2011/11/18 20:53:29 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/europe/63240122.osm.pbf: Motorway exit Letisko M. R. Štefánika (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.16951&mlon=17.18575&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag)
2011/11/18 20:53:30 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/europe/63240122.osm.pbf: Motorway exit Zeleneč (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.32555&mlon=17.60939&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag)
2011/11/18 20:53:30 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/europe/63240122.osm.pbf: Motorway exit Zeleneč (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.32609&mlon=17.60776&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag)
2011/11/18 20:53:31 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/europe/63240122.osm.pbf: Motorway exit Lassee (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.25262&mlon=16.81194&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag)
2011/11/18 20:53:31 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/europe/63240122.osm.pbf: Motorway exit Marchegg (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.24751&mlon=16.90560&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag)
2011/11/18 20:53:31 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/europe/63240122.osm.pbf: Motorway exit Markgrafneusiedl (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.28927&mlon=16.65995&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag)
2011/11/18 20:53:31 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/europe/63240122.osm.pbf: Motorway exit Untersiebenbrunn (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.25921&mlon=16.78301&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag)
2011/11/18 20:53:32 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/europe/63240122.osm.pbf: Motorway exit Gänserndorf (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.29049&mlon=16.71121&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag)
2011/11/18 20:53:32 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/europe/63240122.osm.pbf: Motorway exit Trnava (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.33963&mlon=17.63359&zoom=17) has no motorway! (either make the exit share a node with the motorway or specify the motorway ref with a exit:road_ref tag)
2011/11/18 20:53:33 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/europe/63240122.osm.pbf:   Pruning point[7]
2011/11/18 20:53:33 WARNING (StyledConverter): /osm/garmin/aio/flacus/Test/Spliting/europe/63240122.osm.pbf: Splitting looped way (OSM id 121806974) would make a zero length arc, so it will have to be pruned at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.13707&mlon=17.19446&zoom=17