# NAME Cot::Plugin::Session - Cot framework Simple session plugin. # SYNOPSIS use Cot; use Cot::Plugin qw/Session/; get '/sign/in' => sub { my $self = shift; my $sess = $self->session->load; my $id = $sess->get('id'); $sess->set('id', 'yshibata') unless $id; $sess->bakecookie(path => '/', expires => time + 24 * 60 * 60,); #code }; # DESCRIPTION Cot::Plugin::Session is Cot framework Simple session plugin. using $cot->__session__ namespace. Session file stored to $ENV{TMPDIR} or /tmp as a YAML file. # FUNCTIONS ## get Retrieve value with key from session object. use Cot; use Cot::Plugin qw/Session/; get '/sign/in' => sub { my $self = shift; my $sess = $self->session->load; my $id = $sess->get('id'); #code }; ## set Store value with key to session object. my $sess = $self->session->load; $sess->set('id', 'yshibata'); ## delete Delete session object. my $sess = $self->session->load; $sess->delete; ## bakecookie Bake session id COOKIE to HTTP header. my $sess = $self->session->load; $sess->bakecookie(path => '/', expires => time + 24 * 60 * 60, domain => '.example.com',); # LICENSE Copyright (C) Yusuke Shibata This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Yusuke Shibata