Copyright (c) 1997 Joshua Nathaniel Pritikin. All rights reserved. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Name DSLI Description Info ----------- ---- -------------------------------------------- ----- ObjStore am+O ObjectStore DBMS Interface JPRIT Easy, flexible, lightning-fast persistent via ObjectStore. Stores scalars, hashes, and references without flattening. Perl databases can be accessed from C++ and/or Java. Inversely, persistent C++ objects can be added back into Perl! << This is the relational database killer app! >> Perl-ObjectStore mailing list: "subscribe perl-objectstore" see ./INSTALL for installation instructions see ./TODO for list of things to do see ./CHANGES for a historical perspective ### RECENT CHANGES ### ** Released 1.05 - ObjectStore exceptions trigger a dump of the perl call stack. - Peek on sacks. - Bug fixes. - $store->set_fetch_policy(os_fetch_policy, os_int32) ** Released 1.03 - Investigated schema evolution. Will provide a database evolver going forward. - Can't wait for reasonable tied arrays! Added array-based Sacks. They're not tied, but at least they're inefficient. - Found and fixed problems with reference counting. Now the tests can be run and the database does not grow. - Blessings are now persistent! (Untested) - Re-designed the make system again. - Started writing documentation. (Yawn.)