use IO::Async::Loop;
     use Net::Async::Ping;
     my $p = Net::Async::Ping->new;
     my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
     my $future = $p->ping($loop, '');
     $future->on_done(sub {
        say "good job the host is running!"
     $future->on_fail(sub {
        say "the host is down!!!";
     # With a timer
     my $timer;
     $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Periodic->new(
        interval => 1,
        on_tick  => sub {
                $p->ping($loop, '')
                    ->on_done(sub { say "good job the host is running!" })
                    ->on_fail(sub { say "the host is down!!!" })
     $l->add( $timer );


    This module's goal is to eventually be able to test remote hosts on a
    network with a number of different socket types and protocols.
    Currently it only supports TCP and ICMP, but UDP, and Syn are planned.
    If you need one of those feel free to work up a patch.

    This module was originally forked off of Net::Ping, so it shares some
    of it's interface, but only where it makes sense.

     my $p = Net::Async::Ping->new(
       $proto, $def_timeout, $bytes, $device, $tos, $ttl,

    All arguments to new are optional, but if you want to provide one in
    the middle you must provide all the ones to the left of it. The default
    protocol is tcp. The default timeout is 5 seconds. device is what host
    to bind the socket to, ie what to ping from. bytes, tos and ttl do not
    currently apply.

    Alternately, you can use a new constructor:

     my $p = Net::Async::Ping->new(
       tcp => {
          default_timeout => 10,
          bind            => '',
          port_number     => 80,

    All of the above arguments are optional. Bind is the same as device
    from before.

    See Net::Async::Ping::TCP and Net::Async::Ping::ICMP for module
    specific options.

     my $future = $p->ping($loop, $host, $timeout);

    Returns a Future representing the ping. loop should be an
    IO::Async::Loop, host is the host, and timeout is optional and defaults
    to the default set above.

    It's also possible to omit the $loop, and add the pinger to a loop

     my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
     $loop->add( $p );

    The return value of the future depends on the protocol. See
    Net::Async::Ping::TCP and Net::Async::Ping::ICMP.


    Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained

    Around line 45:

      Unknown directive: =method

    Around line 73:

      Unknown directive: =method