Check the [functional-perl website]( for properly formatted versions of these documents. --- # Functional programming on Perl (5) This project aims to provide modules as well as tutorials and introductionary materials and other knowledge to work in a functional style on Perl. Currently the focus is on getting it to work well for programs on Perl 5. We'd appreciate discussing and collaborating with people working on Perl 6 now already, though, so as to adapt where useful. ## Teaser This is an example of the kind of code we want to make possible: use PXML::Tags qw(myexample protocol-version records record a b c d); print RECORD(A("hi"),B("there"))->string; # prints: hithere # Now create a bigger document, with its inner parts built from # external inputs: MYEXAMPLE (PROTOCOL_VERSION ("0.123"), RECORDS (csv_file_to_rows($inpath, {eol=> "\n", sep_char=> ";"}) # skip the header row ->rest # map rows to XML elements ->map(sub { my ($a,$b,$c,$d)= @{$_[0]}; RECORD A($a), B($b), C($c), D($d) }))) # print data structure to disk, forcing its evaluation as needed ->xmlfile($outpath); # Note that the above document is built lazily: `csv_file_to_rows` # returns a *lazy* list of rows, which means the rows will only be # read from disk once `xmlfile` runs and requests each # XML-formatted row in turn while it prints the document as a # string to the out file. See [examples/csv_to_xml_short](examples/csv_to_xml_short) for the complete script, and the [examples](examples/ page for more. The above example shows the use of functions as "template system", and lazy sequences. They are also internally implemented using the functional paradigm. Note that the example assumes that steps have been taken so that the CSV file doesn't change until the serialization step has completed, otherwise functional purity is broken; functional-perl, like in most functional languages (Scheme, Clojure, lazy streams on Perl 6, ..) that don't take type guarantees to the extreme (e.g. Haskell), the responsibility to ensure this assumption is left to the programmer (see [[howto#Pure_functions_versus_I/O_and_other_side-effects]] for more details about this). If you'd like to see a practical step-by-step introduction, read the [[intro]]. ## Status: experimental There are several reasons that this project should be considered experimental at this time: * some problems in the perl interpreter (leading to memory retention issues) when using this style have only been fixed recently, and some more exotic ones are still waiting to be examined. * the author of the current code in this project has taken many liberties to reimplement functionality that exists elsewhere on CPAN already, partly out of interest in figuring out the best way to do things on base principles, partly because of a lack of knowledge of the latest trents in the Perl world (he programmed primarily in Scheme for the last 8 years). For example to provide for objects with purely functional updates, he chose to write the class generator `FP::Struct` and based its type checking approach on predicate functions instead of trying to extend Moose or one of its alternatives: it was easy to do, nicely small and clean, and allowed to play with the approach. But there's no need that this stays, work or suggestions on how to move to an approach using Moose or something else are very welcome. Similarly, the `Chj::IO::` infrastructure should most probably be removed and the missing bits added to existing commonly used modules. * the namespaces are not fixed yet (in particular, everything in `Chj::` should probably be renamed); also, the interfaces should be treated as alpha: this is freshly released and very much open to input. For these reasons, the modules have not been packaged and released on CPAN yet. * some of the complications when writing functional code (as described in the [[howto]]) might be solvable through modules or core interpreter changes. That would make some code easier to write and look at. (See [[ideas]].) This may then also change where explicit indication about memory retention are still expected (possibly even in backwards incompatible ways.) * various parts (filesystem accesses etc.) probably won't work on Microsoft Windows yet The plan is to accept compatibility-breaking changes until February 2016, then make a stable release in April 2016. If you'd like to get a maintained and versioned release earlier, please say so. [I](//'m using it already in personal projects; where breakage due to changes is unacceptable, I currently add functional-perl as a Git submodule to the project using it and `use lib` it from the actual project. ## Parts * `FP::Struct`: a class generator that creates functional setters and accepts predicate functions for type checking (for the reasoning see the [[howto#Object_oriented_functional_programming]]) * [lib/FP/](lib/FP/): a library of pure functions and functional data structures, including various sequences (pure arrays, linked lists and lazy streams). * the "PXML" [functional XML](functional_XML/ "templating system" for XML based markup languages by way of Perl functions. * some developer utilities: `Chj::repl`, `Chj::ruse`, `Chj::Backtrace`, `Chj::Trapl`. * [lib/Chj/IO/](lib/Chj/IO/), and its users/wrappers `Chj::xopen`, `Chj::xopendir`, `Chj::xoutpipe`, `Chj::xpipe`, `Chj::xtmpfile`: operations on filehandles that throw exceptions on errors by default, plus many utilities. I wrote these around 15 years ago, as a means to offer IO with exceptions and more features, but in the mean time alternatives have been grown that are probably just as good or better. Do you know which replacements this project should be using? * a few more modules that are used by the above (some originally part of [chj-perllib]( * [Htmlgen](htmlgen/, the tool used to generate this website, built using the above. ## Documentation It probably makes sense to look through the docs roughly in the given order, but if you can't follow the presentation, skip to the intro, likewise if you're bored skip ahead to the examples and the howto/design documents. * [__Introduction to using the functional-perl modules__](// This is the latest documentation addition (thus has the best chance of being up to date), and is aiming to give a pretty comprehensive overview which doesn't require you to read the other docs first. Some of the info here is duplicated (in more detail) in the other documents. If this is too long, take a look at the presentation below or the example scripts. * [__Presentation__]( These are the slides of an introductory presentation, but there's no recording and the slides may not be saying enough for understanding. (Todo: add text of speach somehow?) * [__Intro directory__](intro/) The `intro` directory contains scripts introducing the concepts, including the basics of functional programming (work in progress). The scripts are meant to be viewed in this order: 1. [basics](intro/basics) 1. [tailcalls](intro/tailcalls) 1. [more_tailcalls](intro/more_tailcalls) This doesn't go very far yet (todo: add more). * [__Examples__](examples/ The `examples` directory contains scripts showing off the possibilities. You will probably not understand everything just from looking at these, but they will give an impression. * __Our howto and design documents__ * *[How to write functional programs on Perl 5](docs/* is describing the necessary techniques to use the functional style on Perl. (Todo: this may be too difficult for someone who doesn't know anything about functional programming; what to do about it?) * *[The design principles used in the functional-perl library](docs/* is descibing the organization and ideas behind the code that the functional-perl project offers. * __Book__ If you need a more gentle introduction into the ideas behind functional programming, you may find it in *[Higher-Order Perl](* by Mark Jason Dominus. This book was written long before the functional-perl project was started, and does various details differently, and IIRC doesn't care about memory retention problems (to be fair, at the time the book was written the perl interpreter wouldn't have allowed to avoid them anyway). Also, IIRC it bundles lazy evaluation into the list elements (pairs); separating these concerns should be preferable as they are then more universally usable and combinable. (Todo: reread book, contact author.) Please ask [me]( or on the [[mailing_list]] if you'd like to meet up in London or Switzerland to get an introduction in person. ## Dependencies * to use `bin/repl` or the repl in the intro and examples scripts interactively, `Term::ReadLine::Gnu` and `PadWalker` (and optionally `Eval::WithLexicals` if you want to use the :m/:M modes.) * to run the test suite: `Test::Requires` * to run all the tests (otherwise some are skipped): in addition to the above, `BSD::Resource`, `Method::Signatures`, `Function::Parameters`, `Sub::Call::Tail`, `Text::CSV`, `DBD::CSV`, `URI`, `Text::Markdown`, `Clone`. Some of these are also necessary to run `htmlgen/gen` (or `website/gen` to build the website), see [Htmlgen](htmlgen/ for details. (Todo: should all of the above be listed in PREREQ_PM in Makefile.PL?) ## Installation git clone cd functional-perl # to get the latest release, which is $FP_COMMITS_DIFFERENCE behind master: git checkout -b $FP_VERSION_UNDERSCORES $FP_VERSION # to verify the same against MitM attacks: gpg --recv-key 04EDB072 git tag -v $FP_VERSION # You'll find various pages in search engines with my fingerprint, # or you may find a trust chain through one of the signatures on my # older key 1FE692DA, that this one is signed with. The bundled scripts modify the library load path to find the files locally, thus no installation is necessary. All modules are in the `lib/` directory, `export PERL5LIB=path/to/functional-perl/lib` is all that's needed. The normal `perl Makefile.PL; make test && make install` process should work as well. The repository is probably going to be split into or will produce several separate CPAN packages in the future, thus don't rely on the installation process working the way it is right now.