[mu agetty] no response

From: Joshua Hudson (joshudson@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon May 21 2001 - 18:31:59 CEST

I am interested in developing new shell for muLinux (believe I can beat ash
for size & speed). In attempting to determine what happens in login, I
could not get output to the screen. The same thing happens with programs
being used as login shells, like so:

This is the entry I added to /etc/passwd:

who::103:100:Dr. Who:/:/usr/bin/who

The result in logging in (minus /etc/issue):

muLinux login: who

muLinux login:

The error is in init or agetty: running login from the command line
works just fine:

# login
muLinux login: who
who tty0 (rest of output deleted)
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