[](https://travis-ci.org/ufobat/perl6-ioc) NAME ==== IoC - Wire your application components together using inversion of control SYNOPSIS ======== use IoC; my $c = container 'myapp' => contains { service 'logfile' => 'logfile.txt'; service 'logger' => { 'class' => 'MyLogger', 'lifecycle' => 'Singleton', 'dependencies' => {'logfile' => 'logfile'}, }; service 'storage' => { 'lifecycle' => 'Singleton', 'block' => sub { ... return MyStorage.new(); }, }; service 'app' => { 'class' => 'MyApp', 'lifecycle' => 'Signleton', 'dependencies' => { 'logger' => 'logger', 'storage' => 'storage', }, }; }; my $app = $c.resolve(service => 'app'); $app.run(); DESCRIPTION =========== IoC is a port of stevan++'s Perl 5 module Bread::Board. INVERSION OF CONTROL ==================== Inversion of control is a way of keeping all your component creation logic in one place. Instead of creating an object and explicitly pass it around everywhere, one could just make a *container* of all these components and allow the components to cleanly interact with each other as *services*. EXPORTED FUNCTIONS ================== * **container** Creates a new [IoC::Container](IoC::Container) object. In the block you create your services. * **service** Adds services to your container, bringing your components together. See `IoC::Service` for more information on this. BUGS ==== All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or post an issue to http://github.com/jasonmay/perl6-ioc/ REFERENCE ========= * [IoC::Container](IoC::Container) - Container of all your application components * [IoC::Service](IoC::Service) - Service representing a component in your application ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ================ * Thanks to Stevan Little who is the original author of Perl 5's Bread::Board AUTHOR ====== Jason May, <jason.a.may@gmail.com> LICENSE ======= This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.