BIBLOOK(1)		  User Commands		       BIBLOOK(1)

     biblook - lookup entries in a bibliography	file

     biblook basename [savefile]

     biblook permits rapid lookup in a BibTeX  bibliography  data
     base,  using  a compact binary index file prepared	by bibin-

     At	the prompt, the	user can enter any of the following  com-

     ? or h[elp]
	  Display a help message.

     f[ind] [not] <field> <words>
	  Find the entries containing  the  given  words  in  any
	  field	with a prefix matching the <field> argument.  For
	  example, `a' matches both `author' and  `address',  and
	  `au' matches `author'	only.  If the <field> argument is
	  `-' (or any string with no letters or	 numbers),  match
	  any field.

	  If `not' appears before the <field>, the sense  of  the
	  search  is  reversed.	  The  symbols `~' and `!' can be
	  used in place	of `not'.

	  Each word is	a  contiguous  sequence	 of  letters  and
	  digits.   Case  is  ignored; accents should be omitted;
	  apostrophes are not required.	 Single	characters and	a
	  few  common  words  are  also	ignored.  Any word ending
	  with	an  asterisk  is  treated  as  a  prefix.   Thus,
	  `point*' matches `point', `points', `pointer', etc.

     and [not] <field> <words>

     or	[not] <field> <words>
	  Intersect (resp. union) the results of the given search
	  with	the  previous  search.	Several	of these commands
	  may be combined on a single line.  Commands are handled
	  in  the  order  in  which they appear; there is no pre-
	  cedence.  Unlike other commands, and like `not',  these
	  must	be  spelled  out  completely.  `&' can be used in
	  place	of `and', and `|' can be used in place of `or'.

	  Display the results of the previous search.

     s[ave] [<filename>]
	  Save the results  of	the  previous  results	into  the

Version	2.2	 Last change: 30 September 1992			1

BIBLOOK(1)		  User Commands		       BIBLOOK(1)

	  specified file.  If <filename> is omitted, the previous
	  save file is used.  If  no  save  file  has  ever  been
	  specified,  results  are saved in the	file specified on
	  the command  line.   If  no  such  file  is  specified,
	  `save.bib'  is  used.	 If the	save file exists, results
	  are appended to it.


     Several commands  can  be	combined  on  a	 single	 line  by
     separating	them with semicolons.  For example, the	following
     command displays all STOC papers cowritten	by Erdo"s without
     `Voronoi diagrams'	in the title:

     f b stoc* | b symp* theory	comp* &	au erdos & ~t voronoi diagrams ; d

     bibclean(1), bibindex(1), bibtex(1), latex(1), tex(1)

     Jeff Erickson
     Computer Science Division
     University	of California
     Berkeley, CA 94720
     Email: <>, <>

     This program is in	the public domain.  You	 may  use  it  or
     modify it to your heart's content,	at your	own risk.

Version	2.2	 Last change: 30 September 1992			2