Packages changed:
  audacity (3.1.3 -> 3.2.1)
  gcr (3.92.0 -> 4.0.0)
  libmodulemd (2.13.0 -> 2.14.0)
  perl-HTML-Parser (3.78 -> 3.79)
  perl-HTTP-Message (6.37 -> 6.41)
  perl-JSON (4.09 -> 4.10)
  perl-Net-DNS (1.34 -> 1.35)
  perl-URI (5.12 -> 5.16)
  sord (0.16.10 -> 0.16.14)

=== Details ===

==== audacity ====
Version update (3.1.3 -> 3.2.1)
Subpackages: audacity-lang

- No more bundled custom wxWidgets, so remove them from the .spec completely
- Fix build for Leap 15.3
- update spec, install audacity libs into _libdir/audacity
- update build deps - no need for carla
- don't create lame.pc
- use %cmake_build
- add patch:
- update audacity-rpmlintrc
- remove patches, now upstream:
- refresh patches:
- update licenses
- Update to 3.2.1
  Changes in version 3.2.1
  This is a patch release. It fixes some bugs and has minor improvements.
  * #3686 Fixed Audacity crashing on startup on some systems.
  * #3694 Fixed a crash when applying Waves Berzerk Distortion
    Mono to a mono track
  * #3699 Fixed a freeze when very quickly starting and stopping
  * #3747 macOS: Homebrew FFmpeg installs are now found automatically
  * #3594 macOS: Fixed Melda VST Plugin UI
  * #3474 Building with VST3 support is now possible without Conan.
  Changes in version 3.2.0
  This version adds realtime effects and VST3.
  Prominent changes
  * Added a new Effects button to the tracks menu, allowing you to
    place realtime effects.
    Further information can be found can be found on
  * Merged the mixer bar with the meter bars.
  * Added a new Audio Setup button, replacing the Device Toolbar
    by default. The device toolbar can be re-added via the
    View > Toolbars menu.
  * The Effects menu has gotten a new sorting. Other sorting and
    grouping options can be found in the Effects preferences.
  * Updated the icons.
  * Added a quick audio sharing feature.
    More info can be found on
  Plugin changes
    You can find plugins on
  * VST3 effects are now supported.
  * The following plugin formats are now realtime capable:
    VST3, LV2, LADSPA, Audio Units.
  * Plugins now automatically get scanned, tested and enabled
    when Audacity starts.
  System changes
  * Apple Silicon (arm64) is now supported on macOS
    Note: When using an arm64 Audacity, you must use arm64
    versions of FFMPEG and plugins. Plugins for x86-64 (Intel macs) will not load.
    For the time being, Audacity will continue to download
    x86-64 versions by default to avoid these incompatibilities,
    but you can download an arm64 version from Github releases:
  * FFMPEG 5.0 (avformat 59) is now supported, in addition to
    avformat 55, 57 and 58
  * Added support for Wavpack
  * On Linux, Audacity can now be compiled without JACK present.
  * Audacity now uses XDG directories on Linux.
    Note: If you are upgrading from a previous version,
    Audacity will keep using the ~/.audacity-data and ~/.audacity folders until you delete them.
  * Switched from mad to mpg123 as MP3 importer
  License update
  * Audacity binaries are now licensed under the
    GNU General Public License, Version 3.
    Most code files remain GPLv2-or-later, but VST3
    support required this license update.
    More information can be found in the announcement
  * Removed the Zoom Tool. You can use the zoom buttons
    or Ctrl+Scroll (macOS: Cmd+Scroll) to zoom instead.
  * The Audacity Manual HTML pages are no longer included
    in the installation.
    If you require offline access of the manual, you can download
    it here:
    You also can download PDFs of
    straight from its sidebar (or the three-dot button on mobile devices).
  Fixed bugs:
  * #3079 Fixed Audacity sometimes not being able to import MP3
    files (or reporting Huffman Data Overruns)
  * #2590 Fixed rare data loss bug when placing labels during recording
  * #2272 Fixed clip titles being able to disappear off-screen when editing them
  * #2162 Fixed Punch and Roll not paying tracks in sync
  * #1889 Fixed clip titles changing name when applying some effects
  * #1624 During batch processing, Audacity will no longer stop to ask
    for a sample rate when an unsupported one is chosen, but choose the
    nearest supported one instead.
  * #2265 Fixed mod-script-pipe not being installed on Linux
  * #3571 Fixed GTK packaging in Appimages. This fixes various issues with
    icons, dropdowns and similar things not appearing properly.
  * #3634 Improved M4A/AAC support. Previously the target bitrate was
    not honored at all, now it can be set between 98 and 160 kbit/s (mono)
    or 196 and 320 kbit/s (stereo). The UI does not yet reflect these limits.

==== bison ====
Subpackages: bison-lang

- Remove profiling support. Bison's performance is not really key to
  rebuild cycles, but as bison is a bootstrap package, it's own build
  time can hurt - especially if it's not reproducible.

==== dbus-1-x11 ====

- Disable asserts in dbus-1-x11.spec and dbus-1-devel-doc.spec too

==== elfutils ====
Subpackages: libasm1 libdw1 libelf1

- Add RISC-V specific patches:
  * 0001-libelf-Sync-elf.h-from-glibc.patch
  * 0002-backends-Handle-new-RISC-V-specific-definitions.patch
  * 0003-elflint-Allow-zero-p_memsz-for-PT_RISCV_ATTRIBUTES.patch
  * 0004-readelf-Handle-SHT_RISCV_ATTRIBUTES-like-SHT_GNU_ATT.patch
  * 0005-backends-Add-RISC-V-object-attribute-printing.patch

==== ffmpeg-5 ====
Subpackages: libavcodec59 libavdevice59 libavfilter8 libavformat59 libavutil57 libpostproc56 libswresample4 libswscale6

- Refresh Fedora OpenH264 dlopen patch and sources for OpenH264 2.3.1
  * Patch: ffmpeg-dlopen-openh264.patch
  * Source: ffmpeg-dlopen-headers.tar.xz
  * Source:

==== gcr ====
Version update (3.92.0 -> 4.0.0)
Subpackages: gcr-ssh-agent gcr-ssh-askpass gcr-viewer libgck-2-0_0_0 libgcr-4-0_0_0 typelib-1_0-Gck-2 typelib-1_0-Gcr-4

- Update to version 4.0.0:
  + This the first stable release of gcr4 and gck2.
  + Updated translations.

==== gdm ====
Subpackages: gdm-schema gdmflexiserver libgdm1 typelib-1_0-Gdm-1_0

- Move dbus system.d conf file to /usr (bsc#1204052)

==== geoclue2 ====
Subpackages: system-user-srvGeoClue typelib-1_0-Geoclue-2_0

- Move dbus system.d conf file to /usr (bsc#1204054)

==== iio-sensor-proxy ====

- Move dbus system.d conf file to /usr (bsc#1204055)

==== libmodulemd ====
Version update (2.13.0 -> 2.14.0)

- update to 2.14.0:
  * New functions for stripping XMD from an index
  * developer visible fixes and documentation updates
  * Fix a crash when updating an index with an invalid subdocument
    and a NULL error parameter.
  * Reject duplicate contexts in modulemd-packager-v3 documents.
  * Report an error if modulemd-validator tool is invoked with both
  - -version option and an unknown option.
  * Fix an undefined behaviour when comparing integers of different

==== perl-HTML-Parser ====
Version update (3.78 -> 3.79)

- updated to 3.79
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-Parser/Changes
  3.79      2022-10-12
  * Modernise XS (GH#32) (James Raspass)
  * Skip threads on older perl versions, as they often segfault (GH#31) (Graham
  * Knop)

==== perl-HTTP-Message ====
Version update (6.37 -> 6.41)

- updated to 6.41
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTTP-Message/Changes
  6.41      2022-10-12 15:57:40Z
  - Add maximum size for HTTP::Message->decoded_content
    This can be used to limit the size of a decompressed HTTP response,
    especially when making requests to untrusted or user-specified servers.
    The $HTTP::Message::MAXIMUM_BODY_SIZE variable and the ->max_body_size
    accessor can set this limit. (GH#181) (Max Maischein)
  6.40      2022-10-12 15:45:52Z
  - Fixed two typos in the doc, originally reported by FatherC
    in RT#90716, ported over as GH#57. (GH#57) (Neil Bowers)
  6.39      2022-10-08 13:48:26Z
  - Remove Travis config (GH#180) (Olaf Alders)
  - Added status_constant_name() which maps status code
    to the name of the corresponding constant. (GH#160) (Neil Bowers)
  - Updated the doc for status_message() to clarify that it
    returns "Not Found" and not "HTTP_NOT_FOUND". (GH#160) (Neil Bowers)
  6.38      2022-10-06 21:48:18Z
  - Replace "base" with "parent" (GH#176) (James Raspass)
  - Replace "print" with "note" in tests (GH#178) (James Raspass)
  - Noted that OPTIONS supported was added in 6.1, to the doc
    for HTTP::Request::Common. Addresses GH#177. (GH#179) (Neil Bowers)

==== perl-JSON ====
Version update (4.09 -> 4.10)

- updated to 4.10
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON/Changes
  4.10 2022-10-09
  - updated backportPP with JSON::PP 4.12

==== perl-Net-DNS ====
Version update (1.34 -> 1.35)

- updated to 1.35
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-DNS/Changes

==== perl-URI ====
Version update (5.12 -> 5.16)

- updated to 5.16
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-URI/Changes
  5.16      2022-10-12 13:10:40Z
  - Merge the methods from URI::QueryParam into URI, so they are always
    available (GH#114) (Graham Knop)
  5.15      2022-10-11 14:48:28Z
  - Teach uri_escape to accept a Regexp object as the characters to escape
    as an alternative to a character class. (GH#113) (Graham Knop)
  5.14      2022-10-10 20:37:57Z
  - Fix uri_escape allowing \w style character classes in its character set
    parameter (GH#112) (Graham Knop)
  5.13      2022-10-06 16:46:32Z
  - Regression test added for a previous bug (5.11) in URI::file (Perlbotics).
    file() method of URI::file can return the current working directory
    instead of the properly unescaped path. (GH#106) (Perlbotics)
  - Replace "Test" with "Test::More" (GH#107) (James Raspass)
  - Replace raw TAP printing with "Test::More" (GH#108) (James Raspass)
  - Apply perlimports to tests (GH#110) (Olaf Alders)
  - Improve escaping of unwanted characters (GH#78) (Branislav Zahradnk)

==== sord ====
Version update (0.16.10 -> 0.16.14)

- Adding 67bcd63bda9d7b095489a09b9880aa730ddb5488.patch from upstrea
  commit to suport pcre2 in favor of pcre1
- update to 0.16.14:
  * Adopt REUSE machine-readable licensing standard
  * Allow programs to be used from subproject
  * Fix accidentally exposed internal zix symbols
  * Fix various warnings
  * Switch to meson build system