NAME WWW::Mechanize::Timed - Time Mechanize requests SYNOPSIS use WWW::Mechanize::Timed; my $ua = WWW::Mechanize::Timed->new(); $ua->get($url); print "Total time: " . $ua->client_response_receive_time . "\n"; DESCRIPTION This module is a subclass of WWW::Mechanize that times each stage of the HTTP request. These can then be used in monitoring systems. CONSTRUCTOR new The constructor is provided by WWW::Mechnize. See that module's documentation for details. METHODS The vast majority of methods are provided by WWW::Mechanize. See that module's documentation for details. Additional methods provided by this module follow. The most useful method is client_response_receive_time, or how long it took to get the data from the webserver once the response was made (and gives an idea of how loaded the webserver was). All times are in seconds. client_request_connect_time The time it took to connect to the remote server. client_request_transmit_time The time it took to transmit the request. client_response_server_time Time it took to respond to the request. client_response_receive_time Time it took to get the data back. THANKS Andy Lester for WWW::Mechanize. Simon Wistow for LWPx::TimedHTTP. LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT This module is copyright Fotango Ltd 2004. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.000 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. The full text of the licences can be found in the Artistic and COPYING files included with this module, or in perlartistic and perlgpl as supplied with Perl 5.8.1 and later. AUTHOR Leon Brocard <>. SEE ALSO WWW::Mechanize.