NAME Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Redis - The great new Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Redis! SYNOPSIS use Catalyst qw/ Session Session::Store::Redis Session::State::Foo /; MyApp->config->{session} = { expires => 3600, redis_server => '', redis_debug => 0 # or 1! }; # ... in an action: $c->session->{foo} = 'bar'; # will be saved DESCRIPTION Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Redis is a session storage plugin for Catalyst that uses the Redis key-value database. NOTES Expired Sessions This store does B<not> automatically expire sessions. You can call C<delete_expired_sessions> to clear any expired sessions. All sessions will then be checked, one at a time. If a session has expired then it will be deleted. WARNING This module is currently untested, outside of the unit tests it ships with. It will eventually be used with a busy site, but is currently unproven. Patches are welcome! AUTHOR Cory G Watson, C<< <gphat at> >> COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Cold Hard Code, LLC. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.