Tie::Queue - Introduction Tie::Queue - Tie an ARRAY over a TokyTyrant DB ( see http://tokyocabinet.sourceforge.net ) SYNOPSIS use Tie::Queue; use Data::Dumper; ## Queue creation # This queue is not re-initialised at each execution of the script # the default namespace is 'Tie-Queue' # and each item are non serialized tie my @a, 'Tie::Queue', '', 1978, 0; # This queue is NOT re-initialised at each execution of the script # and each item are non serialized # the namespace is 'second_queue' tie my @b, 'Tie::Queue', '', 1978, 1 , 0 , 'second_queue'; ## put some data in the queue for ( 101 .. 110 ) { push @a, $_; } for ( 1001 .. 1005 ) { push @ab, $_; } push @b, 'some text'; push ## show the content of the queue print Dumper( \@a ); ## print the size of the queue print "size of array=". scalar @a. "\n"; ## remove the latest pushed element from the queue ( the newest) $res1 = pop @a; print "latest element $res1\n"; print "size of array=". scalar @a. "\n"; print Dumper( \@a ); $res2 = $a[3]; print "element 3 = $res2\n"; ## remove the first element from the queue ( the oldest ) $res3 = shift @a; print "first element $res3\n"; print "size of array=". scalar @a. "\n"; print Dumper( \@a ); if ( exists $a[4] ) { print "elem 4 exists\n"; } else { print "elem 4 NOT exists\n"; } if ( exists $a[40] ) { print "elem 40 exists\n"; } else { print "elem 40 is NOT existing\n"; } (tied @a)->CLEAR; print "size of array=". scalar @a. "\n"; ######################## # this queue is re-initialised at each execution of the script # and each item are serialized # and the name space is 'third_queue_serialized' tie my @c, 'Tie::Queue', '', 1978, 1 , 1 , 'third_queue_serialized'; my %test = ( a => 'key_a', b => 'key_B' , c => 3 ); print Dumper(\%test); push @d , \%test; my $r = pop @d; print Dumper($r) ####################### DESCRIPTION Tie an ARRAY over a TokyTyrant DB and allow to push, pop shift data; This module require TokyoTyrant (database and perl module.) If the serialisation is required, the module Data::Serilizer is also required The normal ARRAY function present are push pop shift exists scalar storesize ( to allow undef @a) Specific function CLEAR SYNC The following function are not implemented. EXTEND STORE DELETE SPLICE Basic functions * only the queue relevant functions are present * tie Tie an array over a DB my $t = tie( my @myarray, "Tie::Queue", '', 1978, 1 , 1 , 'first_name' , 1 , 0 ); Six optional parameter are allowed 1) the IP where the TokyoTyrant is running ( default ) 2) the port on which the TokyoTyrant is listenning ( default 1978 ) 3) a flag to delete at start the DB ( default 0 ) 4) a flag to serialize/deserialize on the fly the data stored in the DB 5) a namespace to allow more than one queue on the same DB ( default Tie-Queue ) 6) a flag to activate or deactivate auto_sync ( default 1 ) 7) a flag to prevent undef value to be pushed ( default 0 ) PUSH Add an element at the end of the array push @myarray , 45646; POP Extract the latest element from the array ( the newest ) my $data = pop @myarray; SHIFT Extract the first element from the array ( the oldest ) my $data = shift @myarray; EXISTS Test if an element in the array exist print "element exists\n" if (exists $myarray[5]); FETCH Retrieve a specific element from the array my $data = $myarray[6]; FETCHSIZE Get the size of the array my $data = scalar(@myarray); SYNC FOorce a sync of the DB ( not usefull is auto_sync is on) $t->SYNC; CLEAR Delete all element in the array $t->CLEAR; DESTROY Normal destructor call when untied the array Normaly never called by user Functions not Implemented * Most of then are not related to a QUEUE * UNSHIFT Not implemented EXTEND Not implemented STORE Not implemented STORESIZE to resize the array ( this allow a re-initialisation of the array by undef @a ) DELETE Not implemented AUTHOR Fabrice Dulaunoy SEE ALSO - TokyoTyrant from Mikio Hirabayashi TODO - make test LICENSE Under the GNU GPL2 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Tie::Queue Copyright (C) 2009 DULAUNOY Fabrice Tie::Queue comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details See: L This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions;