RE: muLinux v12.0: SVGA X Server and Netscape

From: Bob Romprey (
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 23:19:41 CEST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Michele,

The addition of netscape 3.x puts a rather fine polish unto the mulinux project as a whole.
Up until this point users either had to do some custom butchering or be satisfied with either with lynx, or in older distributions chimera.

 As per my usual I'll continue to be quite satisfied using mulinux in it's most rustic sense...(a one disk wonder).....but for what I preceive as the majority of users the addition of netscape will(and should) be welcomed with open arms.
 After all most folks want a complete distribution to do many things with, rather than a rustic distribution with which they can see how much they can do with a set of "base tools" and some creative implementation*grin*.

>From: Michele Andreoli <>
>a new, important enhancement for muLinux is in final stage.
>Two new add-on diskettes, called NS1 and NS2. The two disk contains
>the SVGA X server for muLinux and the popular browser Netscape
>(version 3.x, the best, in my hymble opinion).
>The netscape binary is very big (about 4.2 Mega) to enter in a muLinux
>ramdisk. So, I compressed it using UPX and splitted it (usind dd) in
>two parts, located in NS1 and NS2.
>The wrapper script "netscape" is able to rebuild on the fly the
>final binary, but it still refuse to starts, when muLinux runs in RAM.
>This is because UPX requires much space in /tmp in order to
>decompress, but I'm not sure.
>So, also loading NS1 and NS2, it is better to clone muLinux in hard-disk
>in order to get Netscape running. Sorry.

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