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Re: [openppc] OPENOSX: WINTEL PC Emulator

On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 03:15:21PM +0100, test1@yahoo.com wrote:
> > OpenOSX Wintel **IS** Bochs!!! 
> >Bochs is LGPL, so they should at least give you  source 
> Hi
> This kind of FRAUD / CHEATING may damage open source effort.
> Perhaps BOCHS authors should hire a lawyer to sue the company.
> APPLE user groups should be warned about this company.

Wellll, until someone *buys the cd* and verifies that they will NOT ship 
source on request, I think we should give them the benefit of the doubt, 
as they ARE following the GPL if they do that. Note that on the bochs 
mailing list, someone mentioned they recieved a patch for OS X raw CD mode 
from OpenOSX, so they may actually 'have a clue'.

Their marketing, however, gives the impression of a 'shady' company.

Anyone going MacWorld? Make sure you stop by their booth and *nicely* ask
about source code!

Their web page says "VISIT US AT MACWORLD, BOOTH NUMBER 842
 		     (located across from Xerox and Olympus)"

Troy Benjegerdes | master of mispeeling | 'da hozer' |  hozer@drgw.net
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