NAME Capulcu::Bot - Highly modular IRC bot SYNOPSIS use Capulcu::Bot qw/capulcu/; capulcu; DESCRIPTION Capulcu::Bot or simply capulcu is a highly modular IRC bot. It's a simple and powerful bot. It's using Bot::BasicBot. Copy config.example to ~/.capulcu/config and start using bot. Writing plugins is easy. Let's say you want to reply someone when he says !hello. Make a perl module named Capulcu::Plugin::Hello. package Capulcu::Plugin::Hello; use Capulcu::Bot qw/match_func/; sub say_hello { return 'Hello'; } match_func ('^!hello', \&say_hello); That's it! Make sure to add this plugin to your config file. Capulcu will say hello when someone write !hello. Let's say you want to say hello when someone join channel. It's simple just add join_func to your script and use it like this: package Capulcu::Plugin::Hello; use Capulcu::Bot qw/join_func/; sub say_hello { return 'Hello'; } join_func (\&say_hello); See it's simple. Capulcu is providing a complete abstraction. Exportable functions: add_help Add help to a commands. It's usually using after match_func. Example: add_help ('!hello', 'Say hello'); People can get help items with .help command. This is only builtin command in this bot. '.help' will list available help topics and when user use '.help !hello' he will get it's description: 'Say hello'. join_func Codeblock will run when someone joined the channel. It takes only one parameter, ref to codeblock. match_func Codeblock will run when match. It takes two parameter, first one is regex and second one ref to codeblock. Example: match_func ('^!hello', \&say_hello); When someone say !hello it will run codeblock pointed to say_hello. connect_func Codeblock will run when bot successfully connected to server. get_config Get some configuration value. Example: get_config ('nick'); say_something Say something to someone. It requires a hash with who, channel and body keys. Example: say_something (who => 'NickServ', channel => 'msg', body => 'identify mypassword'); This will identify bot (Note: capulcu already have a built in identify function). COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013, Onur Aslan This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AVAILABILITY The latest version of this library is likely to be available from CPAN as well as: Checkout deve branch for some cool plugins.