# jpnedumathsymbols

Mathematical equation representation in Japanese education differs somewhat from the standard LaTeX writing style. This package introduces mathematical equation representation in Japanese education.

## Documents

Documents for this package are available in English and Japanese.

## Acknowledgements

\arc is by [Prof. Shingo SAITO](http://www.artsci.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~ssaito/jpn/tex/tips/misc.html#arc). I would like to thank him.

\parallel is by [Mr./Ms. Ohishi](https://okumuralab.org/~okumura/texfaq/qa/8814.html). I would like to thank him/her.

environment align** and gather** are by [Mr./Ms. Krypf](https://qiita.com/Krypf/items/f69fb363dc182f9fbb66). I would like to thank him/her.

This package is inspired by [emath package by Kazuhiro Okuma (a.k.a. tDB)](http://emath.s40.xrea.com/). I would like to thank him.

## License

This package released under [the MIT license](https://ctan.org/license/mit).

(C) 2022--2024 Yukoh KUSAKABE

## Revision History

- Version 1.3 2024-11-24
  - Rewrited README and documents.
- Version 1.2 2024-11-22
  - Adjusted the position of \sqrt, \notparallel and \similar.
  - Add \eand*, \eor*, \simul*, \vvec, \vvec*, \vinp, \tsum, \expectation, \variance, \deviation, \nomination*, equation**, align** and gather**.
- Version 1.1 2022-07-10
  - Rewrited README.
  - License changed from GNU/GPL to MIT (stopped using codes under GNU/GPL).
  - Added the document (jpnedumathsymbols.pdf).
  - Added the [curriculum] option, and the default is changed to [nocurriculum].
  - Adjusted the position of \neconcave, \seconcave, \seconvex and \neconvex.
  - Bug fix (\dint, \texttherefore and \textbecause).
- Version 1.0 2022-06-28
  - The first public version.


[Yukoh KUSAKABE](https://x.com/metaphysicainfo) (screen-name) at [metaphysica.info](https://www.metaphysica.info/)