NAME ==== KHPH.pm6 VERSION ======= 0.0.8 TITLE ===== Keep Honest People Honest SUBTITLE ======== Unsecure Reversible Obfuscated Character Storage & Retrieval Disclaimer ========== This module scrambles and stashes a string to help keep it private, but, by definition, that means that the scrambled string can be unscrambled by someone other than the owner. One might ask, "Why even bother providing a scrambling function when it can definitely be reversed?" It's helpful to have such a function because there are still cases of intolerable data exposure in the real world. Passwords and other private items are still often left surprisingly vulnerable. What if you you need to run a program that absolutely requires you to include a *password* in its command line invocation? myuid@myserver> /usr/local/bin/srvrconn -acct=U028441 -password=pAsSwOrD57! START INSTANCE ABC If you run it interactively, your shell history will record the entire command line for posterity, including the exposed password. Then your system backup will make a copy of that, and who knows where that goes and for how long? What if your program must be executed via a job scheduler? 00 01 * * 7 /opt/SomeApp/bin/someappmgr --id=xyx259 --pa=PaSsWoRd22@! run_weekly_reports The password would be exposed in multiple places: crontab, logs, email, backups, etc. You might consider a solution where you put the secret characters in a directory/file and judiciously apply DAC controls to restrict access (chown/chgrp/chmod). When it's time to use the password, you could read the secret string from the file. But *root* would be able to look at your secret with a quick `cat` command, and then your secret wouldn't be a secret anymore. This module offers you a way to reduce the likelihood of exposing your unprotected secret to curious people who are just poking around. It also aims to reduce the number of surfaces where your private data is exposed openly. It does not purport to fully protect your secret information from prying eyes, but rather to make it opaque to glances. You must acknowledge that someone devious would be able to unscramble the scrambled strings produced by this module. Use this module as a last resort, which is better than nothing, until you find more effective protection for your private data. Think of it like the difference in playing hide-and-go-seek with a 2-year-old versus a 10-year-old: the 10-year-old will stay out of sight and make you work for it. > ALWAYS ENCRYPT CUSTOMER DATA. Customer data warrants Fort Knox, not a privacy fence. Description =========== This module will scramble a string, stash it wherever you specify, then expose it to you whole again when you ask for it, interactively or in batch (I.e. CRON). *root* can’t expose it directly, unless *root* originally stored it. `su`’ing into the owner’s account from a different account won’t expose it directly either. It’s not in the direct line of sight by anyone other than the owner. Synopsis ======== ```perl6 use KHPH; my $userid = 'testid'; my KHPH $secret-string .= new( :herald('myapp credentials'), :prompt($userid ~ ' password'), :stash-path('/tmp/myapp/' ~ $userid ~ '/mysecret'), :user-exclusive-at('/tmp/myapp/' ~ $userid); ); say $secret-string.expose; ``` Methods ======= .new() ------ Generate a KHPH object #### :herald? * Optional announcement used only when interactively stashing the secret. #### :prompt? * Optional prompt string used only when interactively stashing the secret. #### :secret? * Optionally send the constructor the secret string. No prompting will occur. #### :stash-path! * Specify the path (directories/file) to create or find the stash file. Always include a subdirectory in the path, as KHPH will `chmod` the directory containing the stash file. #### :user-exclusive-at? * Optionally specify a segment of the :stash-path to exclude all group & other access (0700). .expose() --------- Return the secret as a clear-text Str. Example I ========= The `myapp-pass.p6` script will manage the password stash of `myapp`. Run it interactively one time to stash your secret, then you (not someone else) can run it anytime to expose the secret. The `myapp-pass.p6` script: ```perl6 #!/usr/local/bin/perl6 use KHPH;'/tmp/.myapp/password.khph')).expose.print; ``` Run ~/myapp-pass.p6 once interactively to stash the secret: me@mysystem> ~/myapp-pass.p6 && echo [1/2] Enter secret> aW3S0m3pA55w0rDI'LlN3VeRr3m3mB3R [2/2] Enter secret> aW3S0m3pA55w0rDI'LlN3VeRr3m3mB3R aW3S0m3pA55w0rDI'LlN3VeRr3m3mB3R me@mysystem> > _Notice how the script dumps the secret when you personally run it? Have someone else log into the same system, have them run the same script, and see what they get. Have them `su` to your account and try again. Have them log in as *root* and give it a go. Have them `su` from root into your account and try. Have them `sudo su -` into your account and try again._ Then in your application client: me@mysystem> /usr/bin/dsmadmc -id=MYSELF -password=`~/myapp-pass.p6` QUERY SESSION FORMAT=DETAILED The password will be inserted into the command line and authentication will succeed. > __Note__: _The above example demonstrates a particular application client (familiar to some backup admins) that is smarter than most, in that it re-writes the process' args after the program launches. `ps` will only display the string `-password=*******` instead of the actual password string. Not all application vendors pay attention to such details, so beware -- `ps` could be displaying the secret despite your efforts to protect it._ Example II ========== The following contrived `acme-connect` script, which connects to a fictitious ACME application, is implemented so that all passwords are stored in a common directory: /var/raduko/.credentials Ensure that all users can descend to that directory. It would be ideal to set 1777 to the last directory in that path. Different users run the script to connect to instances of the ACME application on multiple hosts. | OS Login | Application Host | Application UserId | Application Password | | -------- | ----------------- | ------------------ | --------------------- | | user_a | | ACMEUSERX | pAsSwOrDx | | user_b | | ACMEUSERY | pAsSwOrDy | | user_c | | ACMEUSERZ | pAsSwOrDz | The `acme-connect` script: ```perl6 #!/opt/rakudo/bin/perl6 use KHPH; sub MAIN ( :$acme-host is required, #= ACME Host :$acme-id is required, #= ACME UserId :$start-monthly-batch, #= Launch monthly batch processing ) { my KHPH $passwd .= new( :herald('ACME credentials'), :prompt($acme-id ~ '@' ~ $acme-host ~ ' password'), :stash-path('/var/raduko/.credentials/' ~ $*USER ~ '/ACME/' ~ $acme-host ~ '/' ~ $acme-id), :user-exclusive-at('/var/raduko/.credentials/' ~ $*USER), ); # Assemble the acme-manager command parts my @cmd = '/usr/bin/acme-manager', '-serv=' ~ $acme-host, '-acct=' ~ $acme-id, '-pass=' ~ $passwd.expose; if $start-monthly-batch { @cmd.push: '-m_end'; } else { @cmd.push: '-stat'; } # Run ACME run @cmd; # hope /usr/bin/acme-manager masks the -pass=... } ``` The first time the `acme-connect` script is run interactively by **user_a** from the **linux5** server: ``` user_a@linux5> acme-connect --acme-id=ACMEUSERX ACME credentials [1/2] password> pAsSwOrDx [2/2] password> pAsSwOrDx ACME Status Report: A-OK user_a@linux5> ```` KHPH will produce the following hierarchy: * 1777 /var/raduko/.credentials/ user_a 0700 /var/raduko/.credentials/user_a/ user_a 0700 /var/raduko/.credentials/user_a/ACME/ user_a 0700 /var/raduko/.credentials/user_a/ACME/ user_a 0600 /var/raduko/.credentials/user_a/ACME/ The `acme-connect` script will not prompt **user_a** for the application password again when connecting to as APPUSERX from **linux5**. **user_a** can run the `acme-connect` script as above, along with additional switches, in a job scheduler for subsequent unattended execution on the **linux5** server. When the `acme-connect` script is run interactively by **user_c** from the **linux5** server: user_c@linux5> acme-connect --acme-id=ACMEUSERZ ACME credentials [1/2] password> pAsSwOrDz [2/2] password> pAsSwOrDz ACME Status Report: A-OK user_a@linux5> The following hierarchy will result: * 1777 /var/raduko/.credentials/ user_a 0700 /var/raduko/.credentials/user_a/ user_a 0700 /var/raduko/.credentials/user_a/ACME/ user_a 0700 /var/raduko/.credentials/user_a/ACME/ user_a 0600 /var/raduko/.credentials/user_a/ACME/ user_c 0700 /var/raduko/.credentials/user_c/ user_c 0700 /var/raduko/.credentials/user_c/ACME/ user_c 0700 /var/raduko/.credentials/user_c/ACME/ user_c 0600 /var/raduko/.credentials/user_c/ACME/ The `acme-connect` script will not prompt **user_c** for the application password again when connecting to as APPUSERZ from **linux5**. **user_c** can run the `acme-connect` script as above, along with additional switches, in a job scheduler for subsequent unattended execution on the **linux5** server. Example III =========== When crafting REST API clients, servers will often issue session tokens for subsequent connections. These authenticating session tokens remain valid for long intervals of time (days, weeks) and should be protected like passwords. When stashing a token locally for reuse, minimally use KHPH instead of clear-text so that it isn't easily viewed by passers-by. Usage Recommendation ==================== Since the intent of using this module is to obfuscate, it is recommended to specify a :stash-path that doesn't indicate what's being stored. This looks innocuous: :stash-path($*HOME ~ '/.metrics/' ~ $account ~ '/' ~ $server ~ '/stats') This wouldn't generate much interest: :stash-path('/var/dynaplex/.perf/' ~ $account ~ '/dynaplex.' ~ $server) :user-exclusive-at('/var/dynaplex/.perf/' ~ $account) These misleading paths result in added camouflage, and very little bit helps. Limitations =========== Only developed on Linux. Author === Mark Devine