MH 6.8 for Linux
Compiled by Brandon S. Allbery,
Released May 27, 1993

version: MH 6.8 #3[UCI]  (kf8nh) of Sun May 16 21:46:02 EDT 1993
         [MORE='"/usr/bin/more"'] [OVERHEAD] [RENAME] [RPATHS] [SENDMTS]
         [SHADOW] [SMTP] [SPRINTFTYPE=int] [SVR4] [SYS5] [SYS5DIR]

This is my personal port of MH 6.8 to Linux.  There is another port available,
but it appears to have major speed problems on at least some users' machines.
This port runs at full speed on my system, and hopefully on others' as well.

Since I didn't intend for this to be a distribution compile, I'm not entirely
certain that these binaries don't have any dependencies on my own system
configuration.  And if you want a different set of compile-time options, I
can't help at present.  ---I will make source available, but I need to clean
up some of my uglier hacks to get it to compile under make-3.61 (since
upgraded) and work around the fact that MH doesn't like flex's output for
dtimep.lex.  If the original, unmodified sources are still on the tape I put
them on originally :-) I'll try to release patches to the MH 6.8 distribution.


cd /
tar xvfp mh-6.8-kf8nh.tar.z
elvis /usr/local/lib/mh/mtstailor

This distribution unpacks into the following directories:

usr/local/bin		user binaries
usr/local/lib/mh	MH private binaries and configuration files
usr/local/man/man?	MH manpages

The mtstailor file MUST be edited after the distribution is unpacked, as MH
relies on gethostname() returning a domainized name --- which it does not
under libc-4.3.3 and kernel 0.99.9, at least.  It is therefore necessary to
hardcode the domain name in mtstailor.  Please change the "localdomain" string
to the appropriate suffix to be appended to your host name to get your fully
qualified domain name.  (If you get a nastygram from Zbigniew Tyrlik after
installing this, you'll know what you forgot to do.  :-)


"repl -form" doesn't work right --- I get an "error: eol encountered" in the
middle of the body of the message to which the reply format is being applied.
I probably got an off by one porting one of the places where it mucks around
with (FILE *) internals.  I certainly found enough of them after my first
quick-hack port.  :-)  Strangely enough, the same functionality as invoked
directly by xmh works properly, as does my mhl format for "show".

Since I don't have the shared library tools yet (hey, I only upgraded from
libc-4.2 on the 16th :-) I haven't done a shared libmh yet.  This isn't so
much a bug as a warning that the binaries take up considerably more space than
they could/should....  I may try to do this at some point, but I've got too
many other projects on my plate at present.

Everything else seems to work so far.  If you find a problem with it, I'd like
to know (especially before it trashes the 330 messages in my +linux folder :-)
