Hi everybody, please try the updated NANSI from


Change: When you use the /S (disable keyboard redefinitions)
options, the memory usage of NANSI is now 0.5 kB less :-).

Plus trying to use unsupported options now triggers the display
of a help message which lists the supported options. Useful for
tiny distros where only the binary but not the docs are around,
and useful for people who just assume that Nansi would work like
MS ANSI and who fail to read the docs ;-).

I hope the change does not introduce instabilities. Both
using and not using the /S ("disable key redefinitions")
mode should give you a working NANSI. The only difference
should be that /S should not support redefining keys and
non-/S should support redefining keys. Text display and
keyboard handling should work in both cases.

BUT: I need testers for that! Feedback please :-). It works
for me, but it would be interesting to know if it works for
all of you...

Thanks for testing! Eric

PPS: A planned future update is "disable int2f screen geometry
interface to save 200-300 bytes more RAM". Would it be okay if
that only worked when /S is active at the same time? Which name
should be used for such an option, maybe /G or something? I also
suggest that /G would ENABLE the geometry interface and that the
default would be that it is enabled. The interface is 4.0c+ only.