This is a port of mtc, a program to convert Modula-2 to C. Main parts are: mtc: translates sources in Modula-2 to C, with makemake: creates a Makefile to translate, compile and link a source reuse: library of reusable modules There are two versions of this port: mtcbin.tpz and mtcsrc.tpz (1) Binaries are in mtcbin.tpz (scripts \usr\bin\mtc, \usr\bin\makemake, the rest can be found in \usr\local\lib\mtc), compiled with gcc-2.3.3 and Linux 99pl4. (2) Sources are in mtcsrc.tpz. Just do make make install to create and install the binaries found in mtcbin.tpz. mtc, makemake and reuse are parts of cocktail, the Compiler Construction Tool Box of the Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik and Datenverarbeitung, Forschungsstelle fuer Programmstrukturen an der Universitaet Karlsruhe (Germany) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: makemake [directories] Makemake inspects the Modula-2 sources in the given directories (default: working directory) and writes a makefile on stdoutput. The makefile describes the dependencies of the C sources produced by mtc out of Modula-2 sources. It also describes the translation of Modula-2 sources to C. make sources : calls mtc to convert all Modula-2 sources to C make all : calls cc to compile and link all C programs So, given correct sources in Modula-2, all you have to do is: makemake > Makefile ; make The Modula-sources for the library can be found in /usr/local/lib/mtc/src (no, but e.g. Beware: The extension for definition modules is '.md', and implementation modules use '.mi'. If you want to use own libraries, you should modify /usr/local/lib/mtc/makemake/makemake.awk. This file is used as a template by the script /usr/bin/makemake.