This is the full blown unzip-5.12 with decryption option.
Please don't export this software from the US to the 
rest of the free world. Some people consider this stuff
as dangerous as ammunition, so export from the US is prohibited.

If you are living in France you need a "license" to use strong
crypto. I don't consider zip crypto as strong, but your local
thought surveillance police officer might judge differently.

md5 should give you:
04f105f450ee958bb094ed411dd1ef8d  unzip_crypt-5.12-1.i386.rpm
4482950b68caa28c2cfd8d7e214027e4  unzip_crypt-5.12-1.src.rpm

PS: There exists some nice brute force stuff to crack your zip 
    encrypted files and there is also a "soft" force attack which 
    cracks zip PWs by analyzing the crypted headers. 
    Conclusion: If the stuff you want to keep private is REAL 
    important use Phil Z's famous PGP. 

(You knew it since LINUX 0.9x: this site is real :)