package MyApp::People;
     use Web::Simple;
     use JSON::MaybeXS;
     use Web::Util::ExtPaging;
     use Web::Util::DBIC::Paging;
     sub dispatch_request {
      my $people_rs = get_rs();
      sub (/people) {
           [ 'Content-type', 'application/json' ],
             ) ],
      sub () { [ 404, [ 'Content-type', 'text/plain' ], [ 'not found' ] ] }


    This module helps you to map various DBIx::Class features to CGI
    parameters. For the most part that means it will help you search, sort,
    and paginate with a minimum of effort and thought.


    All subs take a type, paramish thing, resultset, and optionally a
    config. All methods return a ResultSet. Subs are exported with
    Sub::Exporter::Progressive, so should be fast and light for the
    defaults but upgrade to actually using Sub::Exporter if you need to
    alias or prefix the subs.

    The "paramish thing" is what the type is for and can be any of:

    c | ctx | context | catalyst

      for the $c argument in a catalyst app

    r | req | request

      for a Plack::Request object

    e | env | psgi_env

      for a PSGI Environment hashref.


      for a plain hashref.


     my $result_rs  = page_and_sort(c => $c, $c->model('DB::Foo'));

    This is a helper method that will first sort your data and then
    "paginate" it. Valid configuration parameters are documented for each
    of those methods.


     my $result_rs  = paginate(c => $c, $c->model('DB::Foo'));

    Paginates the passed in resultset based on the following parameters:

    start first row to display

    limit amount of rows per page

    The sole config param is page_size which will be the page size if there
    is no limit parameter in the request. The default page_size is 25.


     my $searched_rs = search(c => $c, $c->model('DB::Foo'));

    If the $resultset has a controller_search method it will call that
    method on the passed in resultset with all of the CGI parameters. I
    like to have this method look something like the following:

     # Base search dispatcher, defined in MyApp::Schema::ResultSet
     sub _build_search {
        my ($rs, $dispatch_table, $q) = @_;
        foreach ( keys %{$q} ) {
           if ( my $fn = $dispatch_table->{$_} and $q->{$_} ) {
              my ( $search, $meta ) = $fn->( $q->{$_} );
              $rs = $rs->search($search, $meta);
        return $rs;
     # search method in specific resultset
     sub controller_search {
        my $self   = shift;
        my $params = shift;
        return $self->_build_search({
           status => sub {
              return { 'repair_order_status' => shift }, {};
           part_id => sub {
              return {
                 'lineitems.part_id' => { -like => q{%}.shift( @_ ).q{%} }
              }, { join => 'lineitems' };

    If the controller_search method does not exist, this method will call
    "simple_search" instead.


     my $result_rs  = sort_rs(c => $c, $c->model('DB::Foo'));

    Exactly the same as "search", except calls controller_sort or
    "simple_sort". Here is how I use it:

     # Base sort dispatcher, defined in MyApp::Schema::ResultSet
     sub _build_sort {
        my ($self, $dispatch_table, $default, $q) = @_;
        my %search = ();
        my %meta   = ();
        my $direction = $q->{dir};
        my $sort      = $q->{sort};
        if ( my $fn = $dispatch_table->{$sort} ) {
           my ( $tmp_search, $tmp_meta ) = $fn->( $direction );
           %search = ( %search, %{$tmp_search||{}} );
           %meta   = ( %meta,   %{$tmp_meta||{}} );
        } elsif ( $sort && $direction ) {
           my ( $tmp_search, $tmp_meta ) = $default->( $sort, $direction );
           %search = ( %search, %{$tmp_search||{}} );
           %meta   = ( %meta,   %{$tmp_meta||{}} );
        return $self->search(\%search, \%meta);
     # sort method in specific resultset
     sub controller_sort {
        my $self = shift;
        my $params = shift;
        return $self->_build_sort({
           first_name => sub {
              my $direction = shift;
              return {}, {
                 order_by => { "-$direction" => [qw{last_name first_name}] },
        }, sub {
           my $param = shift;
           my $direction = shift;
           return {}, {
              order_by => { "-$direction" => $param },


     my $deleted_ids = simple_deletion(c => $c, $c->model('DB::Foo'));

    Deletes from the passed in resultset based on the sole CGI parameter,
    to_delete, which must be a list of primary keys.

    This is the only method that does not return a ResultSet. Instead it
    returns an arrayref of the id's that it deleted. If the ResultSet has
    has a multipk this will expect each tuple of PK's to be separated by

    Note that this method uses the $rs->delete method, as opposed to


     my $searched_rs = simple_search(c => $c, $c->model('DB::Foo'));

    Searches the resultset based on all fields in the request. Searches
    with $fieldname => { -like => "%$value%" } for char fields, everything
    else gets basic equality searchs. If there are multiple values for a
    CGI parameter it will use all values via an or.

    The sole configuration value is skip and it is used to skip
    unsearchable parameters. The default is limit start sort dir _dc rm


     my $sorted_rs = simple_sort(c => $c, $c->model('DB::Foo'));

    Sorts the passed in resultset based on the following CGI parameters:

    sort field to sort by, defaults to primarky key =item dir direction to