    places_."--Ib. p. 372.

So much for the "poverty," the "wretchedness," of Cartwright, and the
"inflexible animosity" of Whitgift. The very reverse of all this is
the truth.


       *       *       *       *       *


Several notices of the Duke of Monmouth having appeared in "NOTES AND
QUERIES," you may be glad to have the following letter, which I copied
_literatim_ some years ago in the State Paper Office from the domestic
papers of the year 1672. The letter was written to Lord Arlington,
then Secretary of State. Monmouth was at the time commanding the
English force serving under Louis XIV. against the Dutch, and was in
his twenty-third year. Mr. Ross had been his tutor; and was at this
time, I believe, employed in the Secretary of State's office.

  "ffrom the Camp nigh
    "Renalle the 29 Jun

    "M'r Ross has tolld mee how mutch I am obliged to you for
    your kindness w'ch I am very sensible of and shall try to sho
    it upon all occations. I will asur you the effects of your
    kindness will make me live within compas for as long as I
    receave my mony beforehand I shall do it w'th a greadell of

    "I wont trouble you w'th news becaus Mr. Aston will tell you
    all ther is. I will try to instrokt him all as well as I can.
    I wont trouble you no longer, only I doe asur you ther is
    nobody mor your humble servant than I am.



       *       *       *       *       *


Dan John Lydgate, as Warton truly observes, was not only the poet
of his monastery, but of the world in general. Yet how has he been
treated by his biographers? Ritson, in his _Bibliographia Poetica_,
says, "he died at an advanced age, after 1446." Thomson, in his
_Chronicles of London Bridge_, 2nd edition, p. 11., says, "Lydgate
died in the year 1440, at the age of sixty;" and again, at p. 164. of
the same work, he says, "Lydgate was born about 1375, and died about
1461!" Pitt says that he died in 1482; and the author of the _Suffolk
Garland_, p. 247., prolongs his life (evidently by a typographical
blunder), to about the year 1641! From these conflicting statements,
it is evident that the true dates of Lydgate's birth and decease are
unknown. Mr. Halliwell, in the preface to his _Selection from the
Minor Poems_ of John Lydgate, arrives at the conclusion from the
MSS. which remain of his writings, that he died before the accession
of Edward IV., and there appears to be every adjunct of external
probability; but surely, if our record offices were carefully
examined, some light might be thrown upon the life of this industrious
monk. I am not inclined to rest satisfied with the dictum of the
Birch MS., No. 4245. fo. 60., that no memorials of him exist in those

The only authenticated circumstances in Lydgate's biography (excepting
a few dates to poems), are the following:--He was ordained subdeacon,
1389; deacon, 1393; and priest, 1397. In 1423 he left the Benedictine
Abbey of Bury, in Suffolk, to which he was attached, and was elected
prior of Hatfield Brodhook; but the following year had license to
return to his monastery again. These dates are derived from the
Register of Abbott Cratfield, preserved among the Cotton MSS. Tiber,
B. ix.

My object in calling the attention of your readers to the state of
Lydgate's biography is, to draw forth new facts. Information of
a novel kind may be in their hands without appreciation as to its

I take this opportunity of noticing the different dates given of Myles
Coverdale's death.

Strype says he died 20th May, 1565, (_Annals of Reformation_, vol.
i. pt. ii. p. 43., Oxf. ed.), although elsewhere he speaks of his as
being alive in 1566. Neale (_Hist of Pur._, vol. i. p. 185.) says, the
20th May, 1567. Fuller (_Church Hist._, p. 65. ed. 1655) says he died
on the 20th of January, 1568, and "Anno 1588," in his _Worthies of
England_, p. 198., ed. 1662.

The following extract from "The Register of Burials in the Parish
Church of St. Bartholomew's by the Exchange" sets the matter at rest.
"Miles Coverdall, doctor of divinity, was buried anno 1568., the 19th
of February."

That the person thus mentioned in the register is Miles Coverdale,
Bishop of Exeter, there can be no doubt, since the epitaph inscribed
on the tomb-stone, copied in _Stow's Survey_, clearly states him to be
so. It is, perhaps, unnecessary to observe that the date mentioned in
the extract is the old style, and, therefore, according to our present
computation, he was buried the 19th of February, 1569.

Can any of your correspondents throw any light upon the authorship of
a work frequently attributed to Myles Coverdale, and thus entitled,
"A Brieff discours off the Troubles begonne at Frankford in Germany,
Anno Domini, 1554. Abowte the Booke off common prayer and Ceremonies,
and continued by the Englishe Men theyre, to the ende off Q. Maries
Raigne, in the which discours, the gentle reader shall see the verry
originall and beginninge off all the contention that hathe byn, and
what was the cause off the same?" A text from "Marc 4." with the
date MDLXXV. Some copies are said to have the initials "M.C." on the
title-page, and the name in full, "Myles Coverdale," at the end of the
preface; but no notice is taken of this impression in the excellent
introductory remarks prefixed by Mr. Petheram to the reprint of 1846.
If the valuable work was really written by Myles Coverdale (and it
is much in his style), it must have been interspersed with remarks by
another party, for in the preface, signed, as it is said by Coverdale,
allusion is made to things occuring in 1573, four years after his


       *       *       *       *       *



Who was the compiler of the _Speculum Exemplorum_, printed for the
first time at Deventer, in 1481? A copy of the fourth edition, Argent,
1490, does not afford any information about this matter; and I think
that Panzer (v. 195.) will be consulted in vain. Agreeing in opinion
with your correspondent "GASTROS" (No. 21. p. 338.) that a querist
should invariably give an idea of the extent of his acquaintance with
the subject proposed, I think it right to say, that I have examined
the list of authors of _Exempla_, which is to be found in the appendix
to Possevin's _Apparatus Sacer_, tom. i. sig. [Greek: b] 2., and that
I have read Ribadeneira's notice of the improvements made in this
_Speculum_ by the Jesuit Joannes Major.

Who was the writer of the _Epistola de Miseria Curatorum?_ My copy
consists of eight leaves, and a large bird's-cage on the verse of the
last leaf is evidently the printer's device. Seemiller makes mention
of an Augsburg edition of this curious tract. (_Biblioth. Acad.
Ingolstad. Incunab. typog._ Fascic. ii. p. 142. Ingolst. 1788.)


       *       *       *       *       *


The review of Mr. Wright's _England under the House of Hanover,
illustrated by the Caricatures and Satires of the Day_, given in
the _Athenaeum_ (No. 1090.), cites a popular ballad on the flight
and attainder of the second Duke of Ormonde, as taken down from the
mouth of an Isle of Wight fishmonger. This review elicited from a
correspondent (_Athenaeum_, No. 1092.) another version of the same
ballad as prevalent in Northumberland. I made a note of these at the
time; and was lately much interested at receiving from an esteemed
correspondent (the Rev. P. Moore, Rochenon, co. Kilkenny), a fragment
of another version of the same ballad, which he (being at the time
ignorant of the existence of any other version of the song) had taken
down from the lips of a very old man of the neighbourhood, viz.:--

  "My name is Ormond; have you not heard of me?
  For I have lately forsaken my own counterie;
  I fought for my life, and they plundered my estate,
  For being so loyal to Queen Anne the great.
  Queen Anne's darling, and cavalier's delight,
  And the Presbyterian crew, they shall never have their flight.
  I am afraid of my calendry; my monasteries are all sold,
  And my subjects are bartered for the sake of English gold.
         *       *       *       *       *
         *       *       *       *       *
  But, as I am Ormond, I vow and declare,
  I'll curb the heartless Whigs of their wigs, never fear."

I do not quote the versions given in the _Athenaeum_, but, on a
comparison, it will be seen that they all must have been derived from
the same original.

The success of your queries concerning the Duke of Monmouth impel me
to propose a few concerning the almost as unfortunate, and nearly as
celebrated, second Duke of Ormonde. Many scraps of traditionary lore
relative to the latter nobleman must linger in and about London, where
he was the idol of the populace, as well as the leader of what we
should now call the "legitimist" party.

With your leave. I shall therefore propose the following Queries,

1. Who was the author of the anonymous life of the second Duke
of Ormonde, published in one volume octavo, some years after his

2. Was the ballad, of which the above is a fragment, printed at the
time; and if so, does it exist?

3. What pamphlets, ballads, or fugitive pieces, were issued from the
press, or privately printed, on the occasion of the Duke's flight and
subsequent attainder?

4. Does any contemporary writer mention facts or incidents relative to
the matter in question, between the period of the accession of George
I., and the Duke's final departure from his residence at Richmond?

5. Does any traditionary or unpublished information on the subject
exist in or about London or Richmond.



       *       *       *       *       *


I wish to ask, of any of your numerous readers, what may be considered
the most proper official prefix for Mayors, whether Right Worshipful
or Worshipful? Opinions, I find, differ upon the subject. In the
_Secretary's Guide_, 5th ed. p. 95. it is said that Mayors are Right
Worshipful; the late Mr. Beltz, _Lancaster Herald_, was of opinion
that they were Worshipful only; and Mr. Dod, the author of a work on
Precedence, &c., in answer to an inquiry on the point, thought that
Mayors of _cities_ were Right Worshipful, and those of _towns_ were
only Worshipful. With due deference, however, I am rather inclined to
think that all Mayors, whether of cities, or of towns, ought properly
to be styled "the _Right_ Worshipful" for the following reason:--all
Magistrates are Worshipful, I believe, although not always in these
days so designated, and a mayor being the chief magistrate ought to
have the distinctive "_Right_" appended to his style. And this view of
the subject derives some support from the fact of a difference being
made with regard to the Aldermen of London (who are all of them
magistrates), those who have passed the chair being distinguished
as the Right Worshipful, whilst those below the chair are styled the
worshipful only; thus showing that the circumstance of being Mayor is
considered worthy of an especial distinction. Probably it may be said
that custom is the proper guide in a case like this, but I believe
that there is no particular custom in some towns, both prefixes being
sometimes used, and more frequently none at all. It seems desirable,
however, that some rule should be laid down, if possible, by common
consent, that it may be understood in future what the appropriate
Prefix is. I shall be glad if some of your heraldic or antiquarian
readers will give their opinions, and if they know of any authorities,
to quote them.


       *       *       *       *       *


The clear and satisfactory reply that "MELANION" received in No. 11.
to his query on the contradictions in _Don Quixote_, tempts me to
ask for some information respecting another standard work of Spanish
literature, written by a cotemporary of the great Cervantes.

How is it, that in the _Visions of Don Quevedo_, a work which passes
in review every amusement and occupation of the Spanish people, _the
national sport of bull-fighting_ remains _entirely unnoticed_?

The amusement was, I presume, in vogue during the 16th and 17th
centuries; and the assignations made, and the intrugues carried
on, within the walls of the amphitheatre would have supplied many
an amusing, moralising penitent, male and female, to the shades
below--the "fabulae manes" with whom Quevedo held converse. As my copy
of the _Visions_ is an anonymous translation, and evidently far from
being a first-rate one, I shall not be surprised if I receive as an
answer,--"_Mistaken as to your fact, read a better translation_:"
but as in spite of its manifold, glaring defects, I have no reason to
suspect that the text is _garbled_, I think I may venture to send the

In "Vision 7." I find Nero accusing Seneca of having had the insolence
to use the words, "I and my king." I have often heard of Henry VIII.,
Wolsey, and "Ego et rex meus;" but as I never heard Quevedo quoted as
an illustration, I look upon this as one of the suspicious passages in
my copy of his work.



       *       *       *       *       *


_Gilbert Browne_.--"G.C.B." is desirous of information respecting
the family from which was descended Gilbert Browne of the Inner
Temple, who died about a century ago, and was buried in North Mymms
Church, Herts, where there is a monument to him (vide Clutterbuck's
_History_); also as to the arms, crest, and motto, as borne by him,
and whether he was in any way related to Michael Browne of Hampton
Court, Herefordshire, who married Elizabeth Philippa, daughter of
Lord Coningsby, as stated in Collins's _Peerage_. He also desires
information as to any enrolment of arms previous to the Visitations,
by which the bearings of families who had grants of land from the
Conqueror may be ascertained; as, for instance, a family who began
to decay about the end of the 14th century, having previously been of
great rank and position.

_The Badger_.--Can any body point out to me any allusion, earlier than
that in Sir T. Browne's _Vulgar Errors_, to the popular idea that the
legs of the badger were shorter on one side than on the other, whence
Mr. Macaulay says, "I think that Titus Oates was as uneven as a


_Ecclesiastical Year_.--_Note_ in an old parish register, A.D. 1706.
"Annus Domini Secundum Ecclesiae Anglicanae Supputationem incipit 25to
Mensis Martij."

_Query_ the _authority_ for this? the _reason_ seems easy to define.


_Sir William Coventry_.--Pepys mentions in his _Diary_, that Sir
William Conventry kept a journal of public events. Is anything known
of this journal? It is not known of at Longleat, where are several
papers of Sir William Conventry's.

A MS. letter from Lord Weymouth to Sir Robert Southwell, giving an
account of Sir W. Conventry's death, was sold at the sale of Lord de
Clifford's papers in 1834. Can any of your readers inform me where
this letter now is?


_Shrew_.--Is _shrew_, as applied to the shrew-mouse, and as applied to
a scolding woman, the same word? If so, what is its derivation?

The following derivations of the word are cited by Mr. Bell. _Saxon_,
"Schreadan," to cut; "Schrif," to censure; "Scheorfian," to bite;
"Schyrvan," to beguile. _German_, "Schreiven," to clamour; none of
which, it is obvious, come very near to "Schreava," the undoubted
Saxon origin of the word shrew.

Now it was a custom amongst our forefathers to endeavour to provide
a remedy against the baneful influence of the shrew-mouse by plugging
the wretched animal alive in a hole made in the body of an ash tree,
any branch of which was thenceforth held to be possessed of a power to
cure the disease caused by the mouse. It thereupon occurred to me that
just as _brock_, a still existing name for the badger, is clearly from
the Saxon _broc_, persecution, in allusion to the custom of baiting
the animal; so _schreava_ might be from _schraef_, a hollow, in
allusion to the hole in the ash tree; and on that supposition I
considered "shrew," as applied to a woman, to be a different word,
perhaps from the German _schreyen_, to clamour. I have, however, found
mentioned in Bailey's Dictionary a Teutonic word, which may reconcile
both senses of "shrew,"--I mean _beschreyen_, to bewitch. I shall
be obliged to any of your subscribers who will enlighten me upon the


_A Chip in Porridge_.--What is the origin and exact force of this
phrase? Sir Charles Napier, in his recent general order, informs the
Bengal army that

    "The reviews which the Commander-in-Chief makes of the troops
    are not to be taken as so many 'chips in porridge.'"

I heard a witness, a short time since, say, on entering the

  "My Lord, I am like a 'chip in porridge'; I can
  say nothing either for or against the plaintiff."


_Temple Stanyan_.--Who was Temple Stanyan, concerning whom I find in
an old note-book the following quaint entry?

    "Written on a window at College, by Mr. Temple Stanyan, the
    author of a _History of Greece_:--

  "Temple Stanyan, his window.
  God give him grace thereout to look!
  And, when the folk walk to and fro',
  To study man instead of book!"


_Tandem_.--You are aware that we have a practical pun now
naturalised in our language, in the word "_tandem_." Are any of your
correspondents acquainted with another instance?

[Greek: Sigma].

"_As lazy as Ludlum's dog, as laid him down to bark._"--This
comparison is so general and familiar in South Yorkshire (Sheffield
especially) as to be frequently quoted by the first half, the other
being mentally supplied by the hearer. There must, of course, be
some legend of Ludlum and his dog, or they must have been a pair of
well-known characters, to give piquancy to the phrase. Will any of
your readers who are familiar with the district favour me with an


_Anecdote of a Peal of Bells_.--There is a story, that a person had
long been absent from the land of his nativity, where in early life,
he had assisted in setting up a singularly fine peal of bells. On his
return home, after a lapse of many years, he had to be rowed over some
water, when it happened that the bells struck out in peal; the sound
of which so affected him, that he fell back in the boat and died! Can
any of your readers give a reference where the account is to be met


_Sir Robert Long._--"ROSH." inquires the date of the death of
_Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Long_, who founded, in 1760, a Free School at
Burnt-Yates, in the Parish of Ripley, co. Yorks., and is said to have
died in Wigmore Street, London, it is supposed some years after that

_Dr. Whichcot and Lord Shaftesbury._--It is stated in Mr. Martyn's
_Life of the First Lord Shaftesbury_, that Dr. Whichcot was one of
Shaftesbury's most constant companions, and preached most of his
sermons before him; and that the third Earl of Shaftesbury, the
author of the Characteristics, is said to have published a volume
of Whichcot's sermons from a manuscript copy of the first Lord
Shaftesbury's wife. Can any of your readers give any further
information as to the intimacy between Whichcot and Shaftesbury, of
which no mention is made in any memoir of Whichcot that I have seen?


_Lines attributed to Henry Viscount Palmerston._--Permit me to inquire
whether there is any better authority than the common conjecture that
the beautiful verses, commencing,--

  "Whoe'er, like me, with trembling anguish brings
  His heart's whole treasure to fair Bristol's springs,"

were written by Henry Viscount Palmerston, on the death of his lady at
the Hot-wells, June 1 or 2, 1769. They first appeared p. 240. of the
47th vol. of the _Gentleman's Magazine_, 1777.

They also have been attributed to Dr. Hawkeworth, but his wife
survived him. There is a mural tablet under the west window of Romsey
Church, containing some lines to the memory of Lady Palmerston,
but they are not the same. Perhaps some of your correspondents are
competent to discover the truth.


_Gray's Alcaic Ode_.--Can any of your readers say whether Gray's
celebrated Latin ode is actually to be found entered at the Grande
Chartreuse? A friend of mine informs me that he could not find it
there on searching.


_Abbey of St. Wandrille_.--Will "GASTROS" kindly allow me to ask him
a question? Does the _Chronicle of the Abbey of St. Wandrille_, which
he mentions (No. 21. p. 338.), include notices of any of the branches
of that establishment which settled in England about the time of the
Conquest; and one of which, the subject of my query, formed a colony
at Ecclesfield, near Sheffield?

I feel an interest in this little colony, because my early
predecessors in this vicarage were elected from its monks. Moreover,
some remains of their convent, now incorporated into what is called
"the hall," and forming an abutment which overlooks my garden, are
affording an appropriate domicile to the curate of the parish.


Ecclesfield, March 26. 1850.

_Queries as to "Lines on London Dissenting Ministers" of a former
Day_.--Not having made _Notes_ of the verses so entitled, I beg to
submit the following _Queries_:--

1. Does there exist any printed or manuscript copy of lines of the
above description, in the course of which Pope's "Modest Foster" is
thus introduced and apostrophised:--

  "But see the accomplish'd orator appear,
  Refined in judgment, and in language clear:
  Thou only, Foster, hast the pleasing art
  At once to charm the ear and mend the heart!"

Other conspicuous portraits are those of THOMAS BRADBURY, ISAAC
WATTS, and SAMUEL CHANDLER. The date of the composition must be placed
between 1704 and 1748, but I have to solicit information as to who was
its author.

2. Has there been preserved, in print or manuscript, verses which
circulated from about 1782-1784, on the same body of men, as
characterised, severally, by productions of the vegetable world,
and, in particular, by _flowers_? The _bouquet_ is curious, nor
ill-selected and arranged. One individual, for example, finds his
emblem in a _sweet-briar_; another, in a _hollyhock_; and a third, in
of the fragrant, yet somewhat thorny and flaunting nosegay. These
intimations of it may perhaps aid recollection, and lead to the
wished-for disclosure. It came from the hand, and seemed to indicate
at least the theological partialities of the lady[1] who culled and
bound together the various portions of the wreath.


[Footnote 1: A daughter of the late Joseph Shrimpton, Esq., of High

_Dutch Language_.--"E. VEE" will be indebted to "ROTTERODAMUS," or any
other correspondent, who can point out to him the best _modern_ books
for acquiring a knowledge of the Dutch language,--an Anglo-Dutch
Grammar and Dictionary.

_Horns_.--1. Why is Moses represented in statues with horns? The idea
is not, I think, taken from the Bible.

2. What is the reason for assigning horns to a river, as in the
"Tauriformis Aufidus."

3. What is the origin of the expression "to give a man horns," for
grossly dishonouring him? It is met with in late Greek.


Cambridge, March 27.

_Marylebone Gardens_.--In what year did Marylebone Gardens finally


_Toom Shawn Cattie_.--I find these words (Gaelic, I believe, from
_Tom John Gattie_) in an old Diary, followed by certain hieroglyphics,
wherewith I was wont to express "_recommended for perusal_." I have
lost all trace of the recommender, and have hunted in vain through
many a circulating library list for the name, which I believe to
be that of some book or song illustrating the domestic life of our
Western Highlanders. Can any of your readers assist me in deciphering
my own note?


_Love's Last Shift_.--In the first edition of Peignot's _Manuel du
Biblioplide_, published in 1800, the title of Congreve's "Mourning
Bride" is rendered "L'Epouse du Matin." Can any of your readers inform
me whether it is in the same work that the title of "Love's Last
Shift" is translated by "Le dernier Chemise de l'Amour?" if not, in
what other book is it?


_Cheshire-round_.--"W.P.A." asks the meaning of the above phrase, and
where it is described.

_Why is an Earwig called a "Coach-bell?"_--Your correspondents,
although both kind and learned, do not appear to have given any
satisfactory answer to my former query--why a lady-bird is called
Bishop Barnaby? Probably there will be less difficulty in answering
another entomological question--Why do the country-people in the south
of Scotland call an earwig a "coach-bell?" The name "earwig" itself is
sufficiently puzzling, but "coach-bell" seems, if possible, still more
utterly unintelligible.


_Chrysopolis_.--Chrysopolis is the Latin name for the town of Parma,
also for that of Scutari, in Turkey. Is the etymological connection of
the two names accidental? and how did either of them come to be called
the "Golden City?"


_Pimlico_.--In Aubrey's _Surrey_, he mentions that he went to
a _Pimlico_ Garden, somewhere on Bankside. Can any of your
correspondents inform me of the derivation of the word "Pimlico,"
and why that portion of land now built on near to Buckingham House,
through which the road now runs to Chelsea, is called Pimlico?


April 1. 1850.

_Zenobia_.--I have read somewhere that Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra, was
of Jewish origin, but am now at a loss to retrace it. Could any of
your correspondents inform me where I have read it?


_Henry Ryder, Bishop of Killaloe_.--"W.D.R." requests information
in reference to the paternity of Henry Ryder, D.D., who was born in
Paris, and consecrated Bishop of Killaloe in 1692.

_Belvoir Castle._--In the _Harleian Miscellany_, vol. iv. p. 527., is
a Pindaric Ode upon Belvoir Castle, which Mr. Nichols reprinted in his
_History of the Hundred of Framland._ Can any of your readers inform
me who was the author of this very singular production?

T.R. Potter.

_St. Winifreda._--Can any of your readers refer me to any history or
recent discoveries relative to St. Winifreda?


_Savile, Marquis of Halifax._--It is stated in Tyers's _Political
Conferences_ (1781), that a Diary of his was supposed to be among the
Duke of Shrewsbury's MSS.; and when Mr. Tyers wrote, in the hands of
Dr. Robertson. Can any of your readers give information about this


_Salt at Montem._--Will you allow me, as an old Etonian, to ask the
derivation of "salt," as it used to be applied to the money collected
at Eton Montem for the Captain of the Colleges? Towards investigating
the subject, I can only get as far as _Salt_ Hill, near Slough, where
there was a mount, on which, if I remember rightly, the Captain waved
a flag on Montem day. A brief account of the origin of Montem would be
interesting; and it is especially worth noting now that the pageant is


Ecclesfield, March 14, 1850.

_Ludlow's Memoirs._--"C." is anxious to learn if the manuscript of
Ludlow's Memoirs is known to exist, or to receive any information as
to where it might probably be found.

Ludlow died at Vevay, in Switzerland, in 1693, and the Memoirs were
published at Vevay shortly after.

There is no will of Ludlow's in Doctor's Commons.

_Finkle or Finkel._--I should be glad if any of your numerous
correspondents could give me the derivation and meaning of the word
_Finkle_, or _Finkel_, as applied to the name of a street. There is a
street so designated in Carlisle, York, Richmond in Yorkshire, Kendal,
Sedberg, Norwich (in 1508 spelt Fenkyl, and in 1702 Fenkel), and, I
believe, in many other of our more ancient cities and towns. In the
township of Gildersome, a village some few miles from Leeds, there is
an ancient way, till lately wholly unbuilt upon, called Finkle Lane;
and in London we have the parish of St. Benedict Finck, though I do
not imagine that the latter is any way synonymous with the word in
question. The appellation of Finkle is, without doubt, a descriptive
one; but the character of the lane so styled in Gildersome seems to
negative the idea that it has any reference to the peculiarity of
trade or class of persons carried on or inhabiting the locality
distinguished by this title.


Cowgill, March 13. 1850.

_Coxcombs vanquish Berkeley, &c._--In Lewis's _Biography of
Philosophy_ (vol. iv. p. 7.) occurs the following quotation:--

  "And coxcombs vanquish Berkeley with a grin."

Who is the author of this line? for I cannot find it in Pope, to whom
a note refers it.

R.F. Johnson.

_Derivation of Sterling._--What is the derivation of _Sterling_? Some
authors say from "Easterling," a race of German or Dutch traders;
but is it not more likely from "steer," a bull, or ox, viz. a coin
originally stamped with a figure of that animal? Of this, and parallel
cases, we have many instances among the ancients. I find also, that,
in a decree issued in the time of Richard I., the word is used, and
explained by "peny" as a synonym. Now peny or penny is clearly from
_pecunia_, and that from _pecus_, so that we have the two words
brought side by side, one through the Latin, and the other through the
Saxon language.

R.F. Johnson.

_Hanging out the Broom._--In some parts of England a singular custom
prevails. When a married woman leaves home for a few days, the husband
hangs a broom or besom from the window. When, how, and where did this
originate, and what does it signify?

R.F. Johnson.

_Trunck Breeches.--Barba Longa.--Mercenary Preacher._--In reading
Smith's _Obituary_, edited by Sir H. Ellis for the Camden Society, I
find the following entries:--

    "1640. May 29th, old M'r Grice, in Aldersgate S't, who wore
    _trunck_ breeches, died."

    "1646. Oc'r 1. William Young, Chandler, within Aldersgate, a
    discreet Juryman, and _Barba Longa_, died."

    "Fe'r 21., old M'r Lewis, the _Mercenary Preacher_, buried."

Can any of your correspondents explain the meaning of "_Trunck_
Breeches," "_Barba Longa_," and "_Mercenary Preacher_?"


Suffolk, March 4.

_Apposition._--Can any one give me a little information upon the
following passage?--

  "Quin age, te incolumi potius (potes omnia quando,
  Nec tibi nequiequam pater est qui sidera torquet)
  Perficias quodcunque tibi nunc instat agendum."

      _Hieronym. Vid. Christ._ lib. i. 67.

I want to know in what case _te incolumi_ is; and, if in the ablative
absolute, can any one bring a parallel construction from the writers
of the Augustan age, where the law of _apposition_ appears to be so
far violated?


_Pamphlets respecting Ireland._--"J." wishes to be informed where
copies may be found of the following pamphlets, described in Ware's
_Irish Writers_, under the head "Colonel Richard Laurence," and
"Vincent Gookin, Esq.," son of Sir Vincent Gookin, who, in the year
1634, published "a bitter invective, by way of letter, against the
nation." Vincent Gookin's pamphlet is dated London, 1655, 4to. Any
particulars relative to _his_ family and descendants will oblige.

The title of Col. R. Laurence's book is,--

    "The interest of Ireland in the first Transplantation stated;
    wherein it set forth the benefit of the Irish Transplantation:
    intended as an Answer to the scandalous seditious Pamphlet,
    entitled 'The Great Case of Transplantation Discussed.'
    London, 1655."

The author of the pamphlet was Vincent Gookin, Esq., Surveyor-General
of Ireland. He did _not_, at first, put his name to it; but when
Laurence's answer appeared, he then owned himself as the author of it,
and published a pamphlet under this title:--

    "The Author and Case of Transplanting the Irish into Connaught
    Vindicated from the unjust Aspersion of Colonel Richard
    Laurence and Vincent Gookin, Esq. London, 1655."

_Portrait of Sir John Poley._--Perhaps some of your numerous
correspondents can answer whether the portrait of Sir John Poley in
Bexstead Hall, alluded to No. 14. p. 214., has been engraved.


February 5.

"_Tace is Latin for a candle._"--Whence is this expression derived,
and what is its meaning? I met with it, many years ago, in a
story-book, and, more lately, in one of the Waverley Novels, in which
particular one I do not just now recollect. It seems to be used as an
adage, coupled with an admonition to observe silence or secrecy.


_Poins and Bardolph._--Can any of your correspondents skilled in
Shakspearian lore inform me whence Shakspeare took the names _Poins_
and _Bardolph_ for the followers of Prince Hal and Falstaff?


_Flemish Work on the Order of St. Francis._--Can any of your
correspondents tell me any thing about, or enable me to procure a
copy of, a book on the order of St. Francis, named, _Den Wijngaert van
Sinte Franciscus va Schoonte Historien Legenden, &c._ A folio of 424
leaves, beautifully printed. The last page has,--

    "Gheprent Thantwerpen binnen die Camer poorte Int huys va
    delft bi mi, Hendrich Eckert van Homberch. Int iaer ons heeren
    M.CCCCC. efi XVIII. op den XII. dach va December."

The only copy I ever saw of it, which belonged to a friend of mine,
had the following note on a fly-leaf in an old and scarcely legible

    "Raer boeck ende seer curieus als gebouwt synde op de Wijsen
    voor meesten deel op de fondamenten van den fameus ende extra
    raer boeck genoempt _Conformitatis Vita S. Francisci cum
    Vita Jesu Christi_, de welch in dese diehwils grateert wordt
    gelijck gij in lesen sult andesvinden maer onthout wer dese
    latijn spreckwoordt, _Risum teneatis amici_."


_Le Petit Albert._--Can any of your correspondents give me any
information respecting a book entitled _Secrets Merveilleux de la
Magie Naturelle et Cabalistique du Petit Albert, et enrichi du fig.
mysterieuses, et de la Maniere de les faire. Nouvelle Edition, cor.
et aug. A Lion_, 1743. 32mo.? The _avertissement_ says,--

    "Voici une nouvelle edition du _Livres des merveilleux
    Secrets_ du Petit Albert, connu en Latin sous le titre
    d'Alberte Parvi Lucii, _Libellus de Mirabilibus Naturae
    Arcanis_. L'auteur a qui on l'attribue, a ete un de ces
    grands-hommmes qui par le peuple ignorant ont ete accusez de
    magie. C'etoit autrefois le sort de tous les grands esprits
    qui possedoient quelque chose d'extraordinaire dans les
    sciences, de les traiter de magiciens. C'est peut-etre par
    cette raison, que le petit tresor est devenu tres rare,
    parceque les superstitieux ont fait scrupule de s'en servir;
    il s'est presque comme perdu, car une personne distinguee dans
    le monde a eu la curiosite (a ce qu'on assure) d'en offrir
    plus de mille florins pour un seul exemplaire, encore ne
    l'a-t-on pu decouvrir que depuis peu dans la bibliotheque
    d'un tres-grand homme, qui l'a bien voulu donner pour ne plus
    priver le public d'un si riche tresor," &c.

Who was Albertus Parvus? when and where was his work published?


_English Translations of Erasmus' Encomium Moriae._--An English
translation of _The Praise of Folly_ (with Holbein's plates), I think
by Denham, Lond. 1709, alludes to _two_ previous translations; one by
Sir Thomas Challoner, 1549; the other it does not name. I should like
to know whose is the intermediate translation, and also what other
translations have been made of that curious work?


_Symbols of the Four Evangelists_.--St. Matthew _an angel_; St. Mark,
_a lion_; St. Luke, _an ox_; St. John, _an eagle_. It is on account
of its being a symbol of the Resurrection that the _lion_ is assigned
to St. Mark as an emblem; St. Mark being called the historian of the
Resurrection. (This title he probably obtained from his gospel being
used on Easter Day.) The reason why the lion is taken as a symbol
of the Resurrection is to be found in the fabulous history of the
animal; according to which the whelp is born dead, and only receives
life at the expiration of three days, on being breathed on by
its father.--What are the reasons assigned for the other three
Evangelists' emblems?


_Portrait by Boonen._--Can any of your correspondents state the
precise time when Boonen, said to be a pupil of Schalcken, flourished?
And what eminent geographer, Dutch or English, lived during such
period? This question is asked with reference to a picture by
Boonen,--a portrait of a singular visaged man, with his hand on a
globe, now at Mr. Peel's in Golden Square; the subject of which is
desired to be ascertained. It may be the portrait of an astrologer, if
the globe is celestial.


_Beaver Hats._--On the subject of beaver hats, I would ask what was
the price or value of a beaver hat in the time of Charles II.? I
find that Giles Davis of London, merchant, offered Timothy Wade,
Esq., "five pounds to buy a beaver hat," that he might he permitted
to surrender a lease of a piece of ground in Aldermanbury. (Vide
_Judicial Decree, Fire of London, dated 13. Dec. 1668. Add. MS. 5085._
No. 22.)


       *       *       *       *       *



I regret that no further notice has been taken of the very curious
matter suggested by "Mr. Jebb" (No 14. p. 213.), one of the many
forgeries of which Shakspeare has been the object, which ought to be
cleared up, but which I have neither leisure nor materials to attempt;
but I can afford a hint or two for other inquirers.

1. This strange intermixture of some _John_ Shakspeare's confession
of the Romish faith with _William_ Shakspeare's will, is, as Mr. Jebb
states to be found in the _Dublin_ edition of Malone's _Shakspeare_,
1794, v. i. p. 154. It is generally supposed that this Dublin edition
is a copy (I believe a piracy) of the London one of 1790; but by what
means the _three_ introductory paragraphs of John Shakspeare's popish
confession were foisted into the real will of William is a complete

2. Malone, in a subsequent part of his prolegomena to both of those
editions (Lond. v. i. part II. 162., and Dublin, v. ii. p. 139.),
printed a pretended will or confession of the faith of _John_
Shakspeare, found in a strange, incredible way, and evidently a
forgery. This consisted of fourteen articles, of which the first
_three_ were missing. Now the _three_ paragraphs foisted into
_William's_ will would be the kind of paragraphs that would complete
_John's_ confession; but they are not in confession. Who, then, forged
_them_? and foisted _them_--_which Malone had never seen_--into so
prominent a place in the Dublin reprint of Malone's work?

3. Malone, in his inquiry into the _Ireland_ forgeries, alludes to
this confession of faith, admits that he was mistaken about it, and
intimates that he had been imposed on, which he evidently was; but
he does not seem to know any thing of the second forgery of the three
introductory paragraphs, or of their bold introduction into William
Shakspeare's will in the Dublin edition of his own work.

It is therefore clear that Mr. Jebb is mistaken in thinking that it
was "a blunder of _Malone's_." It seems, as far as we can see, to have
been, not a blunder, but an audacious fabrication; and how it came
into the Irish edition, seems to me incomprehensible. The printer of
the Dublin edition, Exshaw, was a respectable man, an alderman and a
Protestant, and _he_ could have no design to make William Shakspeare
pass for a papist; nor indeed does the author of the fraud, whoever
he was, attempt _that_; for the three paragraphs profess to be the
confession of _John_. So that, on the whole, the matter is to me quite
inexplicable; it is certain that it must have been a premeditated
forgery and fraud, but by whom or for what possible purpose, I cannot


       *       *       *       *       *


_Beaumont and Fletcher; Gray; Seward; Milton._--By way of carrying
out the suggestion which you thought fit to print at page 316, as to
the advantages likely to arise from intimations in your pages of the
existence of the MS. annotations, and other materials suitable to the
purposes of intending editors of standard works, I beg to mention the
following books in my possession, which are much at the service of any
editor who may apply to you for my address, viz.:--

1. A copy of Tonson's 10 vol. edit. of Beaumont and Fletcher (8vo.
1750), interleaved and copiously annotated, to the extent of about
half the plays, by Dr. Hoadly.

2. Mr. Haslewood's collection of materials for an edit. of Gray,
consisting of several works and parts of works, MS. notes, newspaper
cuttings, &c., bound in 6 vols.

3. A collection of works of Miss Anne Seward, Mr. Park's copy, with
his MS. notes, newspaper cuttings, &c.

As a first instalment of my promised notes on Milton's _Minor Poems_,
I have transcribed the following from my two copies, premising that
"G." stands for the name of Mr. Gilchrist, and "D." for that of Mr.
Dunster, whose name is misprinted in your 316th page, as "Duns_ton_."

_Notes on Lycidas._

On l. 2. (G.):--

  "O'er head sat a raven, on a _sere_ bough."

_Jonson's Sad Shepherd_, Act. I. Sc. 6.

On l. 26. (D.):--

            "Whose so early lay
  Prevents _the eyelids of the blushing day_."

_Crashaw's Music's Duel._

On l. 27. (D.):--

  "Each sheapherd's daughter, with her cleanly peale,
  was come _afield_ to milke the morning's meale."

_Brown's Britannia's Pastorals_, B. iv. Sc. 4. p. 75. ed. 1616.

On l. 29. (G.):--

  "And in the _deep fog batten_ all the day."

_Drayton_, vol. ii. p. 512. ed. 1753.

On l. 40. (G.):--

  "The _gadding_ winde."

_Phineas Fletcher's_ 1st _Piscatorie Eclogue_, st. 21.

On l. 40. (D.):--

  "This black den, which rocks emboss,
  _Overgrown_ with eldest moss."

_Wither's Shepherd's Hunting_, Eclogue 4.

On l. 68. (D.) the names of Amaryllis and Neaera are combined together
with other classical names of beautiful nymphs by Ariosto (_Orl. Fur._
xi. st. 12.)

On l. 78. (D.) The reference intended by Warton is to _Pindar, Nem._
Ode vii. l. 46.

On l. 122. (G.):--

  "Of night or loneliness _it recks me_ not."

_Comus_, l. 404.

On l. 142. (G.):--

  "So _rathe_ a song."

_Wither's Shepherd's Hunting_, p. 430. ed. 1633.

On l. 165. (G.):--

  "Sigh no more, ladies; ladies, sigh no more."

_Shakspeare's Much Ado_, ii. 3.

On l. 171. (G.):--

  "Whatever makes _Heaven's forehead_ fine."

_Crashaw's Weeper_, st. 2.


       *       *       *       *       *


_Depinges_ (No. 18. p. 277., and No. 20. p. 326.).--I have received
the following information upon this subject from Yarmouth. Herring
nets are usually made in four parts or widths,--one width, when they
are in actual use, being fastened above another. The whole is shot
overboard in very great lengths, and forms, as it were, a wall in
the sea, by which the boat rides as by an anchor. These widths are
technically called "_lints_" (Sax. lind?); the uppermost of them
(connected by short ropes with a row of corks) being also called the
"_hoddy_" (Sax. hod?), and the lowest, for an obvious reason, the
"_deepying_" or "_depynges_," and sometimes "_angles_."

At other parts of the coast than Yarmouth, it seems that the uppermost
width of net bears exclusively the name of _hoddy_, the second width
being called the first _lint_, the third width the second lint, and
the fourth the third lint, or, as before, "depynges."


_Laerig_.--Without contraverting Mr. Singer's learned and interesting
paper on this word (No. 19. p. 292.), I hope I shall not be thought
presumptuous in remarking that there must have been some other root
in the Teutonic language for the two following nouns, leer (Dutch) and
lear (Flemish), which both signify leather (lorum, Lat.), and their
diminutives or derivatives leer-ig and lear-ig, both used in the sense
of _tough_.

Supposing the Ang.-Sax. "laerig" to be derived from the same root,
it would denote in "ofer linde laerig," the leather covering of the
shields, or their capability to resist a blow.

I will thank you to correct two misprints in my last communication, p.
299.; pisan for pison, and [Greek: 'Ioannaes [o=omicron]] for [Greek:
'Ioannaes [o=omega]].

By the by, the word "pison" is oddly suggestive of a covering for the
breast (_pys_, Nor. Fr.). See _Foulques Fitzwarin_, &c.


March 16th.

_Laerig_ (No. 19. p. 292.).--The able elucidation given by Mr.
Singer of the meaning of this word, renders, perhaps, any futher
communication on the point unnecessary. Still I send the following
notes in case they should be deemed worthy of notice.

    "Ler, leer--vacuus. Berini Fabulae, v. 1219. A.-S. ge-laer."

_Junii Etymol. Anglicanum._

    "Lar, laer--vacuus."

_Schilteri Glossarium Teutonicum._

Respecting "Lind," I find in the version by Thorkelin of _De Danorum
Rebus Gestis Poema Danicum Dialecto Anglo-Saxonica_ (Havniae, 1815),
that "Lind haebbendra" is rendered "Vesilla habens;" but then, on the
other hand, in Biorn Haldorsen's _Islandske Lexicon_ (Havniae, 1814),
"Lind" (v. ii. p. 33) is translated "Scutum tiligneum."


_Vox et praeterea nihil_ (No. 16. p. 247.).--The allusion to this
proverb, quoted as if from the _Anatomy of Melancholy_, by "C.W.G."
(No. 16. p. 247.), may be found in Addison's _Spectator_, No. 61,
where it is as follows:--

    "In short, one may say of the pun as the countryman described
    his nightingale--that it is '_vox et praeterea nihil_.'"

The origin of the proverb is still a desideratum.


_Vox et praeterea nihil_ (No. 16. p 247.).--In a work entitled
_Proverbiorum et Sententiarum Persicarum Centuria_, a Levino Warnero,
published at Amsterdam, 1644, the XCVII. proverb, which is given in
the Persian character, is thus rendered in Latin,--

    "Tympanum magnum edit clangorem, sed intus vacuum est."

And the note upon it is as follows:--

    "Dicitur de iis, qui pleno ore vanas suas laudes ebuccinant.
    Eleganter Lacon quidam de luscinia dixit,--

  [Greek: Ph_ona tu tis essi kai ouden allo,]
  Vox tu quidem es et aliud nihil."

This must be the phrase quoted by Burton.


_Supposed Etymology of Havior_ (No. 15. p. 230., and No. 17. p.
269.).--The following etymology of "heaviers" will probably be
considered as not satisfactory, but this extract will show that
the term itself is in use amongst the Scotch deerstalkers in the
neighbourhood of Loch Lomond.

    "Ox-deer, or 'heaviers,' as the foresters call them (most
    likely a corruption from the French 'hiver'), are wilder than
    either hart or hind. They often take post upon a height, that
    gives a look-out all round, which makes them very difficult
    to stalk. Although not so good when December is past, still
    they are in season all the winter; hence their French
    designation."--_Colquhoun's Rocks and Rivers_, p. 137.
    (London, 8vo. 1849.)


_Havior_.--Without offering an opinion as to the relative probability
of the etymology of this word, offered by your various correspondents
(No. 17. p. 269.), I think it right that the use of the word in
Scotland should not be overlooked.

In Jamieson's admirable _Dictionary_, the following varieties of
spelling and meaning (all evidently of the same word) occur:--

    "_Aver_ or _Aiver_, a horse used for labour; commonly an old
    horse; as in Burns--

    "'Yet aft a ragged cowte's been kenn'd To mak a noble

    "'This man wyl not obey.... Nochtheles I sall gar hym draw lik
    an _avir_ in ane cart'--_Bellend. Chron._

    "'_Aiver_, a he-goat after he has been gelded: till then he is
    denominated a _buck_.

    "_Haiver_, _haivrel_, _haverel_, a gelded goat (East Lothian,
    Lanarkshire, Sotherland).

    "_Hebrun_, _heburn_, are also synonymes.

    "_Averie_, live-stock, as including horses, cattle, &c.

    "'Calculation of what money, &c. will sustain their Majesties'
    house and _averie_'--_Keith's Hist._

    "'_Averia_, _averii_, 'equi, boves, jumenta, oves, ceteraque
    animalia quae agriculturae inserviunt.'"--Ducange.

Skene traces this word to the low Latin, _averia_, "quhilk signifies
ane beast." According to Spelman, the Northumbrians call a horse
_aver_ or _afer_.

See much more learned disquisition on the origin of these evidently
congenerous words under the term _Arage_, in Jamieson.


_Mowbray Coheirs_ (No. 14. p. 213.).--Your correspondent "G." may
obtain a clue to his researches on reference to the _private_ act
of parliament of the 19th Henry VII., No. 7., intituled, "An Act for
Confirmation of a Partition of Lands made between _William_ Marquis
Barkley and Thomas Earl of Surrey."--Vide _Statutes at Large_.


_Spurious Letter of Sir R. Walpole_ (No. 19. p. 304.)--"P.C.S.S."
(No. 20. p. 321.) and "LORD BRAYBROOKE" (No. 21. p. 336.) will find
their opinion of the letter being spurious confirmed by the appendix
to _Lord Hervey's Memoirs_, (vol. ii. p. 582.), and the editor's
note, which proves the inaccuracy of the circumstances on which the
inventor of the letter founded his fabrication. In addition to Lord
Braybrooke's proofs that Sir Robert was not disabled by the stone, for
some days previous to the 24th, from waiting on the king, let me add
also, from Horace Walpole's authority, two conclusive facts; the first
is, that it was not till _Sunday night_, the 31st _January_ (_a week
after_ the date of the letter) that Sir Robert made up his mind to
resign; and, secondly, that he had at least two personal interviews
with the king on that subject.


_Line quoted by De Quincey_.--"S.P.S." (No. 22. p. 351.) is informed

  "With battlements that on their restless fronts
  Bore stars"...

is a passage taken from a gorgeous description of "Cloudland" by
Wordsworth, which occurs near the end of the second book of the
Excursion. The opium-eater gives a long extract, as "S.P.S." probably


Ecclesfield, March 31. 1850.

_Quem Jupiter vult perdere prius dementat_.--Malone, in a note in
_Boswell's Johnson_ (p. 718., Croker's last edition), says, that
a gentleman of Cambridge found this apophthegm in an edition of
Euripides (not named) as a translation of an iambic.

  "[Greek: On Theos Delei hapolesai, pr_ot' hapophrenoi.]"

The Latin translation the Cambridge gentleman might have found in
Barnes; but where is the _Greek_, so different from that of Barnes, to
be found? It is much nearer to the Latin.


_Bernicia_.--In answer to the inquiry of "GOMER" (No. 21. p. 335.),
"P.C.S.S." begs leave to refer him to Camden's _Britannia_ (Philemon
Holland's translation, Lond. fol. 1637), where he will find, at p.
797., the following passage:--

    "But these ancient names were quite worn out of use in the
    English Saxon War; and all the countries lying north or the
    other side of the arme of the sea called Humber, began, by
    a Saxon name, to be called [Old English: Northan-Humbra-ric]
    that is, the Kingdome of Northumberland; which name,
    notwithstanding being now cleane gone in the rest of
    the shires, remayneth still, as it were, surviving in
    Northumberland onely; which, when that state of kingdome
    stood, was known to be a part of the _Kingdome of Bernicia_,
    which had _peculiar petty kings_, and reached from the River
    Tees to Edenborough Frith."

At p. 817. Camden traces the etymology of _Berwick_ from _Bernicia_.


_Caesar's Wife_.--If the object of "NASO'S" Query (No. 18. p. 277.) be
merely to ascertain the origin of the proverb, "Caesar's wife must be
above suspicion," he will find in Suetonius (Jul. Caes. 74.) to the
following effect:--

  "The name of Pompeia, the wife of Julius Caesar,
  having been mixed up with an accusation against
  P. Clodius, her husband divorced her; not, as he said,
  because he believed the charge against her, but because
  he would have those belonging to him as free from
  suspicion as from crime."


    [We have received a similar replay, with the addition of a
    reference to Plutarch (Julius Caesar, cap. 10.), from several
    other kind correspondents.]

_Nomade_ (No. 21. p. 342.).--There can be no doubt at all that the
word "nomades" is Greek, and means pastoral nations. It is so used
in Herodotus more than once, derived from [Greek: nomos], pasture:
[Greek: nem_o], to graze, is generally supposed to be the derivation
of the name of Numidians.


_Gray's Elegy_.--In reply to the Query of your correspondent "J.F.M."
(No. 7. p. 101.), as well as in allusion to remarks made by others
among your readers in the following numbers on the subject of Gray's
_Elegy_, I beg to state that, in addition to the versions in foreign
languages of this fine composition therein enumerated, there is one
printed among the poem, original and translated, by C.A. Wheelwright,
B.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, published by Longman & Co. 1811.
(2d. edition, 1812.) If I mistake not, the three beautiful stanzas,
given by Mason in his notes to Gray, viz. those beginning,--

  "The thoughtless world to majesty may bow,"
  "Hark! how the sacred calm that breathes around,"
  "Him have we seen," &c.

(the last of which is so remarkable for its Doric simplicity, as well
as being essential to mark the concluding period of the contemplative
man's day) have not been admitted into any edition of the _Elegy_.

With the regard to the last stanza of the epitaph, its meaning is
certainly involved in some degree of obscurity, though it is, I think,
hardly to be charged with irreverence, according to the opinion of
your correspondent "S.W." (No. 10. p. 150.). By the words _trembling
hope_, there can be no doubt, that Petrarch's similar expression,
_paventosa speme_, quoted in Mason's note, was embodied by the English
poet. In the omitted version, mentioned in the beginning of this
notice, the epitaph is rendered into Alcaics. The concluding stanza is
as follows:--

  "Utra sepulti ne meritis fane,
    Et parce culpas, invide, proloqui,
  Spe nunc et incerto timore
    Numinis in gremio quiescunt."


Wiesbaden, Feb. 16. 1850.

_Cromwell's Estates_ (No. 18. p. 277., and No. 21. p. 339.).--I am
much obliged to "SELEUCUS" for his answer to this inquiry, as far as
regards the seignory of Gower. It also throws a strong light on the
remaining names; by the aid of which, looking in Gloucestershire and
Monmouthshire, I have identified _Margore_ with the parish of Magor
(St. Mary's), hundred of Caldecott, co. Monmouth: and guess, that
for Chepstall we must read _Chepstow_, which is in the same hundred,
and the population of which we know was stout in the royal cause, as
tenants of the Marquis of Worcester would be.

Then I guess Woolaston may be _Woolston_ (hundred of Dewhurst), co.
Gloucester; and Chaulton, one of the _Charltons_ in the same county,
perhaps _Charlton Kings_, near Cheltenham; where again we read, that
many of the residents were slain in the civil war, _fighting on the
king's side_.

This leaves only Sydenham without something like a probable
conjecture, at least: unless here, too, we may guess it was miswritten
for Siddington, near Cirencester. The names, it is to be observed,
are only recorded by Noble; whose inaccuracy as a transcriber has been
shown abundantly by Carlyle. The record to which he refers as extant
in the House of Commons papers, is not to be found, I am told.

Now, if it could be ascertained, either that the name in question
had been Cromwell's, or even that they were a part of the Worcester
estates, before the civil war, we should have the whole list
cleared,--thanks to the aid so effectually given by "SELEUCUS'S"
apposite explanations of one of its items.

Will your correspondents complete the illustrations thus well begun?


Belgravia, March 26.

       *       *       *       *       *


_Franz von Sickingen_.--Your correspondent "S.W.S." (No. 21. p. 336.)
speaks of his having had some difficulty in finding a portrait of
Franz Von Sickingen; it may not therefore, by uninteresting to him to
know (if not already aware of it) that upon the north side of the nave
of the cathedral of Treves, is a monument of Richard Von Greifenklan,
who defended Treves against the said Franz; and upon the entablature
are portraits of the said archbishop on the one side, and his enemy
Franz on the other. Why placed there it is difficult to conceive,
unless to show that death had made the prelate and the robber equals.


       *       *       *       *       *



  The sacred writers to express the whole,
  Name but a part, and call the man a _soul_.
  We frame our speech upon a different plan,
  And say "some_body_," when we mean a man.
  No_body_ heeds what every_body_ says,
  And yet how sad the secret it betrays!


       *       *       *       *       *

"_Laissez faire, laissez passer._"--I think your correspondent "A MAN
IN A GARRET" (No. 19. p. 308.) is not warranted in stating that M. de
Gournay was the author of the above axiom of political economy. Last
session Lord J. Russell related an anecdote in the House of Commons
which referred the phrase to an earlier date. In the _Times_ of the
2nd of April, 1849, his Lordship is reported to have said, on the
preceding day, in a debate on the Rate-in-Aid Bill, that Colbert, with
the intention of fostering the manufactures of France, established
regulations which limited the webs woven in looms to a particular
size. He also prohibited the introduction of foreign manufactures
into France. The French vine-growers, finding that under this system
they could no longer exchange their wine for foreign goods, began to
grumble. "It was then," said his Lordship, "that Colbert, having asked
a merchant what he should do, he (the merchant), with great justice
and great sagacity, said, 'Laissez faire et laissez passer'--do
not interfere as to the size and mode of your manufactures, do not
interfere with the entrance of foreign imports, but let them compete
with your own manufactures."

Colbert died twenty-nine years before M. de Gournay was born. Lord
J. Russell omitted to state whether Colbert followed the merchant's


_College Salting and Tucking of Freshmen_ (No. 17. p. 261., No. 19.
p. 306.).--A circumstantial account of the tucking of freshmen, as
practised in Exeter College, oxford, in 1636, is given in Mr. Martyn's
_Life of the First Lord Shaftesbury_, vol. i. p. 42.

    "On a particular day, the senior under-graduates, in the
    evening, called the freshmen to the fire, and made them hold
    out their chins; whilst one of the seniors, with the nail of
    his thumb (which was left long for that purpose), grated off
    all the skin from the lip to the chin, and then obliged him to
    drink a beer-glass of water and salt."

Lord Shaftesbury was a freshman at Exeter in 1636; and the story told
by his biographer is, that he organised a resistance among his fellow
freshmen to the practice, and that a row took place in the college
hall, which led to the interference of the master, Dr. Prideaux, and
to the abolition of the practice in Exeter College. The custom is
there said to have been of great antiquity in the college.

The authority cited by Mr. Martyn for the story is a Mr. Stringer, who
was a confidential friend of Lord Shaftesbury's, and made collections
for a Life of him; and it probably comes from Lord Shaftesbury


_Byron and Tacitus_.--Although Byron is, by our school rules, a
forbidden author, I sometimes contrive to indulge myself in reading
his works by stealth. Among the passages that have struck my (boyish)
fancy is the couplet in "_The Bride of Abydos_" (line 912),--

  "Mark! where his carnage and his conquests cease!
  He makes a solitude, and calls it--peace!"

Engaged this morning in a more legitimate study, that of Tacitus, I
stumbled upon this passage in the speech of Galgacus (Ag. xxx.),--

  "Ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem adpellant."

Does not this look very much like what we call "cabbaging?" If you
think so, by adding it to the other plagiarisms of the same author,
noted in some of your former numbers, you will confer a great honour


_The Pardonere and Frere_.--If Mr. J.P. Collier would, at some leisure
moment, forward, for your pages, a complete list of the variations
from the original, in Smeeton's reprint of _The Pardonere and Frere_,
he would confer a favour which would be duly appreciated by the
possessors of that rare tract, small as their number must be; since,
in my copy (once in the library of Thomas Jolley, Esq.), there is
an autograph attestation by Mr. Rodd, that "there were no more than
twenty copies printed."


_Mistake in Gibbon_ (No. 21. p. 341.).--The passage in Gibbon has an
error more interesting than the mere mistake of the author. That a
senator should make a motion to be repeated and chanted by the rest,
would be rather a strange thing; but the tumultuous acclamations
chanted by the senators as parodies of those in praise of Commodus,
which had been usual at the Theatres (Dio), were one thing; the vote
or decree itself, which follows, is another.

There are many errors, no doubt, to be found in Gibbon. I will mention
one which may be entertaining, though I dare say Mr. Milman has found
it out. In chap. 47. (and _see_ note 26.), Gibbon was too happy to
make the most of the murder of the female philosopher Hypatia, by a
Christian mob at Alexandria. But the account which he gives is more
shocking than the fact. He seems not to have been familiar enough with
Greek to recollect that [Greek: haneilon] means _killed_. Her throat
was cut with an oyster-shell, because, for a reason which he has very
acutely pointed out, oyster-shells were at hand; but she was clearly
not "cut in pieces," nor, "her flesh scraped off the bones," till
after she was dead. Indeed, there was no scraping from the bones at
all. That they used oyster-shells is a proof that the act was not
premeditated. Neither did she deserve the title of modest which
Gibbon gives her. Her way of rejecting suitors is disgusting enough
in Suidas.


_Public Libraries_.--In looking through the Parliamentary Report
on Libraries, I missed, though they may have escaped my notice, any
mention of a valuable one in _Newcastle-on-Tyne_, "Dr. Thomlinson's;"
for which a handsome building was erected early last century, near St.
Nicholas Church, and a Catalogue of its contents has been published.
I saw also, some years ago, a library attached to _Wimborne Minster_,
which appeared to contained some curious books.

The Garrison Library at _Gibraltar_ is, I believe, one of the most
valuable English libraries on the continent of Europe.


Edinburgh, March 30. 1850.

       *       *       *       *       *



  I've not said so to _you_, my friend--and I'm not going--
  _You_ may find so many people better worth knowing.


       *       *       *       *       *



Mr. Thorpe is preparing for publication a Collection of the Popular
Traditions or Folk Lore of Scandinavia and Belgium, as a continuation
of his _Northern Mythology and Superstitions_, now ready for the

Mr. Wykeham Archer's _Vestiges of Old London_, of which the Second
Part is now before us, maintains its character as an interesting
record of localities fast disappearing. The contents of the present
number are, the "House of Sir Paul Pindar, in Bishopgate Without,"
once the residence of that merchant prince, and now a public-house
bearing his name; "Remains of the East Gate, Bermondsey Abbey;" which
is followed by a handsome staircase, one of the few vestiges still
remaining of "Southhampton House," the residence of the Wriothesleys,
Earls of Southampton. A plate of "Street Monuments, Signs,
Badges, &c.," gives at once variety to the subjects, and a curious
illustration of what was once one of the marked features of the
metropolis. "Interior of a Tower belonging to the wall of London,"
in the premises of Mr. Burt, in the Old Bailey, presents us with a
curious memorial of ancient London in its fortified state; it being
the only vestige of a tower belonging to the wall in its entire
height, and with its original roof existing. The last plate exhibits
some "Old Houses, with the open part of Fleet Ditch, near Field Lane;"
and the letter-press illustration of this plate describes a state of
filth and profligacy which we hope will soon only be known among us as
a thing that _has been_.

We have received the following Catalogues:--Messrs. Williams and
Norgate's (14. Henrietta Street) German Catalogue, Part I. comprising
Theology, Ecclesiastical History, and Philosophy; John Petheram's
(94. High Holborn) Catalogue, Part CX. No. 4. for 1850, of Old and New
Books; John Miller's (43. Chandos Street) Catalogue, Number Four for
1850 of Books Old and New; and E. Palmer and Son's (18. Paternoster
Row) Catalogue of Scarce and Curious Books.

       *       *       *       *       *






LETTER TO SIR JAMES M'INTOSH in Reply to some Observations made in the
House of Commons on the Duel between Sir Alexander Boswell and James
Stuart, Esq., of Duncarn.


PARISH CHURCHES. by BRANDON. Parts 1. and 2.

HOMER: OPERA. Glasgow. 1814. Vol. IV. Large paper, uncut.

MOYEN AGE MONUMENTALE DE M. CHAPUY. Paris. 1841, &c. (C.W.B. wishes to
complete his set.)

***Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, _carriage free_,
to be sent to MR. BELL. Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet

       *       *       *       *       *


W.R.F. and T.P. are assured that the omissions of which they complain
have arisen neither from want of courtesy nor want of attention, as
they would be quite satisfied if they knew all the circumstances of
their respective cases.

NOTES AND QUERIES may be procured by the Trade at noon on Friday;
so that our country Subscribers ought to experience no difficulty in
receiving it regularly. Many of the country Booksellers are probably
not yet aware of this arrangement, which enables them to receive
Copies in their Saturday parcels. Part V. is now ready.

ERRATUM. By a provoking accident, some few copies of the last No. were
worked off before the words "Saxoniae," "Saxonia" and "audactes," in p.
365. col. 2. were corrected to "Saxoni_ce_" and "audacte_r_."

       *       *       *       *       *


No. CLXXXIV., is Published THIS DAY.



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       *       *       *       *       *

Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5.
New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride in the City of London;
and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish
of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No.
186. Fleet Street aforesaid.--Saturday, April 18. 1850.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Notes & Queries, No. 24. Saturday,
April 13. 1850, by Various


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