RT-Extension-PagerDuty - Two way integration with PagerDuty

    This RT extension allows for two-way integration with PagerDuty.

    On ticket creation in RT, trigger an alert in PagerDuty. When a ticket
    is acknowledged or resolved in RT, update the incident in PagerDuty.

    Configure a PagerDuty webhook to send updates to RT from PagerDuty. When
    a new incident is triggered in PagerDuty, create a ticket in RT. If an
    incident is acknowledged or resolved in PagerDuty, update the
    corresponding ticket in RT.

    Works with RT 5.

    perl Makefile.PL
    make install
        May need root permissions

    make initdb
        Only run this the first time you install this module.

        If you run this twice, you may end up with duplicate data in your

        If you are upgrading this module, check for upgrading instructions
        in case changes need to be made to your database.

    Edit your /opt/rt5/etc/
        Add this line:


        See below for additional configuration details.

    Clear your mason cache
            rm -rf /opt/rt5/var/mason_data/obj

    Restart your webserver

    This section describes how to configure RT to integrate with your
    PagerDuty account and services. See the PagerDuty services documentation
    <> for
    details on configuring services on the PagerDuty side.

  PagerDuty Webhook
    PagerDuty will call a webhook provided by this extension to send
    information to your RT. To allow PagerDuty to send data to RT without a
    referrer, set this option in your RT configuration:

        Set( %ReferrerComponents,
            '/PagerDuty/WebHook.html' => 1,

    See "PagerDuty Webhook" for details on setting up the webhook in

  PagerDuty Services and RT Queues
    To define the interactions between RT and PagerDuty:

                services => {
                    'PagerDuty Service ID' => {
                        api_token => 'PagerDuty API Token',
                        api_user => 'PagerDuty User',
                        create_queue => 'General',
                queues => {
                    'RT Queue Name' => {
                        service => 'PagerDuty Service ID',
                        acknowledged => 'open',
                        resolved => 'resolved',

    The services section maps a PagerDuty service id to the token and user
    to use for API access. The api_token and api_user values are required.
    The optional create_queue value is the RT queue where new RT tickets
    should be created if a PagerDuty incident creates a new RT ticket.
    create_queue defaults to the General queue if not specified. Use '*' as
    the PagerDuty Service ID to apply to multiple PagerDuty services.

    The queues section maps an RT queue name to the PagerDuty service where
    it should trigger new incidents when an RT ticket is created. The
    service value is required and must be a PagerDuty service id. The
    acknowledged and resolved optional values indicate what RT ticket status
    to use when an incident is acknowledged or resolved on PagerDuty. If not
    specified, they default to acknowledged => 'open' and resolved =>
    'resolved'. Use '*' as the RT Queue Name to apply to multiple RT queues.

    To get the PagerDuty Service ID, login to your PagerDuty account and go
    to Services > Service Directory. If you are creating a new service for
    this integration, when you come to the "Integrations" section of the
    create new service process, click "Create service without an
    integration". The RT integration uses the Incidents API, as recommented
    by PagerDuty, and that doesn't require a specific Integrations
    configuration in PagerDuty.

    Click on the Service you want the ID for and the the ID will be at the
    end of the URL. For example:

    the Service ID is P3AFFQR.

    To create an api_token, login to your PagerDuty account and go to
    Integrations > API Access Keys. Click the Create New API Key button. Add
    a description and click Create Key. Copy the key and paste it into the
    $PagerDuty config as the api_token. You will not be able to view the key
    again but you can generate a new one if you lose the key.

    The api_user is the email address for a valid PagerDuty user that has
    access to the PagerDuty Service you are integrating with. This is set as
    the "From" for any incidents created. You can create a utility user
    account in PagerDuty just for RT alerts.

RT Scrips and Custom Fields
    This extension will install three new Scrips:

    On Create PagerDuty Trigger
        When a ticket is created, also create an incident in PagerDuty.

    On Acknowledge PagerDuty Acknowledge
        On any transition from initial status (often 'new') to an active
        status (often 'open'), send a message to PagerDuty to set the
        incident as 'Acknowledged'.

    On Resolve PagerDuty Resolve
        When a ticket is resolved, resolve the incident in PagerDuty.

    They are not applied to any queues when they are initially installed.
    Edit the scrips and click "Applies To" to select the queues that should
    integrate with PagerDuty.

  Custom Fields
    This extension adds two ticket custom fields: PagerDuty ID and PagerDuty

    You need to apply them to the queues that integrate with PagerDuty.

    When an RT ticket creates an incident in PagerDuty, or an incident on
    PagerDuty creates an RT ticket, the custom fields are automatically set
    to the corresponding PagerDuty incident ID and URL. The PagerDuty URL
    links directly to the incident on PagerDuty.

    If you would like to group the new custom fields in their own PagerDuty
    group you can use the CustomFieldGroupings configuration in RT:

            'RT::Ticket' => [
                'Alerts' => [ 'PagerDuty ID', 'PagerDuty URL' ],

PagerDuty Webhook
    To set up the PagerDuty webhook, do the following.

    1. Create an auth token in RT
        Select or create an RT user that will be used for the webhook, then
        create an auth token from the user admin page.

        The API user must be a Privileged user. If you use a user account
        that is Unprivileged, the calls to the webhook will redirect to Self
        Service and not work.

        The RT user will also need some rights in RT to update tickets. A
        typical set of rights to grant for the API user are SeeQueue,
        ShowTicket, CreateTicket, ModifyTicket, SeeCustomField and
        SetInitialCustomField(or ModifyCustomField).

    2. Create the WebHook
        Go to the PagerDuty Service Integrations Webhooks, add a new
        webhook. Use https://your.rt.example/PagerDuty/WebHook.html as the
        webhook URL, replacing https://your.rt.example with your real RT

        For Scope Type and Scope, pick Service and the service you want to
        integrate with RT.

        In the Event Subscriptions section, deselect all, then select the
        following supported events:


        At the bottom of the page, click Add custom header. Add a custom
        header with the name Authorization and value token #-#-abc123 where
        #-#-abc123 is the value of the auth token you created in step one.
        Note the word "token" followed by a space before the actual token

        The Send Test Event button sends a ping event and no tickets will be
        created in RT.

    Best Practical Solutions, LLC <>

    All bugs should be reported via email to
    or via the web at
    This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by BPS

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991