WWW::FreeProxyListsCom - get proxy lists from


        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use WWW::FreeProxyListsCom;
        my $prox = WWW::FreeProxyListsCom->new;
        my $ref = $prox->get_list( type => 'non_anonymous' )
            or die $prox->error;
        print "Got a list of " . @$ref . " proxies\nFiltering...\n";
        $ref = $prox->filter( port => qr/(80){1,2}/ );
        print "Filtered list contains: " . @$ref . " proxies\n"
                . join "\n", map( "$_->{ip}:$_->{port}", @$ref), '';


    The module provides interface to fetch proxy server lists from



        my $prox = WWW::FreeProxyListCom->new;
        my $prox2 = WWW::FreeProxyListCom->new(
            timeout     => 20, # or 'mech'
            mech        => WWW::Mechanize->new( agent => 'foos', timeout => 20 ),
            debug       => 1,

    Bakes up and returns a fresh WWW::FreeProxyListCom object. Takes a few
    arguments, all of which are optional. Possible arguments are as


        my $prox = WWW::FreeProxyListCom->new( timeout => 10 );

    Takes a scalar as a value which is the value that will be passed to the
    WWW::Mechanize object to indicate connection timeout in seconds.
    Defaults to: 30 seconds


        my $prox = WWW::FreeProxyListCom->new(
            mech => WWW::Mechanize->new( agent => '007', timeout => 10 ),

    If a simple timeout is not enough for your needs feel free to specify
    the mech argument which takes a WWW::Mechanize object as a value.
    Defaults to: plain WWW::Mechanize object with timeout argument set to
    whatever WWW::FreeProxyListCom's timeout argument is set to as well as
    agent argument is set to mimic FireFox.


        my $prox = WWW::FreeProxyListCom->new( debug => 1 );

    When set to a true value will make the object print out some debugging
    info. Defaults to: 0



        my $list_ref = $prox->get_list
            or die $prox->error;
        my $list_ref2 = $prox->get_list(
            type        => 'standard',
            max_pages   => 5,
        ) or die $prox->error;

    Instructs the object ot fetch a list of proxies from website. On failure returns either undef
    or an empty list depending on the context and the reason for failure
    will be available via error() method. Note: if request for a each of
    the "list" (see max_pages argument below) fails the get_list() will NOT
    error out, if you are getting empty proxy lists try setting debug
    option on in the constructor and it will carp() any failures on the
    "list" gets. On success returns an arrayref of hashrefs, see RETURN
    VALUE section below for details. Takes several arguments all of which
    are optional. To understand them better you should visit first. The possible arguments are as


        ->get_list( type => 'standard' );

    Optional. Specifies the list of proxies to fetch. Defaults to: elite.
    Possible arguments are as follows (valid type values are on the left,
    corresponding "list" site's menu link names are on the right):

        elite           => http elite proxies
        anonymous       => http anonymous lists
        non_anonymous   => http non-anonymous
        https           => https (SSL enabled)
        standard        => http standard ports
        us              => us proxies only
        socks           => socks (version 4/5)


        ->get_list( max_pages => 4 );

    Optional. Specifies how many "lists" to fetch. In other words, if you
    go to list section titled "http elite proxies" you'll see several lists
    in the table; the max_pages specifies how many of those lists to fetch.
    If max_pages is larger than the number of available lists only the
    number of available lists will be fetched. A special value of 0
    indicates that the object should fetch all available lists for a
    specified type. Defaults to: 1 (which is more than enough).


        $VAR1 = [
                'country' => 'China',
                'last_test' => '3/15 4:23:14 pm',
                'ip' => '',
                'latency' => '5115',
                'port' => '80',
                'is_https' => 'true'

    On success get_list() method returns a (possibly empty) arrayref of
    "proxy" hashrefs. The hashrefs represent each proxy listed on the proxy
    list on the site. Each will contain the following keys (if the value
    for a specific key was not found on the site it will be set to N/A):


      The IP address of the proxy


      The port of the proxy


      The country of the proxy


      When was the proxy last tested to be alive, this is the "Date
      checked, UTC" column on the site.


      Corresponds to the "Latency" column on the site


      Corresponds to "HTTPS" column on the site.


        my $filtered_list_ref = $prox->filter(
            port        => 80,
            ip          => qr/^120/,
            country     => 'Russia',
            is_https    => 'true',
            last_test   => qr|^3/15|, # march 15's
            latency     => qr/\d{1,2}/,

    Must be called after a successfull call to get_list() will croak
    otherwise. Takes one or more key/value pairs of arguments which specify
    filtering rule. The keys are the same as the keys of "proxy" hashref in
    the return value of the get_list() method. Values can be either simple
    scalars or regexes (qr//). If value is a regex the corresponding value
    in the "proxy" hashref will matched against the regex, otherwise the eq
    will be done. Returns an arrayref of "proxy" hashrefs in the exact same
    format as get_list() returns except filtered. In other words calling
    $prox->filter( port => 80, latency => qr/\d{1,2}/ ) will return only
    proxies with port number 80 and for which latency is a two digit value.
    On failure returns either undef or an empty list depending on the
    context and the reason for the error will be available via error()
    method. Although, filter() should not fail if you pass proper filter
    arguments and call it after successfull get_list().


        my $list_ref = $prox->get_list
            or die $prox->error;

    When either get_list() or filter() methods fail they will return either
    undef or an empty list depending on the context and the reason for the
    failure will be available via error() method. Takes no arguments,
    returns a human parsable message explaining why get_list() or filter()


        my $last_list_ref = $prox->list;

    Must be called after a successfull call to get_list(). Takes no
    arugments, returns the same arrayref of hashrefs last call to
    get_list() returned.


        my $last_filtered_list_ref = $prox->filtered_list;

    Must be called after a successfull call to filter(). Takes no
    arugments, returns the same arrayref of hashrefs last call to filter()


        my $old_mech = $prox->mech;
        $prox->mech( WWW::Mechanize->new( agent => 'blah' ) );

    Returns a WWW::Mechanize object used for fetching proxy lists. When
    called with an optional argument (which must be a WWW::Mechanize
    object) will use it in any subsequent get_list() calls.


        my $old_debug = $prox->debug;
        $prox->debug( 1 );

    Returns a currently set debug flag (see debug argument to constructor).
    When called with an argument will set the debug flag to the value


    Zoffix Znet, <zoffix at> (,

    Adopted on Feb 4, 2016 and currently maintained by:

    Steve Bertrand <steveb at>


    Please report any bugs or feature requests to


    Copyright 2016 Steve Bertrand

    Copyright 2008 Zoffix Znet, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

    See for more information.