# NAME Perl::Metrics::Lite - Pluggable Perl Code Metrics System # SYNOPSIS use Perl::Metrics::Lite; my $analzyer = Perl::Metrics::Lite->new; my $analysis = $analzyer->analyze_files(@ARGV); my $file_stats = $analysis->file_stats; my $sub_stats = $analysis->sub_stats; # DESCRIPTION __Perl::Metrics::Lite__ is the pluggable perl code metrics system. __Perl::Metrics::Lite__ provides just enough methods to run static analysis of one or many Perl files and obtain a few metrics. __Perl::Metrics::Lite__ is far simpler than [Perl::Metrics](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Perl::Metrics) and more extensible than [Perl::Metrics::Simple](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Perl::Metrics::Simple). # USAGE See the `measureperl` and `measureperl-checkstyle` script (included with this distribution) for a simple example of usage. # CLASS METHODS ## new Takes no arguments and returns a new [Perl::Metrics::Lite](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Perl::Metrics::Lite) object. # OBJECT METHODS ## analyze_files( @paths, @refs_to_file_contents ) Takes an array of files and or directory paths, and/or SCALAR refs to file contents and returns an [Perl::Metrics::Lite::Analysis](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Perl::Metrics::Lite::Analysis) object. # SOURCE AVAILABILITY This source is in Github: http://github.com/dann/p5-perl-metrics-lite # CONTRIBUTORS Many thanks to: # AUTHOR Dann <techmemo{at}gmail.com> # SEE ALSO [Perl::Metrics](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Perl::Metrics) [Perl::Metrics::Simple](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Perl::Metrics::Simple) # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.