use Perinci::Tx::Util qw(use_other_actions);
     sub foo {
         my %args = @_;
         use_other_actions(actions => [
             ["My::action1", {arg=>1}],
             ["My::action2", {arg=>2}],
             # ...


 use_other_actions(actions=>$actions) => RES

    Generate envelope response for transactional function. Can be used to
    say that function entirely depends on other actions.

    Each action in $actions will be called with -tx_action =>
    'check_state'. If all actions return 304, response status will be 304.
    If some or all actions return 200 and the rest 304, response status
    will be 200 with undo_actions result metadata taken from the actions'
    metadata and do_actions from $actions. If any action returns 412,
    response will be 412. If any action return other status, response will
    be 500 (error).

    It is your responsibility to load required modules.

    Does not perform checking on actions like Perinci::Tx::Manager, but
    eventually actions will be checked by Perinci::Tx::Manager anyway.


