___________                           _________
\__    ___/__________  _____   /\  /\ \_   ___ \_____    ____ _____
  |    |_/ __ \_  __ \/     \  \/  \/ /    \  \/\__  \ _/ ___\\__  \
  |    |\  ___/|  | \/  Y Y  \ /\  /\ \     \____/ __ \\  \___ / __ \_
  |____| \___  >__|  |__|_|  / \/  \/  \______  (____  /\___  >____  /
             \/            \/                 \/     \/     \/     \/

--]- a perl wrapper around libcaca (Colour AsCii Art library)
                                    ^      ^ ^   ^

--]- a note about versioning,

                  | | ^--------- sub-version of this perl wrapper
                  | |
                  `-`----------- version of libcaca c library
                                 this wrapper is based on.


	Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to writing proper POD
	yet, so those who wish to try these modules out are asked to
	use the source as a reference.  The libcaca documentation for
	the C library upon which this package is based is also a good
	place to look for help.  You'll find that Term::Caca's API
	closely mirrors that of the C library.  The next release will
	be proplerly documented.