-------------------------------------- Installation of wxWindows Version 1.50 -------------------------------------- --------- File List --------- A complete list is in files.txt. Executables are suffixed with -ol for Open Look and -motif for Motif. The executable UNIX demos are in demo-ol.tar.Z and demo-motif.tar.Z and the PC demo is in demo.zip, along with the demo sources. ---------------- Installation: PC ---------------- 1) Unzip to an appropriate place on your hard disk with: unzip -d wx150_1.zip unzip -d wx150_2.zip 2) If you have the demo executable (in demo.zip), unzip it and install it in the Program Manager by dragging the HELLO.EXE file from the File Manager. 3) Run demo to check if wxWindows might be for you. If not, delete wxWindows. If you're still with us at this point... 4) Set the WXHELPFILES variable to point to the docs directory, and WX to point to the directory where wxWindows is installed. 5) If using Microsoft C++, change to the src/msw directory and type 'nmake -f makefile.dos' to make lib/wx.lib. Turbo C++ for Windows project files are included (not compatible with Borland C++ .prj files) and there is a contribution of Borland makefiles for the main library (not demos or utilities). For Borland, type 'make -f makefile.bcc' from src, not src/base. 6) If you want to use Microsoft's CTL3D library (recommended) and don't already have it installed, copy contrib\ctl3d\ctl3d.lib to a suitable LIB directory, contrib\ctl3d\ctl3d.dll into windows\system, and contrib\ctl3d\ctl3d.h to wx\include\msw. Edit wx\src\msw\makefile.dos to define CTL3D. You'll need to compile a new CTRL3D.LIB for a non-MS compiler. 7) Print manual.ps and referenc.ps on a PostScript printer. The reference manual is just over 100 pages, the user manual is shorter. Alternatively, browse through the wx.hlp and manual.hlp Windows Help files, or wx.xlp and manual.xlp wxHelp files. If you wish to use the wxHelp hypertext help system, either for your own applications or for viewing the wxWindows class library reference, you will need to do download the binary (in wxhelp14.zip) or make wxHelp as follows: 7) Edit the makefile in utils/hytext/src and compile the library. 8) Edit the makefile in utils/wxhelp/src and compile wxhelp.exe. 9) Copy wxhelp.exe into a directory on your path, and read the wxHelp documentation. By default, wxWindows is compiled with CodeView debugging information. To compile without debugging information, specify FINAL=1 on your make command line. Note that to produce a non-debugging executable you need only relink your application (or the demo) since any debugging information in the wxWindows library will be removed by the linker if the FINAL flag is set to 1. ------------------ Installation: UNIX ------------------ 1) Unzip wx150_1.zip and wx150_2.zip (or de-gzip and detar wx150_1.gz and wx150_1.gz). 2) If you have the demo executable (in demo-ol.tar.Z or demo-motif.tar.Z), uncompress, untar and try running it. You'll need the run-time libraries appropriate to the toolkit (XView 3.1 or Motif 1.1). 3) If you want to use XView and XView 3.1 is not present, install it (it's available free on the Net). Your LD_LIBRARY_PATH may need to be altered or disabled. 4) If GCC/G++ is not installed, install it (again, available free). Or you could try an alternative compiler (AT&T C++ is known to work with wxWindows). 5) Alter src/x/makefile.unx and src/base/makefile.unx to reflect your directory structure. 6) Change directory to src/x, and type 'make -f makefile.unx xview' or 'make -f makefile.unx motif'. With luck, libwx_ol.a or libwx_motif.a should end up in the lib directory. 7) Set the WXHELPFILES environment variable to point to the docs directory. 8) Edit the demo makefiles and compile (especially the main `hello' example). Again, specify 'xview' or 'motif' as target. If you wish to use the wxHelp hypertext help system, either for your own applications or for viewing the wxWindows class library reference, you will need to do download the binaries (in wxhelp14.tar.Z) or make wxHelp as follows: 9) Edit the makefile in utils/hytext/src and compile the library. 10) Edit the makefile in utils/wxhelp/src and compile wxhelp.exe. 11) Copy wxhelp into a directory on your path, and read the wxHelp documentation. If you are likely to be using XView and modal windows, where the flow of the program is stopped until the user responds, you will need to link sb_scrol.o with your application. This is an XView patch which (sort of) fixes listboxes on modal dialogs (i.e. on a window within xv_window_loop). Listboxes don't scroll without the patch. Other widgets may be affected by this bug. The object file sb_scrol.o is supplied for SPARC-based machines; you will need to compile sb_scrol.c otherwise (type 'make -f makefile.unx objects_ol/sb_scrol.o' in src/x). By default, wxWindows is compiled with debugging information. To compile without debugging information, specify DEBUG= on your make command line. Note that under UNIX you need to do this for both the wxWindows library and your application, to remove all debugging information. You may find the scripts zipwx and zipdist (UNIX), zipwx.bat and zipdist.bat (4DOS) useful for copying wxWindows between different machines or directories. zipdist archives the whole distribution, whilst zipwx copies only those files that have changed. These are found in wx/distrib. ------------------------ Notes for AT&T C++ users ------------------------ The following changes need to be made for this compiler: -- in wx_dc.cc, this should be added near the top: #include <sysent.h> -- an updated version of varargs.h should be used for older versions of the compiler. -- Ignore warnings about wxList::Member and wxStringList::Member in wx_list.cc ------------------------------------------------------- Known platforms and compilers compatible with wxWindows ------------------------------------------------------- (please let me know of any others!) PC 386SX and above Sun (SPARC) Silicon Graphics IRIX Linux Windows 3.1, Windows NT HPUX Gnu GCC 2.1 AT&T C++ Sun C++ HP C++ Microsoft C/C++ 7 Microsoft C++ for NT Borland C++ 3.1 Borland Turbo C++ for Windows Zortech C++ --------------- FURTHER DETAILS --------------- These are the #defines to control compilation of optional wxWindows features. FAFA_LIB (msw) Define if you have Fafa lib. (Fafa lib is mandatory for pixmapped buttons) CTL3D (msw) Define if you have Microsoft Ctl3d library. ENHANCED_FONTS (X/msw) Define to have pre-defined fonts in wxEnhDialogBox. PIXEL0_DISABLE (X) Define to disallow allocation of pixel #0 (wxXOR problem). DEFAULT_FILE_SELECTOR_SIZE (Motif) Let Motif choose the size of XmFileSelectionBox. Otherwise, size is 500x600 USE_GADGETS (Motif) Use Gadgets rather than Widgets for items. Default is to use Gadgets. MOTIF_MANAGE (Motif) If defined, dialog are managed rather mapped by default. A style flag has been introduced, so map/manage is definable at dialog creation time. With Motif1.1 and relative positioning, that looks pretty good. The mapped method has a major disadvantage: resizing/pos. is done in a visible manner.