Fennec::Lite - Minimalist Fennec, the commonly used bits.

    Fennec does a ton, but it may be hard to adopt it all at once. It also
    is a large project, and has not yet been fully split into component
    projects. Fennec::Lite takes a minimalist approach to do for Fennec what
    Mouse does for Moose.

    Fennec::Lite is a single module file with no non-core dependencies. It
    can easily be used by any project, either directly, or by copying it
    into your project. The file itself is less than 300 lines of code at the
    time of this writing, that includes whitespace.

    This module does not cover any of the more advanced features such as
    result capturing or SPEC workflows. This module only covers test
    grouping and group randomization. You can also use the FENNEC_ITEM
    variable with a group name or line number to run a specific test group
    only. Test::Builder is used under the hood for TAP output.

        use strict;
        use warnings;

        # Brings in Test::More for us.
        use Fennec::Lite;

        tests good => sub {
            ok( 1, "A good test" );

        # You most call run_tests() after declaring your tests.

        use strict;
        use warnings;

        use Fennec::Lite
            plan => 8,
            random => 1,
            testing => 'My::Class',
            alias => [
            alias_to => {
                TB => 'My::Class::ThingB',

        # Quickly create get/set accessors
        fennec_accessors qw/ construction_string /;

        # Create a constructor for our test class.
        sub new {
            my $class = shift;
            my $string = @_;
            return bless({ construction_string => $string }, $class );

        tests good => sub {
            # Get $self. Created with new()
            my $self = shift;
            $self->isa_ok( __PACKAGE__ );
                "This is the construction string",
                "Constructed properly"
            ok( 1, "A good test" );

        tests "todo group" => (
            todo => "This will fail",
            code => sub { ok( 0, "false value" )},

        tests "skip group" => (
            skip => "This will fail badly",
            sub => sub { die "oops" },

        run_tests( "This is the construction string" );

  Pure OO Interface
        use strict;
        use warnings;

        use Fennec::Lite ();
        use Test::More;

        my $fennec = Fennec::Lite->new( test_class => __PACKAGE__ );

        $fennec->add_tests( "test name" => sub {
            ok( ... );



    When you use Fennec::Lite, Test::More is automatically imported for you.
    In addition Test::Warn and Test::Exception will also be loaded, but only
    if they are installed.

        use Fennec::Lite %ARGS

    plan => 'no_plan' || $count
        Plan to pass into Test::More.

    random => $bool
        True by default. When true test groups will be run in random order.

    testing => $CLASS_NAME
        Declare what class you ore testing. Provides $CLASS and CLASS(),
        both of which are simply the name of the class being tested.

    alias => @PACKAGES
        Create alias functions your the given package. An alias is a
        function that returns the package name. The aliases will be named
        after the last part of the package name.

    alias_to => { $ALIAS => $PACKAGE, ... }
        Define aliases, keys are alias names, values are tho package names
        they should return.

    By default test groups will be run in a random order. The random seed is
    the current date (YYYYMMDD). This is used so that the order does not
    change on the day you are editing your code. However the ardor will
    change daily allowing for automated testing to find order dependent

    You can manually set the random seed to reproduce a failure. The
    FENNEC_SEED environment variable will be used as the seed when it is

        $ FENNEC_SEED="20100915" prove -I lib -v t/*.t

    You can use the FENNEC_ITEM variable with a group name or line number to
    run a specific test group only.

        $ FENNEC_ITEM="22" prove -I lib -v t/MyTest.t
        $ FENNEC_ITEM="Test Group A" prove -I lib -v t/MyTest.t

    This can easily be integrated into an editor such as vim or emacs.

    tests $name => $coderef,
    tests $name => ( code => $coderef, todo => $reason )
    tests $name => ( code => $coderef, skip => $reason )
    tests $name => ( sub => $coderef )
    tests $name => ( method => $coderef )
        Declare a test group. The first argument must always be the test
        group name. In the 2 part form the second argument must be a
        coderef. In the multi-part form you may optionally declare the group
        as todo, or as a skip. A coderef must always be provided, in
        multi-part form you may use the code, method, or sub params for this
        purpose, they are all the same.

    run_tests( %params )
        Instantiate an instance of the test class, passing %params to the
        constructor. If no constructor is present a default is used. All
        tests that have been added will be run. All tests will be cleared,
        you may continue to declare tests and call run_tests again to run
        the new tests.

        Returns the instance of Fennec::Lite created when you imported it.
        This is the instance that tests() and run_tests() act upon.

    fennec_accessors( @NAMES )
        Quickly generate get/set accessors for your test class. You could
        alternatively do it manually or use Moose.

    $tests_ref = $fennec->tests()
        Get a reference to the array of tests that have been added since the
        last run.

    $classname = $fennec->test_class( $classname )
        Get/Set the class name that will be used to create test objects that
        will act as the invocant on all test methods.

    $seed = $fennec->seed( $newseed )
        Get/Set the random seed that will be used to re-seed srand() before
        randomizing tests, as well as before each test.

    $bool = $fennec->random( $bool )
        Turn random on/off.

    $fennec->add_tests( $name => sub { ... })
    $fennec->add_tests( $name, %args, method => sub { ... })
        Add a test group.

    $fennec->run_tests( %test_class_construction_args )
        Run the test groups

    $bool = $fennec->run_skip_test( \%test )
        Run a skip test (really just returns true)

    $bool = $fennec->run_todo_group( \%test )
        Run a group as TODO

    $bool = $fennec->run_test_group( \%test )
        Run a test group.

    ( $bool, $error ) = $fennec->run_test_eval( \%test )
        Does the actual test running in an eval to capture errors.

    $fennec->test_eval_error( $bool, $error, \%test )
        Handle a test eval error.

Extending Fennec::Lite
    In the tradition of the Fennec project, Fennec::Lite is designed to be
    extensible. You can even easily subclass/edit Fennec::Lite to work with
    alternatives to Test::Builder.

        Called by new prior to returning the newly constructed object. In
        Fennec::Lite this loads Test::Builder and puts a reference to it in
        the TB() accessor. If you do want to replace Test::Builder in your
        subclass you may do so by overriding init().

    $fennec->run_skip_test( \%test )
        Calls Test::Builder->skip( $reason ), then returns true. Override
        this if you replace Test::Builder in your subclass.

    $fennec->run_todo_group( \%test )
        Calls run_test_eval() in a TODO environment. Currently uses
        Test::Builder to start/stop TODO mode around the test. Override this
        if you wish to replace Test::Builder.

    $fennec->test_eval_error( $bool, $error, \%test )
        Handle an exception thrown in a test group method. Currently calls
        Test::Bulder->ok( 0, GROUP_NAME ).

    @list = must_load()
        Returns a list of modules that MUST be loaded into tho calling class
        (unless used in OO form). This is currently only Test::More.

    @list = may_load()
        Returns a list of modules that should be loaded only if they are

    $name_to_code_ref = module_loaders()
        Returns a hashref containing package => sub { ... }. Use this if you
        need to load modules in a custom way, currently Test::More has a
        special loader in here to account for plans.

        Called on the instance that was created by import(), runs at the
        very end of the import process. Currently does nothing.

    This module is part of the Fennec project. See Fennec for more details.
    Fennec is a project to develop an extensible and powerful testing
    framework. Together the tools that make up the Fennec framework provide
    a potent testing environment.

    The tools provided by Fennec are also useful on their own. Sometimes a
    tool created for Fennec is useful outside the greater framework. Such
    tools are turned into their own projects. This is one such project.

    Fennec - The core framework
      The primary Fennec project that ties them all together.

    Chad Granum

    Copyright (C) 2010 Chad Granum

    Fennec-Lite is free software; Standard perl license.

    Fennec-Lite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    more details.