[Off topic] linux-friendly isps

From: Stephen Isard (S.IsardDeleteThis@ed.ac.uk)
Date: Fri Sep 28 2001 - 17:26:05 CEST

I would like to ask for some advice from the list.

My elderly mother-in-law lives on her own in a small town in
Massachusetts. She doesn't have a computer, nor does she particularly
care about having one. However, various children and grandchildren
visit her regularly from other cities, and while we are there we try to
help out with things she now finds more difficult than she used to, like
tax forms, small repairs, gardening, etc.. The visitors are used to
getting their information about tax forms, plumbing supplies, bus
timetables, etc., from the internet, but her town doesn't even have an
internet cafe.

I thought the thing to do would be to get a secondhand laptop, set up
mulinux to boot into netscape, and leave it there on my next visit. I
can handle the mulinux part (famous last words!), but the plan also
requires setting up an account with an ISP that we can dial from her
house, and I don't know anything about ISPs in the US. I just want to
make a basic ppp connection, and don't need webspace or email addresses.
Reliability is important, of course, but since we will make only
occasional use of the service, there seems no point in paying a lot for
unlimited access.

Can anyone recommend an ISP offering the kind of service I am looking

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Isard

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