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Re: [oc] old/abandoned projects

On Saturday 05 January 2002 03:37 am, you wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> now opencores is getting to a point where everyone can register a
> project, which is great. However side product of this will be many
> project that will be abandoned or never even started etc. Of course it is
> ok to have as many projects as possible (we are democratic community with
> developers of different levels of experience) and that everyone can start

Sorry, Damjan, I don't see the correlation between democracy and
not finished work. I think what you really mean is "greedy" ;*) - we
all would like to see a lot of projects on OpenCores, and OpenCores
grow as you have always dreamed. However, collecting "dead"
projects will give OpenCores a bad image.

> a new project. However I think it is also very important to figure out a
> way how to bring projects that are finished or making excellent progress
> to stand out from crowd of projects.

As we all contribute our *free* time to OC, it is difficult to measure
progress of a project. I do not believe we can or should make a
rule or guidelines for this purpose. I believe the core group should
decide on a project per project basis. We all can see which projects
make slow progress, and where we don't even get a reply from the
authors/originators of a project ...

Dead projects should be moved to an inactive page with an BIG
disclaimer/warning on it.

> Maybe we should consider also checking if a project is abandoned and it
> should be deleted. Or should a project remain on opencores forever,
> except it should be moved to something like a graveyard (maybe with an
> option that could be revived if someone would take it over)?

Yes, I like the graveyard idea !

> I hope I started a thread and we'll see some great suggestions that we
> should implement.
> regards,
> Damjan

Since the web page re-org all projects have a start date of 25 Sept. 2001.
That is unfortunate as I could not take a better statistic of OpenCores.

Anyway, here is the brief summary of all projects on OpenCores:
                     (done/total projects)

Arith          1/4
Comm        6/14
CoProc      1/1
Crypto       1/7
DSP          2/4
ECC          0/3
Mem          3/4
uP             4/12
Other         3/8
Proto          2/6
SoC           2/5
Sys            4/6
Video         2/5

Total        31/79   39% DONE

Out of the total only 12 are NEW. A project is labeled new
for 30 days (right ?). So out of the 79 projects 67 are older
than one months, and only 31 (46%) are done. This is not
very impressive in my opinion ...


PS: Out of the 31 finished projects, 12 (38%) where done by
      Richard and myself !

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