NAME Log::Any::Adapter::MojoLog - Log::Any integration for Mojo::Log SYNOPSIS use Mojo::Log; use Log::Any::Adapter; Log::Any::Adapter->set('MojoLog', logger => Mojo::Log->new); Mojolicious app: use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; use Log::Any::Adapter; sub startup { my $self = shift; Log::Any::Adapter->set('MojoLog', logger => $self->app->log); } Mojolicious::Lite app: use Mojolicious::Lite; use Log::Any::Adapter; Log::Any::Adapter->set('MojoLog', logger => app->log); DESCRIPTION This Log::Any adapter uses Mojo::Log for logging. Mojo::Log must be initialized before calling set. The parameter logger must be used to pass in the logging object. LOG LEVEL TRANSLATION Log levels are translated from Log::Any to Mojo::Log as follows: trace -> debug notice -> info warning -> warn critical -> fatal alert -> fatal emergency -> fatal SEE ALSO * Log::Any::Adapter::Mojo - The original release of this codebase * Log::Any * Log::Any::Adapter * Mojo::Log SOURCE REPOSITORY AUTHOR Joel Berger, <> CONTRIBUTORS Dan Book (Grinnz) NOTES This module was forked from Log::Any::Adapter::Mojo which bears the copyright Copyright (C) 2011 Henry Tang and is licensed under the Artistic License version 2.0 This fork began as fixes for RT#111631 <> and RT#101167 <>. However the eventual changes that were made prevented any possibility for keeping a consistent log formatter. As such I think it is the responsible action to fork the module to release it. I intend to work with the original author to see how much of these changes can be backported into that codebase without breaking the format. COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Log::Any::Adapter::MojoLog is Copyright (C) 2016 "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS". Log::Any::Adapter::MojoLog is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.