Parse::YARA - Parse and create YARA rules

    Version 0.02

            use Parse::YARA;
            my $rule_string = 'rule sample_rule : sample
                    info = "sample rule"
                    $ = "anon1"
                    $ = "anon2"
                    $test_string = "test_string"
                    any of them
            my $rule_string_obj = Parse::YARA->new();
            $rule_string_obj->add_string_modifier('sample_rule', '$test_string', 'all');
            print $rule_string_obj->as_string;
            my $rule_element_hashref = { 
                                        modifier => 'private',
                                        rule_id => 'sample_hash_rule',
                                        tag => [
                                        meta => {
                                                 'info' => 'sample hash rule',
                                                 'site' => ''
                                        strings => {
                                                    '$' => {
                                                            value => 'anon1',
                                                            type => 'text',
                                                    '$$' => {
                                                             value => 'anon2',
                                                             type => 'text'
                                                    '$test_string' => {
                                                                       value => 'test_string',
                                                                       type => 'text'
                                                    '$test_hex_string' => {
                                                                           value => '{ AA BB CC DD }',
                                                                           type => 'hex'
                                                    '$test_regex_string' => {
                                                                             value => '/.*/',
                                                                              type => 'regex'
                                        condition => 'true'
            my $rule_hash_obj = Parse::YARA->new(rulehash => $rule_element_hashref);
            print $rule_hash_obj->as_string;
            my $rule_file = '/path/to/rules.yar';
            my $rule_file_obj = Parse::YARA->new(file => $rule_file);
            my $rule_obj = Parse::YARA->new();
            $rule_obj->set_rule_modifier('new_rule', 'global');
            $rule_obj->set_condition('new_rule', 'one of them');
            $rule_obj->add_tag('new_rule', 'test_only');
            $rule_obj->add_meta('new_rule', 'author', 'Leigh');
            $rule_obj->add_meta('new_rule', 'site', '');
            $rule_obj->add_anonymous_string('new_rule', 'anonymous', 'text');
            $rule_obj->add_string('new_rule', '$string1', 'A test string', 'text');
            $rule_obj->add_string('new_rule', '$string2', 'Another example', 'text');
            $rule_obj->add_string_modifier('new_rule', '$string1', 'ascii');
            print $rule_obj->as_string;
            $rule_obj->modify_meta('new_rule', 'author', 'Leigh Thompson');
            $rule_obj->modify_string('new_rule', '$string1', 'An example string');
            print $rule_obj->as_string;
            $rule_obj->remove_string_modifier('new_rule', '$string1', 'ascii');
            $rule_obj->remove_tag('new_rule', 'test_only');
            $rule_obj->remove_meta('new_rule', 'site');
            $rule_obj->remove_anonymous_string('new_rule', 'anonymous');
            $rule_obj->remove_string('new_rule', '$string2');
            print $rule_obj->as_string;

    Hash order will not be guaranteed so the use of Tie::IxHash is required
    for passing hashes into the module if order within the YARA rule is

    For the example given above, the following steps would need to be taken:

        use Tie::IxHash;
        my $rule_element_hashref;
        my $rule_element_hashref_knot = tie(%{$rule_element_hashref}, 'Tie::IxHash');
        my $meta_hashref;
        my $meta_hashref_knot = tie(%{$meta_hashref}, 'Tie::IxHash');
        my $strings_hashref;
        my $strings_hashref_knot = tie(%{$strings_hashref}, 'Tie::IxHash');
        $meta_hashref->{info} = 'sample hash rule';
        $meta_hashref->{site} = '';
        $strings_hashref->{'$'} = { value => 'anon1', type => 'text' };
        $strings_hashref->{'$$'} = { value => 'anon2', type => 'text' };
        $strings_hashref->{'$test_string'}= { value => 'test_string', type => 'text' };
        $strings_hashref->{'$test_hex_string'} = { value => '{ AA BB CC DD }', type => 'hex' };
        $strings_hashref->{'$test_regex_string'} = { value => '/.*/', type => 'regex' };
        $rule_element_hashref = { 
                                 modifier => 'private',
                                 rule_id => 'sample_hash_rule_tied',
                                 tag => [
                                 meta => $meta_hashref,
                                 strings => $strings_hashref,
                                 condition => 'true'

    These are the object methods that can be used to read, add or modify any
    part of a YARA rule.

        Create a new `Parse::YARA' object, and return it. There are a couple
        of options when creating the object:

        new(disable_includes => 0, $verbose => 0)
            Create an unpopulated object, that can be filled in using the
            individual rule element methods, or can be populated with the
            read_file method.

        new(rule => $rule, disable_includes => 0, $verbose => 0)
            Create an object by providing a YARA rule as a string value.

        new(file => $file, $disable_includes => 0, $verbose => 0)
            Parse a file containing one or more YARA rules and create
            objects for each rule.

            The include option is turned on by default, this will ensure
            that all files included in the file being parsed are read in by
            the parser. Turn this off by setting disable_includes => 1.

        new(rulehash => $rule_element_hashref, $disable_includes => 0,
        $verbose => 0)
            Create an object based on a prepared hash reference.

                my $rule_element_hashref = { 
                                            modifier => 'global',
                                            rule_id => 'sample_hash_rule',
                                            tag => [
                                            meta => {
                                                     'info' => 'sample hash rule',
                                                     'site' => ''
                                            strings => {
                                                        '$' => {
                                                                value => 'anon1',
                                                                type => 'text',
                                                        '$$' => {
                                                                 value => 'anon2',
                                                                 type => 'text'
                                                        '$test_string' => {
                                                                           value => 'test_string',
                                                                           type => 'text'
                                                        '$test_hex_string' => {
                                                                               value => '{ AA BB CC DD }',
                                                                               type => 'hex'
                                                        '$test_regex_string' => {
                                                                                 value => '/.*/',
                                                                                 type => 'regex'
                                            condition => 'all of them'

        Reads in a string of one or more rules and parses it into a hashref
        that can be manipulated by the other functions.

    read_file ( $file )
        Reads in a YARA rules file and any included files (if not disabled)
        and calls $self->parse() on the contents of the file.

    set_rule_modifier($rule_id, $modifier)
        Set a modifier on a rule. The value for modifier must be one of the
        following strings: private global

        If modifier is set to undef the current modifier (if any) will be

    set_condition($rule_id, $condition)
        Sets the value of the condition to $condition.

    add_tag($rule_id, $tag)
        Adds a tag to the rule.

    add_meta($rule_id, $meta_name, $meta_val)
        Adds a meta name/value pair to the rule.

    add_string_modifier($rule_id, $str_name, $modifier)
        Set a modifier on a string. The value for the modifier must be one
        of the following strings: wide nocase ascii fullword

        Use of the keyword 'all' will set all modifiers on a string.

    remove_string_modifier($rule_id, $str_name, $modifier)
        Remove a modifier on a string. The value for the modifier must be
        one of the following strings: wide nocase ascii fullword

        Use of the keyword 'all' will remove all modifiers from a string.

    add_anonymous_string($rule_id, $str_val, $str_type)
        Allows the addition of anonymous strings

    add_string($rule_id, $str_name, $str_val, $str_type)
        Allows the addition of a new string name/value pair.

    remove_tag($rule_id, $tag)
        Removes a tag from the rule as identified by $tag.

    remove_meta($rule_id, $meta_name)
        Removes a meta name/value pair as identified by $meta_name.

    remove_anonymous_string($rule_id, $str_val)
        Removes an anonymous string with the value specified.

    remove_string($rule_id, $str_name)
        Removes a string name/value pair, but only if it contains a single

    modify_meta($rule_id, $meta_name, $meta_val)
        Modifies the value of $meta_name and sets it to $meta_val.

    modify_string($rule_id, $str_name, $str_val)
        Modifies the value of a string name/value pair, but only if it
        contains a single value.

        Sets the value of $str_name to $str_val.

        Can take zero or one argument. With no arugments this return all
        rules within the rule hashref as a string.

            Extracts a single rule from the hashref and returns it as a
            string value.

        Check to see if $rule_id references any other rules and return any
        matched rule ID's as an array.

    position_rule($rule_id, $position, $relative_rule_id)
        Position a rule before or after another rule where:

            $rule_id is the rule_id of the rule to be moved
            $position is either before or after
            $relative_rule_id is the rule_id of the rule to move this rule around

    Module for parsing and generating YARA rules.

    Add error checking for the validity of regex and hex strings.

    Add methods to allow the addition of comments to each element of a rule.

    Fix the parser to extract rather than strip comments from rules passed
    as strings or form a file and assign them to the appropriate element of
    the rule.

    Add methods to allow the re-ordering of strings and meta elements.

    For information about YARA see:

    Leigh Thompson, <moofu at>

    Carp, Tie::IxHash, File::Basename

    Copyright 2013 Leigh Thompson

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
    a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.