2013/10/05 08:48:24 WARNING (HighwayHooks): 70013752.osm.pbf: Motorway exit Î Ïομαχώνας is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=41.35988&mlon=23.35391&zoom=17) 2013/10/05 08:48:24 WARNING (HighwayHooks): 70013752.osm.pbf: Motorway exit Î Ïομαχώνας is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=41.35992&mlon=23.35371&zoom=17) 2013/10/05 08:48:24 WARNING (HighwayHooks): 70013752.osm.pbf: Motorway exit ÎÎο ΠετÏίτσι is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=41.27604&mlon=23.33582&zoom=17) 2013/10/05 08:48:24 WARNING (HighwayHooks): 70013752.osm.pbf: Motorway exit ΡοÏπελ is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=41.33844&mlon=23.34781&zoom=17) 2013/10/05 08:48:24 WARNING (HighwayHooks): 70013752.osm.pbf: Motorway exit ΡοÏπελ is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=41.34228&mlon=23.34953&zoom=17) 2013/10/05 08:48:24 WARNING (HighwayHooks): 70013752.osm.pbf: Motorway exit ÎÎο ΠετÏίτσι is positioned on a motorway that doesn't have a 'ref' tag (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=41.28733&mlon=23.33404&zoom=17)