OpenTC HOWTO series - PET PoC

Title:          HOWTO clear and reactivate the TPM on the IBM/Lenovo T60
Author(s):      Carsten Weinhold (TUD)
Revision date:  2007-06-12
Audience:       user, developer
PoC version:    otc-suse-pet-1.0, otc-dsl-pet-1.0

Preliminary notes

This HOWTO is complementary to the test plan because it specifies how to
clear and reactivate the TPM of a selected platform, an operation that is
required in some procedures described in the test plan.




1) Activate a disabled TPM / Clear the TPM ownership:

   - Power down the laptop if necessary; a reboot will not be sufficient
   - Power on the laptop
   - Enter the BIOS setup menu:
     - Press the blue ThinkVantage button to bring up boot menu
     - Press F1 when the boot menu appears
   - The BIOS setup menu appears:
     - Enter the "Security" section, then "Security Chip";
     - Set the state of the "Security Chip" setting to "Active"
     - Choose "Clear Security Chip" to revoke the current ownership
       ATTENTION: This will delete all keys the TPM; Any data that has been
                  encrypted using the TPM beforehand will become inaccessible!
     - Leave the BIOS setup menu, choose to save all the changes you made

2) Power off the laptop

3) Power on the laptop; the TPM should now be active and ready for take