ASSIGN (1)                  08 August 1995                  ASSIGN (1)

          assign - Assign a drive letter to a different drive

          assign [/m] [/shadow] /?
          assign [/m] [/shadow] /status
          assign [/m] [/shadow] /u
          assign [/m] [/shadow] [{ dr1[:]=dr2[:] }]

          Assign maps  a  drive  letter  to  a  different drive.  This
          mapping effects only the drive letter,  but  not  the  path,
          what makes Assign different to Subst, e.g.:
          With the  current  working  paths "C:\FREEDOS" and "B:\TEMP"
          after the commands "assign B=C" and "cd C:\", the path  "B:"
          also points to the directory "C:\".
          Whereas after  the  commands "subst B: ."  and "cd C:\", the
          path "B:" still points to "C:\FREEDOS".

          Because this program is no TSR,  do  not  load  it  via  the
          "LOADHIGH" or the "LH" command.


       /? Display a little help screen.

       /SHADOW This  option  hides the resident portion of Assign from
          being detected easily.  That includes:
          1) The memory  block  containing  the  resident  portion  is
          marked as a part of the system.
          2) The  installation check interrupt returns "Not installed,
          but not allowed to install" rather than "Installed" or  "Not

          If the  resident  portion is installed with this option, but
          subsequent invokations  are  made  without  this  option,  a
          warning pops up, but the action is performed.

          The option may be abbreviated down to /SH.

       /STATUS Display all assigned drive letters in the form:
          dr1: => dr2:
          where dr1  is  the  assigned drive letter and dr2 the drive,
          where dr1 points to.

          If there  is  no  assigment  at  all,  no  output  will   be

          This option prevents the loading of the resident portion, if
          it has not already been installed.

          The option may be abbreviated down to /S.

       /u Uninstall a previously installed Assign.


     ASSIGN (1)                  08 August 1995                  ASSIGN (1)

       dr1[:]=dr2[:] This defines a drive letter assignment, where dr1
          shall point to dr2.  The colons ":" are optional.  There are
          no whitespaces allowed between the drive letters, the colons
          and the equal sign '='.

          If the  resident  portion  is not already loaded, it will be
          loaded without further notice.

       /m Move the resident portion into the UMB  area,  if  possible.
          This option is ignored, when the resident portion is already

       no option If  there is neither /STATUS nor /u nor an assignment
          specified on the command line, all existing assignments  are
          broken, so that all letters point to themselfs in result.


       o  Because Assign  is  no TSR itself, a loading with one of the
          commands "LOADHIGH" or "LH" may fail.  If you want  to  load
          the resident portion high, you must specify the /m option.

       o  The options  /STATUS  and  /SHADOW  do not follow the option
          standard because of compatibly to the original Assign.

       o  Later installed  TSR's  or  a  secondary  command  processor
          (shell) mostly prevent the uninstall process.  In this case,
          Assign is  not suspended, but remains active in memory.  Use
          ASSIGN without any option  to  clear  the  assignment  table

       o  Some shells  prevent  that ASSIGN finds its resident copy in
          memory, if ASSIGN is installed from a secondary copy of  the

          Subst, Join

                                 Steffen Kaiser
                             MittelstraƔe 112/B115
                         53757 Sankt Augustin - Menden
                             Deutschland - Germany

                    e-mail: Steffen.Kaiser@FH-Rhein-Sieg.DE
