Write the Gazette at gazette@linuxgazette.net
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Answers to these questions should be sent directly to the e-mail address of the inquirer with or without a copy to gazette@linuxgazette.net. Answers that are copied to LG will be printed in the next issue in the Tips column.
Before asking a question, please check the Linux Gazette FAQ to see if it has been answered there.
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 17:07:37 -0400
From: DoctorX <d0ct0r_x@hven.com.ve>
Subject: Suggestions
I am from Venezuela South America and I think that the next issue of "Linux Gazette" will contain something about Latin American Linux Distributions , and others project developed in Latin America
I am a leader of a project named HVLinux HVlinux is a project for make a venezuelan linux distribution based on slackware, it run for now in RAM ( version 0.2.2 ) but the next version will run from HD.
HVLinux HOME :
this site is in spanish
It is only a suggestion
Wenceslao Hernandez C.
This isn't exactly a burning question but I'd be
interested in knowing if anyone in the Gazette
readership knows of a free ISP that supports Linux.
All of the ones I've checked out so far require
Windows and/or Internet Explorer.
i own a panasonic 24x CDROM, a quatum 2.5GB bigfoot and recently purchased
a segate 17.2GB.
i am getting 'hdc: lost interrupt' constanly through the install ( which
ploads along for about 2 hours ) then ends in what i think is suppoed to be
text displayed, only the screen then starts displaying out of sync, drawing
lines across the screen which look like very large ( 2 inch, or 4 centimetre
) and unreadable letters. thus the install ends. ( obviously incomplete )
other probs with computer which may have influeenced
a) to install the seagate was extremly hard requiring about an hours worth
on fiddling with ide cables and jumper settings, currently the quatum is
master of the primary ide, with nothing else, the cdrom is secondary master
and the seagate is secondary slave. this is about the ONLY way all devices
are detected properly AND the cd is able to boot.
b) -before the segate was installed- i have ( along with other a queer
'randomly order' file display in windows explorer for only some directories
) not beenable to play audio cds, with them either not being detected by
windows 'cdplayer' or jumping from track to track when play is pressed,
without playing anything. although data and video cd's continue to run
thank you for your time ( and possibly help )
so. i need some help over here. X is not working properly with my spanking new ATi Rage 128-card ("bar code text"). here's what i have done so far:
downloaded XF86 3.3.6 (binary) (which supports ATi Rage 128) to my Win98 disk.
installed a normal installation of Red Hat 6.1 (in text mode) to my linux disk.
installed XF86 3.3.6 properly to my linux disk, taking great care not to overwrite the original `xinitrc' provided by Red Hat
runned XF86Setup, configured everything there;the XF86Setup-test worked nicely
runned `startx', which started Gnome etc.
the Gnome Help Browser popped up, but the text... it was all like bar codes (that is, only horizontal lines). but occasionally, perfectly legible text popped up when scrolling. the words `Gnome Help Browser' in the title line was perfectly legible all the time.
and yes, i have entered the correct sync rates for my monitor.
i presume this is a font problem, but the means to solve it i cannot begin to comprehend. yea, i have clutched my brain rather avidly trying to get my system working properly. i have even tried deleting the font-folder before installing XF86-3.3.6... and making sure that the font-folder was regenerated when installing XF86-3.3.6.
so. in summary, the main problem seems to be the weird behaviour of text when using X ("bar code text"). any help to solve this
problem would be greatly appreciated.
All right, I have the boot disk failure on my computer. And I was
readding the article and I dont have a boot disk or a back up disk. But
can I just reinstall windows somehow without using a boot disk.
I notice Ed said "it's often the sign of serious disk corruption". May I beg
to disagree? Note that ALL of the files in lost+found are of type b or c. I
don't know why or how this corruption occurs, but I found that (1) I
couldn't delete them, and (2) the machine gaily carried on working with no
sign of any problems.
The problem only went away when the computer was scrapped - it was a 386 and
was replaced with a 686MX.
The files that wouldn't delete may have had their immutable or
undeletable attribute set. The command
First of all, I'd just like to thank all those who replied to my
previous postings here at LG and got me unstuck. =) I only like to
resort to asking when I've exahsted all my own ideas. That being said,
I've come up across another interesting challenge to which I've yet
found no solution. Here's the deal:
In compiling the man-db package (as at least one reader correctly
guessed, yes, I'm following the LFS linux from scratch howto from here
at LG), I get the follow compilation error using both pgcc 2.95.2 as
well as egcs 2.91.66 on both my new linux partition and the "main"
Has anyone gotten this problem before? Any ideas? :)
I would really like to see case studies on switching to Linux form other
Here's our platform and some requirements and questions:
We currently use Windows NT Terminal Server Edition. How hard would it be to
go to Linux?
- We have two TSE servers with approximately 30 users each logged in on
average. In total, we have about 130 users but it is a manufacturing plant
and many people share terminals.
- We use Citrix Metaframe, for Load Balancing and failover. Is there a
product for Linux that offers this option?
- We use thin clients (Boundless (www.boundless.com) Windows CE terminals
with RDP and ICA protocols) and no X. I have not been happy with the CE
terminals. I was wondering if an X-term performed better? You can really
see how slow CE is if you just click on the start button and move the mouse
up and down the program list. I had an old PC with not enough RAM and the
ICA client worked much better than the CE ICA client. I just found
www.ltsp.org and the x-terms look fantastic (you could do a whole article
just on that project).
- Dependability. I have to reboot my TSE servers once a week. Last week a
new HP printer driver caused about 40 blue screens of death before we
figured out what was going on. Will Linux be better?
- Office productivity software. If we are used to MS Office, what will it
be like going to something like star-office?
- Anti-virus programs? Is there an antivirus program to scan mail stores
(sendmail POP server)?
- Security. How good is Linux at keeping users honest? With TSE you can
delete or overwrite files in the system directories as a user. Can't delete
a system file? Just open it in Word and save it and watch us IS guys jump
I have a problem with one partition of my hard disk. Yesterday I installed Red
Hat 6.0 and everything was O.K. until I saw that I could not enter in one of my
FAT32 partition.
In Windows '98, when I click on E: (the wrong partition) the message is "One of
the devices vinculated to the system doesn't work" (or something like that, I
read the message in spanish).
I tried to see the hard disk with Partition Magic 3.0 and the error message is:
"Partition table error #116 found: Partition table Begin and Start inconsistent:
the hard disk partition table contains two inconsistent descrptions of the
partition's starting sector...."
I want to know if I have lost all the information in this partition or in the
other hand a way to get the data again.
The other partition of the hard drive are O.K. and I can start Windows O.K. and
Linux also, because the wrong partition isn't primary.
Thank you very much,
I would like to download the postscript viewer from
but I cannot connect to this German FTP site. Any help will be
Also I am totally ignorant of how to compile and run the source if I am
successful in downloading this file. I would really appreciate if you can
give me some info on that as well.
I 've been running with Linux 4 a few years now, using RedHat 6.0
distributions. I'm currently upgrading my computer with RedHat 6.1.
Recently, Redhat 6.1 Running fine, but one small problem with my vga
card...6.1 not configure properly....set automatically my VGA Card on
perverse version(sis 5 series)...my card is sis 6 +series
Does anyone have any ideas as 2 why this would b happening and how 2 correct
How to join a file (.html, .gif or whatelse) in a e-mail with the mail
program ?
I'm using something like :
# ./test.pl | mail someone@somewhere -s"something"
but it result only a full text report in the body.
Now a good stuff :
I made a bash script that look like this for the mail process:
And it works !
So, why not to add a 'boundary=...' with a Multipart/related in
Content-Type and while we are at it a 'Content-Transfert-Encoding: BASE64'
If you can tell me where there's a BASE64 encoder ... That would be great !
Hello there,
i am sandeep from india and i have recently Bought a azza MainBoard with Built in Sound Card
(Avance Logic 120) and Video Card (SiS-530(but chip is SiS-5595 (AGP with shared Ram ))) there is a very big problem Linux couldnot recognise the VRAM on the shared Sdram MOdule originally allocated by Award Bios.
The sound card also was not recognised by the new Linux 6.0 version but by 5.2v ver of Red Hat it was recognised as Sound Blaster
not as my original card
as u guys have bveen doing great work i thought that u would be able to solve my problem or direct me to those who can
thankiing u guys
u r really doing a great work
My email address is fuhrer6mill@yahoo.com
(i am calling from a cafe so please do not reply to any other e mail address than given above(fuhrer6mill@yahoo.com)
Ban anyone tell me how to install my ISDN adaptor?
Kind regards Wim van Oosterhout
I'm new to the Linux Gazette but not new to Linux, and I've had a hell
of a time trying to find clear, step-by-step info about how to
WRITE Japanese under RedHat Linux 6.1. Part of the problem is that I
don't READ Japanese well enough to sift through the Japanese sites, but
I've found a program called "dp/NOTE" from OMRONSOFT which almost
works--apparently, the program is supported by the Japanese version of
RedHat 6.1, but I don't know what RPMs to download to get the thing to
run under the English version...or even if it will run at all. Are
there fundamental differences between the Japanese and the English
versions? Should I set up a dual boot system? Ideally, I'd like to
just run English RedHat but have a program I can pull up that will allow
easy romaji text input and then convert to hiragana, katakana, or
Kanji. There's a nice program by NJStar that does that, but it's
(barf!) Windoze95 only.
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
I've search deja news, Linux HowTos, and books, and
I have not seen this error mentioned. Makes me think
it something on my end, but I can't figure out what
it is. I'm hoping someone can help.
I am running RedHat Linux 5.2 and Netscape 4.08.
I created a group called web and made a directory
I set the group and the SGID bit on that directory
Now for the problem:
Anyone in the web group should be able to save into
that directory. With Netscape composer they can only
edit files that already are in that directory!?!
If I use the "Save As" option in Netscape Composer to
save into that directory I get the following error:
"The file is marked read-only."
The same error occurs using the "Save" option to save
a new file to that directory. BUT, if I open a file
from that directory in netscape, edit it, and use the
"Save" option, it will write over the old file in that
directory. I can edit any existing html files created
by anyone in the "web" group.
What on earth is going on? The users belong to the web
group and they can all create files in /usr/local/webauth
via the touch command or emacs. The users all have a
umask of 002. The files they create with touch or emacs
are all are created
They can use emacs to open end edit each others files in
/usr/local/webauth, but they can't create new files with
netscape composer! They can only edit existing files and
save them to the same filename.
The only way I can get "Save As" and "Save" to create new
files in /usr/local/webauth is to set the permissions to
If you can, please shed some light on this.
Thank you.
I am relatively new to Linux so please be patient. Can anyone tell me how to
connect my win 98 machine with my Linux server. I used to run win 95 and had
no problems but since using win98 overtime I try to browse my network from
network neighbourhood I am unable to browse the network, I cannot ping the
Linux server either. I am sure that I have TCP/IP installed correctly on
both machines. Any help anyone can give would be most helpful.
A newly.
For some time I was following the guidelines of article by JC Pollman and
Bill Mote "Mail for the Home Network", Linux Gazette #45 with the aim to
my verySOHO net.
Here is my setup:
zone "." {
type hint;
file "db.cache";
zone "asup" {
notify no;
type master;
file "db.asup";
zone "0.0.10.in-addr.arpa" {
notify no;
type master;
file "db.0.0.10";
zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" {
type master;
file "db.127.0.0";
@ IN SOA sasha.asup. redial.asup. (
1 ; Serial
10800 ; Refresh
3600 ; Retry
604800 ; Expire
86400 ) ; Minimum
IN NS sasha
IN MX 10 sasha
sasha IN A
sasha IN MX 10 sasha
mail IN A
www IN A
news IN A
localhost IN A
asup1 IN A
asup1 IN MX 10 sasha
@ IN SOA sasha.asup. redial.asup. (
1 ; Serial
10800 ; Refresh
3600 ; Retry
604800 ; Expire
86400 ) ; Minimum
IN NS sasha.asup.
5 IN PTR sasha.asup.
5 IN PTR www.asup.
5 IN PTR mail.asup.
5 IN PTR news.asup.
101 IN PTR asup1.asup.
@ IN SOA sasha.asup. redial.asup. (
1 ; Serial
10800 ; Refresh
3600 ; Retry
604800 ; Expire
86400 ) ; Minimum
IN NS localhost.
1 IN PTR localhost.
:input ACCEPT
:forward REJECT
:output ACCEPT
-A forward -s -d -j ACCEPT
-A forward -s -d -j MASQ
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
With ppp0 up route
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * UH 0 0
0 eth0 * UH 0 0
0 ppp0 * U 0
0 0 eth0 * U 0
0 0 lo
default UG 0 0
0 ppp0
DNS debug when making nslookup for my ISP server:
datagram from [].1026, fd 22, len 31
req: nlookup(www.tsinet.ru) id 1755 type=1 class=1
req: missed 'www.tsinet.ru' as '' (cname=0)
forw: forw -> [].53 ds=4 nsid`421 id55 3ms retry 8sec
retry(0x4011e008): expired @ 953043527 (11 secs before now (953043538))
reforw(addr=0 n=0) -> [].53 ds=4 nsid"50 id=0 3ms
datagram from [].1026, fd 22, len 31
req: nlookup(www.tsinet.ru) id 1755 type=1 class=1
req: missed 'www.tsinet.ru' as '' (cname=0)
reforw(addr=0 n=0) -> [].53 ds=4 nsid`421 id55 3ms
reforw(addr=0 n=0) -> [].53 ds=4 nsid"50 id=0 3ms
datagram from [].1026, fd 22, len 31
req: nlookup(www.tsinet.ru) id 1755 type=1 class=1
req: missed 'www.tsinet.ru' as '' (cname=0)
I'll be very greatful if someone say me what I done wrong.
Regards to All
I appreciated the depth to which you went in talking about your invironment,
however, I'm confused about what your problem is. Can you tell me exactly
what isn't working and what you're trying to do please? I'd love to help!
Thank you for attention to my petty problem. Sorry to say that I'm in no way
closer to it's solution then in the beginning.
I got two letters (thanks very much ) from JC Pollmann:
A number of things could be causing the problem:
I know they say otherwise, but try using CNAME, eg:
copy this to your rc.local file and reboot:
I did my home work:
I connect to my ISP by issuing " ipup ppp0 " command, and then my luck ends:
Here is excerpt from tcpdump output:
I got it so that there is some problem with masquerading and my packets just
don't go any further than my ISP's server.
Regards to All
I am proud to announce this: "I'm a 4 day Linux admin, and i'm doing "fine" :) "
OK. Now to the important problems:
1. I've found that in the Net3-4 HOWTO :
"If you are interested in using Linux for ISP purposes the I recommend
you take a look at the Linux ISP homepage for a good list of pointers
to information you might need and use."
in Net3- HOWTO I found this :
"11. Linux for an ISP ?
If you are interested in using Linux for ISP purposes the I recommend
you take a look at the Linux ISP homepage
i need some help if u can do so please do. when i am
in a chatroom and stuff on aim people use booters
witch create errors i need a patch for aim that will
stop these errors if u can please do
[What's "aim"? Is it a Linux program? We publish only questions
dealing with Linux-related issues. Also, are these "errors" things
which crash the browser or are you simply trying to prevent the
roommaster from booting you out when maybe s/he has a legitimate
reason for doing so?
If you really have a program with a bug in it, we need to know what the
program is, who makes it, whether it's standalone or runs with a web
browser, under what circumstances the error occurs, what error messages
you get, and what kind of computer and version of Linux you have. -Ed.]
My 682C HP printer is not workin properly. When a print signal is sent,
the printer will move a page in and start flashing the yellow light but
not print the file. I have checked everything I could think about with
no result. Could you help me?
I am having trouble with sendmail. I read an article in the Gazette dated
a few? months? ago about setting up sendmail, but I'm still puzzled.
I am running MkLinux R1 (a RedHat 6.0 implementation) and sendmail takes
forever to startup. Taking a cue from the article, I stopped the
sendmail daemon, started up pppd, and then restarted sendmail. It
started up much faster. Also I've noticed that if I don't have the pppd
up,sendmail tries to ping my other computer (the two are connected by an
ethernet and router). Both machines are at home. The other machine does
not have ppp set up yet. Well if I don't want to start pppd immediately
on boot, what can I do to make sendmail start up faster?
I am trying to find instuctions on how to use my Linux server as a mail
server for my company. I have a registered domain name, a permanent connecion
to the internet and unlimited number of e-mail accounts under my domain name.
Please keep in mind that I am a new Linux user, so any instructions have to be
detailed for me to understand. Thank you in advance.
I'm running 2.2.12....
I wrote a module that goes:
now, i compile this and when i insmod it, it printk's It worked! but then
gives me :could not load module device or resource busy.
what am i missing? what resource is busy?
(I looked through the FAQ's but didn't find anything.....so if i missed it
please bear with me)
I have a toshiba laptop with Red Hat's 6.1 Linux installed. I also have a
Xircom 10/100 Ethernet Adapter.
I know that xircom doesn´t provide any drivers for Linux and the
compatibility list
regarding ethernet adapters from RH 6.1 doesn´t include xircom cards.
Is there any workarround ?
How can I get it to work ?
Thanks in advance,
Luis Neves.
I need the source code of "fsck", the file system checker under the
/sbin directory.
I have searched most of the ftp archives related to linux and did not
find anywhere.
I got RedHat & SuSe distribution, in none of them I found.
I would be grateful if anybody can give me the source code or the ftp
Md. Hasan Jamal
It should be included in your distribution. I know only Debian, so
when I type "dpkg -S fsck" it shows me fsck and fsck.ext2 are in the
"e2fsprogs" package. (There are other fsck modules for different
filesystem types in other packages, including "util-linux".) Rpm (and
yast?) do a similar thing but with different command-line options.
Find the appropriate command on your system and it will show which
package the program comes from. Probably e2fsprogs*.srpm or
util-linux*.srpm or a similar file will have the source you want.
I got it in SuSE.
Thanks a lot for such a quick reply.
I just got around to reading the February edition of Linux
Gazette. I was more than a little perplexed by the claim
in the article about nano that pico and pine weren't "open
While it's true that pine and pico aren't under the GPL,
neither are many other open source stalwarts like sendmail
and apache. Even a quick read of the license
makes it clear that the source can be used for any use,
even commercial, that it can be modified, and that it can
be distributed. I certainly don't see anything that
would prevent it from being considered open source.
Oh, and the source is available, of course. Always has
And, although you can't get the pico source separately from
the entire source tree, you can build just pico or, if
your OS is one of the supported ones, download a pico
binary for your systems from the unix-bin directory.
Not that nano isn't a perfectly good editor and effort. There
can't be too many. But keep the facts about pine and pico
Ummm. GPL'ed software is protected under copyright also. So is
sendmail. So is apache. All of those licenses are licenses to use
copyrighted software. UW's is just another license to use copyrighted
software. But all free software protected by a license is copyrighted
software and includes some sort of restrictions on its use. GPL software
is no less under copyright than software under any other license.
In fact, copyright is what allows the GPL to make the restrictions on
use that it does. Software that is not under copyright is in the public
domain and absolutely no restrictions may be made on its use at all.
I didn't see anything in the legal notice that would constrain the
redistribution of binary versions of pico. And, in fact, binary versions
of pico are redistributed with most distributions of Linux.
While it's not GPL, I still fail to see any terms in the UW pine license
that cause it not to meet the open source definition.
The following questions received this month are answered in the
Linux Gazette FAQ:
Some time ago you had trouble with your mailinglist (lg-announce). Your
latest announcement was received twice, I therefore attach a text file with the
headers from the two messages. I hope this will help you to fix the problem.
There are some mailers (Windoze?) which do not honor the
envelope-to field of forwarded mail as they should, but instead think
they should send it to everybody in the To: header--even though this
has already been done. And majordomo's code to detect this sort of loop
appears to be broken. While we work on a solution at the software
level, we have unsubscribed that address and complained to the user and
his/her postmaster.
The two cases involved different users on different continents.
So we cannot guarantee it won't happen again, but will continue to
unsubscribe addresses as they are detected. -Ed.
Perhaps someone has brought this up before, but I have YAMSCT (Yet another
Microsoft conspiracy theory :). Maybe this whole thing about them not
being able to combine the NT kernel with the Win9x series of OS's is a
If they did that, based on the current anti-trust scrutiny, they'd
have to lower the price of WinNT/2000/whatever to the price of Win98/ME.
They'd never be allowed to force home users to pay the premium price that
businesses are now paying for Win2KPro on the desktop.
So as long as they have 2 separate product lines, they can charge
basically double for Win2000 that gets sold to businesses. They would
completely lose those higher profit margins if they merged the products.
I know I'm preaching to the proverbial choir, here, but it will take Linux
to end this. But only when you can have it *all* (I'm typing this from a
telnet session to my Debian box from Win98SE, since I want to use all the
features of RealPlayer 7, java, Diablo and Descent 3). I'm hopeful that
Mozilla will cure the java problems under Netscpape (does anyone know if
this will be the case?), more games are coming out for Linux all the
time, but what about multimedia apps? Is there Free project out there to
fill this gap? I haven't heard anything about Real releasing a fully
functional RealPlayer for Linux, especially as a plug-in.
As much as it pains me to say it, right now I'm afraid Linux *is* lacking
on the desktop. Here I am, a Linux evangelist (practically a zealot, ask
my friends) and I spend more time in Win98 than I do Linux because of the
games and internet apps available.
What can we do about this? Is it enough to send emails to companies like
Real to get them to release the same software for Linux that they do for
Windows? We certainly can't expect MS to release Media Player 6.4 (which
*is* an excellent app, btw) for Linux.
The guy doing your strip can't draw and isn't funny. One can conceivably
get away with a lack of either skill or humor but certainly not both.
Thanks for your 15 seconds.
From SeanieDude on Tue, 21 Sep 1999
Why the f*ck is your name listed so damn much in hotbot?
Dear SeanieDude:
The reason the Godfath... err, Mr. Jim Dennis appears so often in a HotBot
search is that, as the current head of the Maf... err, a large syndicate, he is
being investigated due to a totally unfounded accusation: namely, that everyone
who has ever been rude to him, *particularly* via e-mail, seems to have
suffered unfortunate accidents.
Should your precarious health NOT fail shortly, for some inexplicable
reason, take this as a guide for your future behavior:
NEVER be rude to people you don't know anything about, in e-mail or
Hoping that you're still around to take good advice,
Consigliori Ben Okopnik
Mike Orr,
I have three articles on your web site so far and you might be happy to know
that LG is an inspiration to me. This won't happen over night, but I am
starting my own web site magazine about early computers and their use, at
http://www.earlycomputing.com/ . You probably have a good deal of experience
with the issues surrounding such a venture so any words of wisdom would be
greatly appreciated. (Mine will be more a labor of love than a money making
I look forward to contributing to LG again in the future in any event, as
the focus of your site and mine are quite different. Thanks in advance.
I'm wondering whether you can get enough articles about early
computing to have a regular "zine", or if just a "site" where you can
post articles as you receive or write them would be just as well? I am
surprised at how many people are willing to contribute to the Gazette.
Every month I used to wonder whether I'd get only a few articles that
month, but so far I've always gotten plenty to make a full zine. But
that will be more difficult with a more specialized topic, and
especially at the beginning when you're not as well known.
Feel free to send me any other questions you have. maybe we can
make an article or section in the Mailbag eventually about starting a
zine. Maybe you'll feel like writing an article about your experience
setting up an early computer zine, how you're doing it
similar/differently than the Gazette, etc. Not exactly Linux related,
but I'm the editor so I can put in anything I want. Plus I know that
there is an interest in early computers among Linux folk: we got an
article about emulators recently and another person is also writing
another article about emulators now. -Ed.]
To Whom it may Concern --
I would be interested to know the source of the (great) quote that you
use at the top of your web page:
"One cannot unite a community without a newspaper or jounal of some
I am one of a number of volunteers who manage to produce a surprisingly
high-quality monthly "newspaper" for our small town in NW Connecticut.
It might be something we could use, but our standards prevent us from
taking attributions without verification. Too often something
attributed to Abraham Lincoln turns out to really have come from Dante
(or vice-versa) ;-).
Any pointers toward the source would be very much appreciated.
In your C|Net article on Corel's release of Photo-Paint for Linux,
you mentioned Gimp and Adobe as Corel's most likely competitors. This isn't
exactly true. First, Gimp has no marketing or business structure. Not even a
non-profit. So, although its a terrific program, it lacks the exposure
that a commercial application can get. In the long run, this may hurt it.
(I actually toyed with the idea of trying to form a non-profit or even a
for-profit to keep Gimp a strong product, but coming up with a business
model for this type of application is difficult. Its not likely selling the
OS, where service and support can bring in significant income.)
Adobe's move into Linux is limited, so far, to its PDF and word processing
tools. Its not, as far as I know, doing anything about porting is graphics or
layout applications (though Frame is probably considered a layout too by
many). Corel's not really competing with Adobe in graphics on Linux yet.
Mediascape is about ready to
launch its vector based ArtStream for Linux next month. This will be the first
entry into the Linux layout tools market. Not long after that, Deneba
(www.denebe.com) is expected to launch their Linux version of Canvas 7, a
popular Mac image editing tool with vector, layout, and Web development
features. These would be Corel's main competitors in the vector graphics
arena. Gimp remains a competitor in the raster-based image editing front, but
the lack of prepress support and and organizational structure could eventually
become a problem.
I'm looking to find a postal address to you...? I do volunteer work with an
inmate pen pal site:
Today I received a request from an inmate, wanting any type of subscription
to any site who offers news on Linux Operating Sytems.
Thank You for your time.
[Our address is:
...but I'm not sure what that will gain him. The Of course,
My name i Morgan Karlsson and I'm a new member of the se.linux.org family.
I wonder if it's ok to translate articles from you to swedish and publish them
on our
website www.se.linux.org?
Or even if we get enough people working with it translate every number of you
fantastic magazine
in swedish. What do you think about this?
[Certainly. We welcome translations.
When your site is ready, please fill out the form at
so that we can add the site to our mirrors list and people will be able
to find you. -Ed.]
Wed, 1 Mar 2000 06:47:02 -0800 (PST)
From: Jim Coleman <j_e_coleman@yahoo.com>
Subject: Free ISPs for Linux???
Thu, 02 Mar 2000 08:24:30 GMT
From: Brad Ponton <alpha_bp@hotmail.com>
Subject: redhat 6.1 'hdc: lost interrupt' problems
Sat, 4 Mar 2000 01:07:37 +0100
From: Kjell Ø. Skjebnestad <autowern@c2i.net>
Subject: Help Wanted: XF86 3.3.6 vs ATi Rage 128
Sun, 05 Mar 2000 02:15:18 -0800
From: Dianne Witwer <dwitwer@innercite.com>
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 14:51:05 -0000
From: Anthony W. Youngman <Anthony.Youngman@ECA-International.com>
Subject: RE: Clenning(sic) lost+found
[It sounds like we agree. Perhaps I wasn't clear. Really weird
permissions like
that no sane person
would ever do even in their stupidest moments can be a sign that some hardware
fault has zapped the system. Data corruption is the result, not the cause.
The goal is then to find the cause or scrap the computer. Perhaps the cause
was a one-time thing, as apparently happened in your case.
manpage) shows which attributes a file has, and chattr -i
will remove those attributes. Attributes are like permissions
but refer to additional characteristics of files in the ext2 filesystem.
However, lsattr /dev
spews out a whole lot of error
messages, so it may be that the command won't help with device files ("b" or
"c" as the first character of a ls -l
entry.) -Ed.
Wed, 08 Mar 2000 11:43:04 -0700
From: T.J. Rowe <tjr@ida.net>
Subject: man-db package compilation problems
cp include/Defines include/Defines.old
sed -e 's/^nls = .*/nls = all/' include/Defines.old > include/Defines
make -C lib
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/project/man-db-2.3.10.orig/lib'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/project/man-db-2.3.10.orig/lib'
make -C libdb
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/project/man-db-2.3.10.orig/libdb'
gcc -O -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DNLS -I../include -I.. -I. -I- -c db_store.c
-o db_store.o
In file included from db_store.c:44:
../include/manconfig.h:298: parse error before `__extension__'
../include/manconfig.h:298: parse error before `('
make[1]: *** [db_store.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/project/man-db-2.3.10.orig/libdb'
make: *** [libdb] Error 2
Thu, 9 Mar 2000 01:13:16 -0500
From: Kent Franken <Franken@requestfoods.com>
Thu, 09 Mar 2000 19:27:53 +0100
From: Eva Gloria del Riego Eguiluz <evagre@jazzcyber.com>
Subject: HELP, PLEASE!
Sat, 11 Mar 2000 08:40:07 -0500 (EST)
From: Ahmadullah Asad <arasad@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: a question...
[Which distribution do you use? It's included in Debian, and it should
be included in all the other distributions as well.
You can also get the .deb file and convert it to rpm or tgz using the
alien program if you have it (in the package "alien"). -Ed.]
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 18:39:52 +0500
From: Choudhry Muhammad Ali <orbit@nettlink.net.pk>
Subject: VGA card Problem with Redhat 6.1
Tue, 14 Mar 2000 19:07:34 +0100
From: Laurent STEFAN <lstefan@europeenne-assurances.com>
Subject: MIME and mail ?
The Editor wrote
Try the mpack program. I haven't used it, but its opposite munpack
works fine for me. -Ed.
Laurent responded
Thanks for mpack, it seems to be a good stuff but it doesn't works with
MIME's type text/html. Maybe I need to add some headers (content-type:) to
my file.
exec $PROG | mail someone@somewhere.somedom -s "My subject
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Text/html
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 15:28:09 +0200
From: Sandeep <
Subject: Video Card AbigPRoblem
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 21:53:22 +0100
From: Wim van Oosterhout <vanoosterhout@email.com>
Subject: ISND PCI128 Trust
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 12:00:59 -0500
From: thesun <thesunray@hotmail.com>
Subject: Mailbag submission: Help Wanted on Japanese text input
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 19:20:34 -0500
From: Clark Ashton Smith <CAS@FutureRealms.com>
Subject: Help with group rights and Netscape Composer
chgrp -v web /usr/local/webauth
chmod -v 2775 /usr/local/webauth
-rw-rw-r-- username.web filename
chmod -v 2776 /usr/local/webauth
chmod -v 2777 /usr/local/webauth
which defeats the whole point of creating special work
groups and protecting the files from being written by
anyone not in the group.
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 20:05:16 -0000
From: Tony <tony@exocomp.free-online.co.tony@exocomp.free-online.co.uuk>
Subject: connecting win98 and Linux
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 16:23:30 +0300
From: Alexandr Redko <redial@tsinet.ru>
Subject: DNS for home mail not working
Linux Red Hat Cat 6.0
order hosts,bind
multi on
hosts: files dns
search asup
options {
directory "/var/named";
forward first;
forwarders {;;
* If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
* to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
* directive below. Previous versions of BIND always asked
* questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged
* port by default.
// query-source address * port 53;
Bill Mote wrote
The Editor asked whether the problem had been solved, and Alexandr wrote
Pollman's letter #1
@ IN SOA sasha.asup. redial.asup. (
1 ; Serial
10800 ; Refresh
3600 ; Retry
604800 ; Expire
86400 ) ; Minimum
IN NS sasha
IN MX 10 sasha
sasha IN A
sasha IN MX 10 sasha
mail IN A
www IN A
news IN A
mail IN CNAME 10.0.05
localhost IN A
asup1 IN A
asup1 IN MX 10 sasha
@ IN SOA sasha.asup. redial.asup. (
1 ; Serial
10800 ; Refresh
3600 ; Retry
604800 ; Expire
86400 ) ; Minimum
IN NS sasha.asup.
5 IN PTR sasha.asup.
you can not use CNAMED names for reverse lookup
5 IN PTR www.asup.
5 IN PTR mail.asup.
5 IN PTR news.asup.
101 IN PTR asup1.asup.
make those changes and do a named restart and see what happens.
Pollman's letter #2
echo "setting up ipchains"
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# allow loopback, always
/sbin/ipchains -A input -i lo -j ACCEPT
# this allows all traffic on your internal nets (you trust it, right?)
/sbin/ipchains -A input -s -j ACCEPT
# this sets up masquerading
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
#you need this for ppp and dynamic ip address
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr
Alexandr continues
options {
directory "/var/named";
forwarders {
* If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
* to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
* directive below. Previous versions of BIND always asked
* questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged
* port by default.
query-source address * port 53;
zone "." {
type hint;
file "db.cache";
zone "asup" {
notify no;
type master;
file "db.asup";
zone "0.0.10.in-addr.arpa" {
notify no;
type master;
file "db.0.0.10";
zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" {
type master;
file "db.127.0.0";
@ IN SOA sasha.asup. redial.asup. (
1 ; Serial
10800 ; Refresh
3600 ; Retry
604800 ; Expire
86400 ) ; Minimum
IN NS sasha
IN MX 10 sasha
sasha IN A
sasha IN MX 10 sasha
localhost IN A
asup1 IN A
asup1 IN MX 10 sasha
@ IN SOA sasha.asup. redial.asup. (
1 ; Serial
10800 ; Refresh
3600 ; Retry
604800 ; Expire
86400 ) ; Minimum
IN NS sasha.asup.
5 IN PTR sasha.asup.
101 IN PTR asup1.asup.
:input ACCEPT
:forward ACCEPT
:output ACCEPT
-A input -s -d -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A input -s -d -j ACCEPT
-A forward -s -d -j MASQ
12:39:23.442252 ppp0 > sasha.asup > icmp: echo request
12:39:23.644703 ppp0 < > sasha.asup: icmp: echo reply
12:39:27.434735 ppp0 > sasha.asup > icmp: echo request
12:39:27.574701 ppp0 < > sasha.asup: icmp: echo reply
12:39:28.014857 lo > sasha.asup.1052 > sasha.asup.domain: 30612+ PTR? (42)
12:39:28.014857 lo < sasha.asup.1052 > sasha.asup.domain: 30612+ PTR? (42)
12:39:28.015356 ppp0 > sasha.asup.domain > 37592+ PTR? (42)
12:39:29.434740 ppp0 > sasha.asup > icmp: echo request
12:39:29.564708 ppp0 < > sasha.asup: icmp: echo reply
13:26:31.045625 lo > sasha.asup.1075 > sasha.asup.domain: 31874+ PTR? (42)
13:26:31.045625 lo < sasha.asup.1075 > sasha.asup.domain: 31874+ PTR? (42)
13:26:31.046140 if21 > sasha.asup.1071 > 16489+ PTR? (42)
13:26:31.464747 if21 > sasha.asup > icmp: echo request
13:26:31.604706 if21 < > sasha.asup: icmp: echo reply
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 19:13:08 +0200
From: Ivanus Radu <ivanusra@cs.ro>
Subject: I need an answer, pls help me
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 17:29:16 -0800 (PST)
From: Michael Dupree <dimebag2go@yahoo.com>
Subject: HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 22:37:50 -0500
From: Walter Gomez <lulu@erols.com>
Subject: HP682 C jet ink color printer
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 22:54:58 -0800
From: Taro Fukunaga <tarozax@earthlink.net>
Subject: Sendmail faster start up!
Sat, 25 Mar 2000 12:39:14 +0200
From: Serafim Karfis <serakar@vero.gr>
Subject: Linux as a mail server
Sun, 26 Mar 2000 23:16:30 +0530 (IST)
From: nayantara <ndeep_b@yahoo.com>
Subject: insmod device or resource busy
#define MODULE
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 15:43:10 +0100
From: Luis Neves <luis.neves@netc.pt>
Subject: Xircom CE3 10/100 and Red Hat 6.1
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 16:16:49 GMT
From: hasan jamal <hasanjamal@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: source code of fsck
The Editor wrote
Hasan responded
General Mail
Wed, 1 Mar 2000 11:45:34 -0600
From: Scott Morizot <tmorizot@adc.is.irs.gov>
Subject: Pine and Pico not "open source"?
Scott Morizot <tmorizot@adc.is.irs.gov> wrote
[The license does not allow you to distribute modified binaries of
pine. (Hint: all the Packages in your Linux distribution are "modified
binaries", because they undergo customization to adhere to the distribution's
overall standards.) This is why it's not "open source". Pine is not
included in Debian. Instead, you install special packages which include
the source and diffs and compile it yourself. -Ed.
Tue, 29 Feb 2000 11:40:06 +0100
From: Linux Gazette <gazette@linuxgazette.net>
Subject: FAQs
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 17:17:31 -0800
From: Systems Administrator <sysadmin@ssc.com>
Subject: Duplicate announcement on lg-announce
[The latest round of duplicates was caused by the same problem as
the ones last fall--a certain subscriber or their ISP had a
misconfigured mail program which sent the message back to
the list. This address was in the middle of the Received: lines
of all the duplicate message samples we saw.
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 01:38:37 -0800 (PST)
From: Matthew Thompson <mattyt@oz.net>
Subject: Microsoft OS's, their pricing and Linux
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 16:05:32 -0700
From: Jim Hill <jimhill@meldrick.swcp.com>
Subject: Drop that comic strip pronto
[Since the Gazette is a do-it-yourself enterprise, if you
don't like something, it's up to you to send in something better. :)
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 20:33:03 -0800
From: <fuzzybear@pocketmail.com>
Subject: RE: Who is Jim Dennis?
Thu, 9 Mar 2000 13:49:49 -0700
From: Vrenios Alex-P29131 <Alex.Vrenios@motorola.com>
Subject: RE: Article Submission
[I'll help out if I can. I only began editing the Gazette eight
months ago, and it's been around for five years. So I can't say much
about starting an ezine; just how to keep it going.
Sun, 12 Mar 2000 20:52:18 -0500
From: Doc Simont <mdsimont@snet.net>
Subject: Gandhi quote
[It's from the movie Gandhi. We don't know whether Gandhi
himself said it. -Ed.]
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 09:49:26 -0700 (MST)
From: Michael J. Hammel <mjhammel@graphics-muse.org>
Subject: correction to your Corel Photo-Paint story
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 18:36:30 EST
From: <PoiPuPy@aol.com>
Subject: subscription
Attn: Linux Gazette
Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.
PO Box 55549
Seattle, WA 98155-0549 USA
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 08:12:40 +0100
From: Morgan Karlsson <morgan.karlsson@nordiskcarbonblack.se>
Subject: translation of linux gazette articles
This page written and maintained by the Editor of the Linux Gazette.
Copyright © 2000, gazette@linuxgazette.net
Published in Issue 52 of Linux Gazette, April 2000