by Paul Sutton 22-5-97 or 22nd May 1997
Donated free of charge to the Linux Documentation Project.
I hope you will find this document useful.
^KH help menu on/off
commands and keystrokes used in joe
^ = control key
Basic commands
^B Left ^F Right
^P Up ^N Down
^Z Previous word ^X Next word
^KF Find Text
^L Find Next
^U Prev. screen ^V Next screen
^A Beginning of Line ^E End of line
^KU Top of file ^KV End of file
^KL to line number
^KB Begin ^KK End
^KM Move ^KC Copy
^KW File ^KY Delete
^K/ filter
^D Char ^Y Line
^W >Word ^O Word<
^J >Line ^_ Undo
^^ redo
^KJ Reformat ^TT Overtype
' ctrl- ^\ Meta-
^R Retype ^@ Insert
^KX Save ^C Abort
^KZ Shell fg Return to program.
^KE New ^KR Insert
^KD Save
^KO Split the window into two. You can then use ^KE to load a file into
the new window
^KG Make current window bigger ^KT Make current window smaller
^KN Goto window below ^KP Goto window above
^C Eliminate current window
^KI Show all windows/show one window
^K \ Repeat next command nn times ^G Goto matching ( [ {
^K SPACE Show position status
^K- goto prevous place in position history
^K [ 0-9 Begin recording macro n
^K ] Stop recording
^K A Center line
^T X Rectangle mode
^K ' Terminal window
^K = Goto Next place
^K, Indent marked block less
^K. Indent marked block more
^k; Tag serarch
OPTIONS [mode settings]
^TT Insert/overtype
^TA Auto indent on/off
^TW Wordwrap on/off
^TL Left margin
^TR Right margin
^TP No. PgUP/PgDn lines
^TK Indent character
^TX Rectangle mode
^TM Recenter cursor when it goes off window
^TF Force final NL when file are written
^TH Display characters above 127 as-is
^TC Show column number on status line
^TD Tab width
^TI Indent step column width
Special search sequences:
\^ Matches beginning of line
\< Matches beginning of word
\? matches any single character
\c matches any balanced C expression
\[..] matches one of a set
\+ matches 0 or more of the characters which follow the \+
\$ matches end of line
\> matches end of word
\* matchs 0 or more characters
\\ matches a \
\n matches a new line
Special replace sequences
\& replace with text which matched search string
\0-9 replaced with text which matched Nth \*, \? \c, \+ or \[..]
\\ replaced with \
\n replaced with newline
Hit TAB at the file name prompts to generate menu of file names
Or use up/down keys to access history of previously entered names
Special file names:
!ccommand Pipe in/out of a shell command
>>filename Append to a file
- Read/Write to/from standard I/O
filename, START, SIZE Read/Write a part of a file/device
Give START/SIZE in decimal (255), octal (0377) or hex (0xFF)