<!-- --> Source: footnotehyper.dtx (v1.1e 2021/08/13) Author: Jean-Francois Burnol Info: hyperref aware footnote.sty License: LPPL 1.3c Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Jean-Francois Burnol <jfbu at free dot fr>. ABSTRACT ======== The `footnote` package by Mark Wooding (`1997/01/28` `1.13`) allows to gather footnotes (`\begin{savenotes}`) and later insert them (after `\end{savenotes}`) at the bottom of the page, even if the intervening material consists of tabulars, minipages or framed contents for example. One can also use the `\savenotes/\spewnotes` syntax. Also, `footnote.sty` provides a `footnote` environment which allows to insert verbatim material. Earlier releases of the present `footnotehyper` package added patches for `hyperref` compatibility and some bugfixes, addressing in particular the incompatibility with `color/xcolor`, and with `babel-frenchb`, and also fixing the `footnote` environment with optional argument `[NUM]`. Since `v0.99` all macros are defined internally and the `footnote` package is not loaded at all. The same user interface is kept. Since `v1.0` it is possible to use `footnotehyper` also in absence of `hyperref` or when the latter is loaded with its `hyperfootnotes=false` option. The order of loading of `footnotehyper` and `hyperref` is inconsequential. INSTALLATION ============ The recommended way is to first extract the package (.sty) and driver (.tex) files from footnotehyper.dtx via tex footnotehyper.dtx and then produce the documentation via latex footnotehyper.tex (twice) dvipdfmx footnotehyper.dvi It is also possible to produce simultaneously the package and the documentation via one of these two routes: pdflatex footnotehyper.dtx (twice) or latex footnotehyper.dtx (twice) dvips ps2pdf The method using the extracted file footnotehyper.tex produces the smallest pdf file and is the officially preferred one as it allows to set options in footnotehyper.tex to customize the footnotehyper.pdf file: - scrdoc class options (paper size, font size, ...) - with or without source code, - with dvipdfmx or with latex+dvips or pdflatex. Installation: footnotehyper.sty -> TDS:tex/latex/footnotehyper/footnotehyper.sty footnotehyper.dtx -> TDS:source/latex/footnotehyper/footnotehyper.dtx footnotehyper.pdf -> TDS:doc/latex/footnotehyper/footnotehyper.pdf README.md -> TDS:doc/latex/footnotehyper/README.md The other files may be discarded. LICENSE ======= This Work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c. This version of this license is in: > <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt> and the latest version of this license is in: > <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt> Version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. The Author of this Work is: - Jean-Francois Burnol `<jfbu at free dot fr>` This Work consists of the main source file footnotehyper.dtx and the derived files footnotehyper.sty, footnotehyper.tex, footnotehyper.pdf, footnotehyper.dvi.