Uplug - NLP tools for processing (parallel) corpora

Uplug is a collection of tools and scripts for processing text-corpora

uplug		  script for running Uplug modules
bin/		  executable scripts (Uplug modules)
share/systems/	  configuration files of Uplug modules
share/ext/	  external programs/tools integrated in Uplug
tools/		  simple tools (converting, dumping, etc)
web/		  experimental web interface (not maintained)

share/ini/	  some configuration files
share/lang/	  language specific data
example/	  small example corpora

lib/Uplug.pm      main library for running Uplug modules
lib/Uplug/	  Uplug libraries

The new project home page:	https://bitbucket.org/tiedemann/uplug
The old pages at SourceForge:	http://sourceforge.net/projects/uplug/

Installing/using Uplug: 	read INSTALL, QUICKSTART & HOWTO

Please cite the following dissertation if you use Uplug:

  author =	 {J\"org Tiedemann},
  title =	 {Recycling Translations -- {E}xtraction of Lexical
                  Data from Parallel Corpora and their Application in
                  Natural Language Processing},
  school =	 {Uppsala University},
  year =	 2003,
  address =	 {Uppsala, Sweden},
  note =	 {Anna S{\aa}gvall{ }Hein, {\AA}ke Viberg (eds): Studia
                  Linguistica Upsaliensia},
  url =		 {http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:163715},